Kim Wrong Un
Active Member
Maybe..but as per last year, they have major artists in one room and then the newbies in the 2nd. Can't really see them getting headliners in both but who knows anymore.
I just haven't seen Carl Craig listed at any afterlife events in Ibiza or otherwise, but I wouldn't mind him at all. He may have played similarly to them in the past but I don't find he does now, but would still welcome him no doubt.
you're probably right. I don't know anymore. Am out of touch. If he played a whole set of the stuff he was releasing '90-05 (eg 69, Psyche, Paperclip People) on the right system with the right crowd with the right narcs with the right sunrise I would probably start crying or ejaculating or something. Some of the most emotional music I ever heard bar none. But I guess that's not what his newer fans want anymore. As I've written before I don't begrudge him wanting to make some dough these days because he's earned his stripes.