I keep dreaming about a girl at work

Broke up wit my girlfriend today. Unrelated to said girl in thread.

Time to make a move me thinks. Knock her bandy!
The last hotty at my work left last week. Its really bad because we actually had, not a lot, but the majority of the women who worked there were really nice physically. (They were nice people as well.)

Anyways, they all left in the space of a month. Ones brother worked with us also and he left as well due to the circumstances in which his sister left. Apparently the second in charge is a bit of a pervert.

Us in the warehouse never see him much because we're like, down the food chain. It only takes one ****ing dirty old man to **** it for everyone :cry:
No doubt you will appear in a few days claiming you hung out the back of your work colleague and she loved it :twisted: In fact I will put money on it :D