
in the afternoon u got the boat parties Beautiful people, Pacha sailway, Beside Mosaic Pacha on may 24, there is Lio opening, if pricey such as booking dinner or entry at 70€ not a chance ill go :D For now nothing planned this day:recovery day?:spank: I guess there will be more events on my newfeeds close to may 20 but for now no updates..
I have some friends going to Ibiza from UK on the 27th. When are you arriving?
Still on the fence about it all but i'm thinkin of goin 27th - 30th may (inclusive). Flight times are really qwerky though so nothing confirmed yet. How many going from the uk and is it a stag do?
I have some friends going to Ibiza from UK on the 27th. When are you arriving?
Looks like from may 27 may to may 30 i'll meet a lot of people, new heads from spotlight or people i've already met past ibiza years (& some fb ibz workers contacts ive never met too;one female french dj i know there for IMS(just publish it today about IMS & her presence), will feel embarassed to ask for a pass for IMS if she have some spare ones :D,i used to see her in Paris mixin & she even once invited me to her home but i declined, will be cool to see her by chance :cool: in ibz streets) but for may 26 if u have nothing sorted we can plan a meetup ? for this day i have no big party planned meaning a visit to a beach? paella at Cala vadella? sunset @ a nice spot? i'll suggest? a visit to ibiz town? West end? options are wide :) on a gueslist (was working for ibz 15 otherwise i'll send a message to some djs playin there, for Usual suspect @ Sankeys? only for mates that will be in touch this 26 may thursday :p...
If people there from may 19 to may 26 give a shout/swap details, it's getting close :cool: as it's not obvious to have a look at spotlight forum once in ibiza.
ps:contact swapping done with Ryan2k16:the more the merrier .don't know if ill buy a spanish simcard 15€-20€ 1Go , as ive seen with my french internet provider i can have an option 100Mo for 4€ then 0,2ct the Mo kind 20€ 100Mo:mad:, using the more i can, free wifi from flat, bars, restaurants ....100Mo seems a little short for all my ibz fb publications :spank:
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as warm up party until 2.00 it can be fine (i guess it close 3.00am?)
As it is written 5 km from ibiza town to san jose road, you need a car to go there (unless a a cab if u r loaded :D otherwise i can ask to play part to co sharing car :p if u want to join my ride:cool:) , unlight road, have to slow down when getting close to km4 seen on a rock in the right side of the road, Km5, famous ibz spot is on the left.
ps:when i mean dress up, i was jokin, but don't go there with swim shirts tank top & flip flops, Tshirt or polo & short trousers as bermuda will be fine, you will see a lot of people in trousers shirt...girls in fancy dress ...it's not LIO's Dress code but with casual clothe it will be fine.
Options are wide for people that want to join my Ibz ride , maybe a visit to amante beach in the afternoon?, instead of stayin stuck in a place ... we hop from place to place if bored at some place :cool:
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No I definitely won't be surfacing from the room anywhere in the afternoon with Circoloco the night before. I will be in a hole.
What a waste i can pick u & drop u in a nice beach in order for you to sleep such as Sa trinxa? more around Guarana beach for the quiet calm place (met the most beautiful german girl there , sunbathing to my right, topless & her tonga :oops: fit her very well :spank: , should drop her at her place @ es canar camping than stayin with 2 french females :( i hang with , one an absolute gold digger female :mad:) than sa trinxa bar quiet "noisy" with the even (Deep) House music
I guess the morning after dc10 party i will sleep at figueretas beach from 9.00am to 11.00am then shower, breakfast & on the way to a beach outside ibz town PDB...
ive made a mistake, Limbo ibiza is no more in KM5 ibiza as past year but in this place Hotel Me Ibiza (will look where it's located)
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sorry it was Can stand by me & not can't in previous msg :oops:, ;) i'll bring you with me as among the first who get in touch through FB , in order to meet other people (old spotligh members, new spotligh members & non spotlight people) i m in touch (see you there on FB, i hope ull be connected in ibiza as without FB or whatsapp it's hard to get in touch )
I hope u'll find a location around Playa den bossa or Figueretas/ibiza town...if in San antonio, you will loose some time to get to Ibz tow/Playa dem bossa

Just saw it for may 22 sunday , will see it between Beniras sunset+sunday at blue marlin or this option too for Hilight Tribe...
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The real joke of ibiza opening 16 :D :amnesia now confirmed on may 28 after been changed to may 14 :lol:

ps: u have to be a hardcore fan of amnesia in order to go there? :rolleyes:
i guess that amnesia will follow Privilege soon or sooner in their fall :p
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forgot to write that beside amnesia opening u have undergound's opening a club where i've never been ,so guess i'll go to have a ride ,as i wont go for sure to amnesia's opening :p
it's getting close 8days :cool: Last up, anybody there from may 19 to may 22 ? the few days where i ll be on my own (contacts were done just from may 23 to may 30), i ll guess i have to find some mates once there for my 4 rst days , up to you, don't want to boast of myself but when i am looking at my Ibz summer pics in comparison to other members on my FB from spotlight or all my French contacts, there are far FAR :oops: better :p, looks like they've done nothing in ibiza :lol: even they got the budget, except a local french girl working in ibiza (can't 't challenge the locals :D, a shame that she has been ejected from ants PR, as was my contact for ANTS party gueslits ibz 13 & that way ive put spotlight members on aNts's list, gave her a gift for this a fancy perfume costing 100€ )
just announced a few hours ago,every friday at Amante beach club , famous french Dj Bruno from Ibiza for (Deep) House
I guess on friday may 22 (may 27 Destino or IMS? daytime party:?:) i'll have a visit for 2 hours ,enjoying the sunset (that suckx if ill be on my own :lol:, need 3 hot babes in ze car :spank:)then a rush to mambo cafe in order to see Bob Sinclar at Mambo café around 9.45 10.00pm