I weigh like a Lithuanian. You?

Can't imagine you ever being a little porker to be fair :lol: ... btw when are you in Monte Carlo ?
If all goes well I'll be there Aug 31-Sep 2 but it's all kind of up in the air now (possible work commitments and a personal issue as well)

I was never obese but I was far from skinny for a few years. Pretty pleased with my current weight. My BMI is always going to be higher than normal with my build.
Hmm... lost another 4 kilos or so since last trying this 6 weeks ago, but my BMI has only gone down 1 point, to 24 :confused:

I now weigh like someone from China, Senegal or Morocco :lol:

At least it's now below average for Russia (<62%) and the world (<53%) for men of my age group. And, of course, way below my countrymen back State-side (<84%!)
^^ I prescribe a diet of nothing but caviar and Champagne for a week to bring it down even further. Well ... maybe on second thoughts, you'll spend half of it passed out from the Champagne to the point you never want to see another drop and the rest of it trying to eek out your 5 lb tub of fish eggs whilst longing for a Burger & fries :lol:. Back to the drawing board :confused:

Daren't weigh myself at the moment - lost a load over Summer in wanton excess and the 22 miles a day I've been putting in on the new bike to break it in and ease back into cycling are bound to have cost me more than I've been able to find time and resources to replace at the dinner table :eek: Smoking's down 80% on the last 5 years though, which has got to help if I keep it up and ease off them for good. I'm now blo0dy starving all the time :!:
BMI 21, most like someone from Afganistan. Next stop, if I lose a little more weight, will be North Korea. I think this is as light as I can go, though.
19. Eritrea. Bosh :oops:

National Below average
You have a lower BMI than 99% of males aged 30-44 in your country

Below average
You have a lower BMI than 88% of males aged 30-44 in the world

Time to lay off the sleep-free marathons & Red Bull and eat some more eggs ?

Eritrea? Any particular part? Like one of the refugee camps?
Eritrea? Any particular part? Like one of the refugee camps?

That's what a genetic disposition, years of heavy smoking, over-consumption of taurine, 36-48 hour marathon 'sessions' on a far too regular basis and the ability to survive on very little food does to you ! :oops:

Am already drug-free so hoping the new alcohol-and-taurine free, tobacco-free (or max 5-6 a day till I get there), 3 not 1 meal a day more protein-heavy lifestyle may begin to push the BMI up a bit in a few months. We shall see. If not, then it is entirely genetic.

I may be of European descent but reckon being born and raised in Africa contributed in some way or another. Many people there were of similar build in those days - it was far more the norm than you see in the West with Western diets and modern lifestyles... things like "gyms" and "weights" just did not exist .... people were far too busy making ends meet for all that and endurance skills were essential for survival :!:. But however slight they looked, most people there were still far fitter / stronger and had way more stamina than many Europeans who frequent gyms and health clubs (other than professional sportsmen / athletes) .. so as with most things in life - judge nothing by outward appearances :lol:
Well, I thought after putting on 4kg I'd re-run this simulation and guess what .... still Eritrea :lol:, but now 20.4 rather than 19 so only <97% of males in UK and <80% of males worldwide. That's a step forward at least :rolleyes:

For a laugh I looked up the "optimal" BMI (22) and apparently this is about 65kg for my height (another 6kg to go then if I believe all I read on the internet !). This loosely correlates to someone from Sudan / Benin / Togo / Guinea. It's interesting to see that according to these opinions, it's only people in 3rd world countries (especially Africa) who have average so-called "optimal weights" - not a single more developed country features in the range.

Now ... where did I put that protein powder scoop ? ....
Three months since I last checked and I'm still at 24 BMI like someone from Senegal.
Less than 84% of Americans and about 53% of the world... about average globally so I think I can live with that 8)
Just hoping that all of this holiday eating doesn't screw with that!
19. Eritrea. Bosh :oops:

National Below average
You have a lower BMI than 99% of males aged 30-44 in your country

Below average
You have a lower BMI than 88% of males aged 30-44 in the world

Time to lay off the sleep-free marathons & Red Bull and eat some more eggs ?

What a difference a year of healthy living, eating 3 meals a day, 1200 calories of weight gainers a day, more sleep (relatively !) and cutting out the major stimulants makes ... out of the lowest category and flying up the chart. I'm now apparently most like ... a Liberian . I guess that must be an improvement :confused: :)

21 Liberia

National Below average
You have a lower BMI than 94% of males aged 30-44 in your country

Below average
You have a lower BMI than 72% of males aged 30-44 in the world
Jesus, I'm fat!

27bmi, above 72% in UK, 87% worldwide, most like someone from Australia.

Sh*t, I've only got 6 weeks to shift about half a tonne to actually squeeze in to the starting lineup of the Great South Run! I'm glad it's stated elsewhere that it's not all that accurate. I do a fair bit in the gym and not in bad shape. Got a bit to lose at 6'1" and 14 stone 6lbs, but I wouldn't consider myself overweight as the bmi index does (the bastards)