Huge villa on Isla des Bosc (near Benirras)

personally i think this person is messing about as all he seems to have done is brag about what he's got which no normal person would do really. I think this person is posting from a council flat in barnsley with a wife with no teeth and no hair and the man in question is so fat that he's just broke his computer chair . . . . . viola!!
richbastard said:
petraxx, it's not important where i or anyone else live's, so if you want to be arrogant then continue living life in blah, blah Paris :D . As you spend most of your time living in Paris which i find very :( , i suggest you stay their as i doubt whether or not your even good enough too breath the clean air that we have down here.. I consider the paris as second class capital so maybe that's better for you :lol: So enjoy Paris as it need's you, voila!!!!

richbastard :D

sorry but it was you who started to talk about where you live.

what comes to paris, i have already moved out of there. thirdly, in case you haven't noticed (or ever been there), st tropez area is extremely polluted and doesn't compare with the fresh air of finland, where i come from. also, all your arguments are rather childish and have nothing to do with the topic, so mambobirdette must be right about you :lol: :lol:

there should be some other board that suits you better?
the guy is stuck up arrogant little man full stop, if he was so rich and great, then why the hell is he sitting in front of a computer screen on an ibiza forum?? shouldnt he be soaking up the sun sipping 'quality wine' or 'expensive champagne' :roll: in his big fancy villa in st tropez??

do yourself a favour rich b@stard and take a hike off this forum :D

you dont fool us with your fancy vocabulary
Bonsoir petraxx, sorry if i touched a bad nerve :oops: Yes you are right Finland is a very beautifull country having spent some time visiting your country interailing when i was alot younger...The finnish air is very clean, the lake's very clean and forest very green however felt that the finnish are i think reserved but a friendl'y people...I visited Helsinki ( but of course ) Hâmeenlinna, Tampre, and took the train from Helsinki to Tornio, i arrived 6:00am in the morning and it was freezing for september... A bus service took us over the border into Sweden as it was early autumn the color's of the tree's were magninifique... Finland i found was very expensive but then i was only a student, i hope oneday too return with my family and no expense will be spared... Sorry it's not about Ibiza, but i wish not for upsetting everyone as afterall i find it difficult to upset myself .... Long prosper Finland and it's people ;) Voila!!!

richbastard :D
mambobirdette said:
personally i think this person is messing about as all he seems to have done is brag about what he's got which no normal person would do really. I think this person is posting from a council flat in barnsley with a wife with no teeth and no hair and the man in question is so fat that he's just broke his computer chair . . . . . viola!!

Now, now let's not start falling out over something so trivial as a

richbastard :D

I once was like everyone else, but success came my way and so why should i not be :D Who know's my visit too Ibiza in september could make me an even

richbastard :D

The only reason why i'm infront of the computer
Who's writing about what i've got :? I have never mentioned what i'm worth ( but the french tax people probably would like too know ;) ) as because i happen to have a home ( villa :D ) near to St.Tropez so WHAT :evil: For myself and other's St. Tropez was made famous only because of a certain female french actrice... I'm not a multi millionaire :cry: which it appear's you lot think i am, however i am very very comfortable in my life, enjoying only the best what's on offer...My wife say's that i'm just a self made RICH bastard ( but why is she complaing :? ) , but what the hell i've earned the right to be up their with all the other richbastard's :D How many of you lot would'nt be the same and if the response is 0 then i don't believe you...Now end this thread :twisted: as i don't see what it has to do with Ibiza :)

richbastard :D

As for passing the time on this forum so what, i have a right just like everybody else too enjoy the internet or is the internet just for a few :( and lone'ly people who live in a very dull world :cry:
Red yes it is true, but it was a very very long time ago when our lotto was francs and euro's wasn't even in the french vocabulary.. I won't disclose how much but let's just say that the money was invested wise'ly and today's success is a result of that investment... SVP!!!! Underneath i'm just like evryone else but my circle of friend's make being just that, difficult.... SVP!!! Let's end this thread and move on, afterall it is supposed to be a forum on Ibiza and not about one's own fortune.....
richbastard :D

Too think that my first thread on this forum was to critisize someone who wrote in too say that all criminal's should be shot, a very strange thing too say don't you think :?
the other night the gypsy kings gave a concert at the villa here. it had been hired by a russian magnate who imported not only our french gypsy friends, but 111 kilos of the finest caviar, gallons of vodka, and a few bottles of champers too.

guests were flown in by private jet and anybody who is anybody in ibiza was there. (so stand by for dr. micks shaky photos).

the only disappointment was that julio iglesias, booked for a million bucks, couldn't play for technical reasons with his orchestra.

how the other fraction live!
Sounds great... and I'm disappointed that I wasn't invited!

I'll have to figure out which Russian magnate that was. I'm sure word must be out on the clubbing scene somewhere...
Interesting. There was a Kazak Tupolev commercial airliner parked on the tarmac at Ibiza airport most of last week. It was there in the early morning hours of Tuesday when I left and still there Thursday night when I returned. A link?
Bonjour Monsieur le Riche,
If you were so rich, why are you worried about your daughter spending your money in Ibiza?
Quelqu'un de riche ne vient pas sur un forum exposer sa fortune.
St-Tropez est la vitrine des has been et des vieilles peaux liftées.
Sorry everybody for writing in french.
Voili Voilà.

NB: Bonsoir is said after sun down not at 4pm
Isla (s'illa) de sa ferradura

hi ibiza-lovers,

The little private island has been sold. (for nearly 33 mil. euro!) it was owned by a dutchman with the name Willy Gilissen. Funny thing, nobody knows to who! how come nobody nows!!!

rumour has it, is has been bought by a russian guy. any one have suggestions?

s'illa des bosc!! ;)
what year was this "bridge" to illadesbosc built ?
and who did it ? the owner of the "rock" ?
Roman Abramovich.

I love how, when anything's for sale and a Russian is rumored to be involved, his name is immediately brought up :lol:

There's 50 billionaires and tens more multimillionaires out here... take your pick!