Ibiza 2016....too soon to start discussing??!!


Active Member
Wellllll....the Ibiza 2015 season is sadly over for the majority of us spotlighters :(, I don't mind admitting that I found the post-holiday particularly tough this year and don't think I've fully got over it yet!

Following a conversation with my party partner in crime regarding the prices for booking up for next year (we'd booked this years trip way before October last year!) we decided to bite the bullet and get booked up anyway yaaaay :D:D......can't see the prices coming down by much in fact probably likely to go up more!

Now I'm excited to start talking (ie gossiping) about what nights will be on next year, what's going to be the new / what will remain etc etc....so indulge me and let's get 'talking' !!!
This was my first year in Ibiza - and it met/exceeded my expectations. I might be a late starter for Ibiza, but it's got me hooked - despite the lengthy recovery process and somewhat depressing return home.

Will be returning for sure next year, especially since it's Carl Cox's last year resident at Space.

I'd like to go twice, maybe June and then closings. Long way from Canada, but those air reward points make it easier on the wallet :)
Will be returning for sure next year, especially since it's Carl Cox's last year resident at Space.

I'd like to go twice, maybe June and then closings.

I think next year will see a lot of people making the trip over for the final year of space (in its current location), I hope to plan in a couple of nights there myself!

I'd also like to go twice, we booked up for the start of August but would like to cram in another end of September/start of October trip for closings - even if it's just for a long weekend!!
Closing weekend - almost certainly once dates are confirmed!
Opening weekend - very likely!
With one other possible trip in the middle if an old mate follows through on his Ibiza talk. He's not been back since '94 so it would be fun to tag along as he relives his yoof!
3 trips - at 'my age' I should know better! ;-)
Closing weekend - almost certainly once dates are confirmed!
Opening weekend - very likely!
With one other possible trip in the middle if an old mate follows through on his Ibiza talk. He's not been back since '94 so it would be fun to tag along as he relives his yoof!
3 trips - at 'my age' I should know better! ;-)

Sounds like a busy year! I think there are more of us on here of the same 'age that should know better'!! I did a week this year and thought it would kill me and it'd be a one off, thankfully not and can't wait for next year....who said the partying is just for the young uns?!! Lol
Haven't really been arsed about Space in recent years but rallying the troops for a visit next September. Was gonna come over for another quiet visit early May but new arrival due in California around Easter so will probably be popping over there to say hello. Looks like a busy 2016 :cool:
If that number is too high then the number of years you've been there - any better? ;-)

Not sure about that - think I'd rather be an old crusty than re-live my 20s ... one run at that was definitely more than enough !
I'm with you on that - emotionally and mentally I'm happy where I'm at but I wouldn't mind having the same energy and recovery levels I had when I was in my 20's though! 