I Lost My Mind in DC10......


Do you guys have the "Sorry! We Are Circoloco" CD's from DC10? If not you should get them... the music TOTALLY takes you back there. One of them, mixed by Tania Vulcano (LOVE that lady) and Fabrizio, comes with a free DVD that is pretty cool... it made my heart pound. It pans the crowd on the terrace... I even saw someone I met on it!
I've got those CD's, I can't watch the DVD (no region 2 dvd player) but
the CD's are classic. Vulkano's disc is one of the best ever.....
I have a 20 minutes video of DC10 (220MB) from summer 2003 (great quality). it's fantastic! 8O

If anyone here has a server to host it then i will upload it to there and everyone can download it afterwards...