ibiza gossip 2021

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May need to move threads, but The Times reporting that Pacha/LIO taking over the old Cafe De Paris venue in London, and turning it back to what it was in the 1920s - a Cabaret Club. I mean Cabaret isn’t my thing but if they restore that venue then excellent news

Did I just hear the sound of an Andy-shaped, UK-based Pacha role just become available?

HaHa. I genuinely don’t get the whole Cabaret thing, never have. But it’s great news for that venue and area. It’ll be huge I think. That location is as centre to the tourist / night life action as you can get.
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Im really hoping we get that later end of season we dreamed of last year. Even if its smaller events and colder temperatures on a night id still love it.

Was there late 2 or 3 years ago ( october ?) Catched DC10 and amnesia closing and after this a party at Heart which was late announced.
After this I remember the last open day at Nassau. Everything was closed at PdB , except Dunes.
Was a little bit colder at the nights. Weared a long arm T Shirt and everything was ok. At the day it was hot . Good for swimming and sitting in the bar in the town. Its a nice time for hollidays in Ibiza.
🌴 El sábado 27: Las puertas de Las Dalias se vuelven a abrir para acoger de nuevo nuestro mítico #MercadilloHippy from 10h, además de la música y la energía de #CalleBoogaloo (afro latin mambo) que llenarán el jardín de buen rollo.

🌴 El domingo 28: Vuelve el #MercadilloHippy from 11h, esta vez con @pareidolia_music que vienen dispuestos a hacernos gozar mientras disfrutamos del sol y la comida en el jardín.

No olvidéis reservar mesa si os quedáis a compartir

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Is this true?

Yep but I wouldn't worry too much...

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