I just wanted to pop in and say hi...

Hi guys!

This is great, I feel like being back home!
Any tip about Buenos Aires will be welcomed, specially in clothes shopping :D

We went to a cool shop in Palermo viejo which was actually a mini-market for young designers to sell their clothes :) It was just off a square, I forget the name of it.

Also there's an amazing restaurant nearby called Cluny, which was recommended to us by someone on here actually.
Sil is back in one piece.
I loved Buenos Aires which is my new fav city in the world and my three weeks in the austral summer were just a laugh

Back to grey Europe I am missing too much drinking quilmes in the streets with the pibes and the general madness of south america so dreaming on packing my life in a ruck sack and wander around for few months... who knows if it will ever become a project ;)