I went this summer (end of July) for the first time in many years - thoughts >
the highs
- sunrise on playa d'en bossa after Space - beautiful
- sunset outside savannah - same
- formentera
- the melons
- hierbas
- zoo project - the setting, the people, AMAZING venue
- back room at Eden - having been prepared for the worst, the groove armada room was a pleasant surprise - Cato even played some decent tunes
- generally, being with fantastic mates from Scotland and Australia, spangled in open air, the laughs, the thrills, the farce
the lows
- the music - generally terrible everywhere - soulless minimal or dull, grooveless, anonymous house, places even playing tribal again....
- the tourists in San An - utter lowlife in the West End - I had hoped that nonsense was on the way out...
- Eden main room - airhorns FFS - I loved Pete Tong as a student in the early 90s - studying miles from London, his Friday show kept us sane for years - but he really is submerged in midlife crisis... and utterly irrelevant to dance culture nowadays...
- the cost of everything - friends being charged €55 to get into a hole like Space
- Space - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... was at the "we love" night when woolford, chung, marky, plump djs played - only alfredo's room offered any REAL house music but the volume was criminally low... WHY????? I found the place too big, soulless, and had its fair share of twats... DC10 gets shut but Space remains open. Go Figure... I'd like to invite a member of the Ayuntamiento to explain that one... I'll bet it's a "No member of the Ayuntamiento was available for comment"
- the guardia civil, searching Italian hippies on Formentera... leave the poor harmless bastards alone...
- the general feeling that Ibiza is "over" the good times are finished and clubbing is now restricted to the wealthy, the clueless teds or, right at the bottom, DJ Sammy enthusiasts
- bora bora - I felt like I'd missed out on the good times there... popped in for an hour pre-Space, what IS the fuss about that place? it just reminded me of the sparse dance space above maremagnum in Barcelona
- the sheer commercialism of EVERYTHING - everyone is connected to "the trade" - it's just rampant capitalism... at least in Shoreditch, people don't shove flyers in your face every 0.005 seconds....
of course, I missed a lot and I've heard great things about Cocoon and Underground which I didn't have time to experience - but general consensus, speaking to everyone is that it is in decline, they're screwing the island up and turning it into St Tropez V2.0
the whole point about Ibiza is that isn't any old clubbing resort, it was always unique, liberal, mad, anarchic, and now they're killing it... + I could do a lot of what I did in Croatia for a tenth of the price and maybe that is one to consider for next year?
yes, it's a whinge and not all my mates would agree - I'm also a spoilt Londoner with narrow tastes in deep house/detroit/balearic beats who's bloody difficult to please
I guess those on the underground will tell me "aah, but you should've gone to X" and they're right and I should've done my homework and maybe it would be a different story but on the back of what I saw, the overall feeling is great party but wish I turned up a helluva lot earlier...
(all comments welcome)
the highs
- sunrise on playa d'en bossa after Space - beautiful
- sunset outside savannah - same
- formentera
- the melons
- hierbas
- zoo project - the setting, the people, AMAZING venue
- back room at Eden - having been prepared for the worst, the groove armada room was a pleasant surprise - Cato even played some decent tunes
- generally, being with fantastic mates from Scotland and Australia, spangled in open air, the laughs, the thrills, the farce
the lows
- the music - generally terrible everywhere - soulless minimal or dull, grooveless, anonymous house, places even playing tribal again....

- the tourists in San An - utter lowlife in the West End - I had hoped that nonsense was on the way out...
- Eden main room - airhorns FFS - I loved Pete Tong as a student in the early 90s - studying miles from London, his Friday show kept us sane for years - but he really is submerged in midlife crisis... and utterly irrelevant to dance culture nowadays...
- the cost of everything - friends being charged €55 to get into a hole like Space
- Space - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... was at the "we love" night when woolford, chung, marky, plump djs played - only alfredo's room offered any REAL house music but the volume was criminally low... WHY????? I found the place too big, soulless, and had its fair share of twats... DC10 gets shut but Space remains open. Go Figure... I'd like to invite a member of the Ayuntamiento to explain that one... I'll bet it's a "No member of the Ayuntamiento was available for comment"

- the guardia civil, searching Italian hippies on Formentera... leave the poor harmless bastards alone...
- the general feeling that Ibiza is "over" the good times are finished and clubbing is now restricted to the wealthy, the clueless teds or, right at the bottom, DJ Sammy enthusiasts
- bora bora - I felt like I'd missed out on the good times there... popped in for an hour pre-Space, what IS the fuss about that place? it just reminded me of the sparse dance space above maremagnum in Barcelona
- the sheer commercialism of EVERYTHING - everyone is connected to "the trade" - it's just rampant capitalism... at least in Shoreditch, people don't shove flyers in your face every 0.005 seconds....
of course, I missed a lot and I've heard great things about Cocoon and Underground which I didn't have time to experience - but general consensus, speaking to everyone is that it is in decline, they're screwing the island up and turning it into St Tropez V2.0
the whole point about Ibiza is that isn't any old clubbing resort, it was always unique, liberal, mad, anarchic, and now they're killing it... + I could do a lot of what I did in Croatia for a tenth of the price and maybe that is one to consider for next year?
yes, it's a whinge and not all my mates would agree - I'm also a spoilt Londoner with narrow tastes in deep house/detroit/balearic beats who's bloody difficult to please
I guess those on the underground will tell me "aah, but you should've gone to X" and they're right and I should've done my homework and maybe it would be a different story but on the back of what I saw, the overall feeling is great party but wish I turned up a helluva lot earlier...
(all comments welcome)
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