I weigh like a Lithuanian. You?

24 BMI - Senegal

Actually, the highest I've been in a while, but I've been lifting weights and putting on muscle (and admittedly some fat!) since last October.
BMI is a waste of time for people who work out and/or have a high muscle to fat ratio

Yeah, I know. I still use it as a rough guide, though, seeing as I'm not that muscly yet. I think when I get up to BMI 25 (heading into overweight) I'll cut the extra eating for a month or so and lose a bit of the fat I've put on.
I lost a lot of weight recently. BMI now down to 25

I weigh like someone from Oman or Latvia :)

Lower BMI than 75% of males aged 30-44 in the US, but still higher than 62% of the world.
62%? How skinny are these people?!
looks like im ok....if i were an african long distance runner i think..:lol:

its the years of all night dancing thats done it too me...

19 BMI
You have a lower BMI than 99% of males aged 30-44 in your country
You have a lower BMI than 90% of males aged 30-44 in the world

You're most like someone from Eritrea*
BMI = 22!

Not bad, seeing as I live in a city whose nickname is PORKOPOLIS :D

Seeing as weight usually varies a few pounds during the day, I tried my current weight +/- 1 pound.

Always yields BMI 22.

Starts at Morocco, goes down to South Africa, and up to Algeria!

Seeing as there are other countries in between these three, I guess the calculator is sensitive to half or quarter pounds. (Or is based in metric...)
I was getting the usual stick off people in work yesterday about how im too thin / need to eat more, when we were all doing this survey, the fact I turned out a normal result of 19 had them all fuming :lol:

:lol: ... It's largely genetic. I eat probably 30% more than quite a few people I know who are, let's say, considerably more endowed with Winter insulation than myself. To put on weight I have to cram stupid amounts of calories which my body obviously does not need or I would be hungry all the time. The only purpose being to change my outward physical appearance. What the heck is the point of that ? :confused:
I'm like someone from Paraguay

Your numbers
Obesity Index
BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
Below average
You have a lower BMI than 71% of males aged 45-59 in your country Global
Above average
You have a higher BMI than 66% of males aged 45-59 in the world
I guess I could stand to lose a few pounds
I speak from jealousy, of course. If I eat half as much as I used to I will immediately turn into a little porker again :(

Can't imagine you ever being a little porker to be fair :lol: ... btw when are you in Monte Carlo ?