How's Your Year Been?


Well-Known Member
We had an end of decade recap here last year:

So, how's this one working out for you?


Finally split with the ex, the day before NYE 2009 - hard times but was deffo for the best.

Had the first half of the year off and did a bit of skiing (Chamonix and St Anton), a lot of drinking and finished the break off with opening week in Ibiza in June. Really enjoyed myself having thought that shipped had sailed.

Also spent the first half of the year being an absolute tart, again a ship I thought had sailed, but it was just as easy to get 'on board' as ever:lol:

Second half of the year:

Just moved home, loving the new place in Queens Park/Ladbroke Grove, back with the one who got away from 2002/3, work is flying and although I'm injured at the mo, really enjoying playing a lot of football.

Worst thing that has happened this is my beautiful cat Rachel died at the age of 14, but I was ever so lucky to have her, so I've manned up about it.

Clubbing just isn't really on my radar bar Ibiza, but never say never.

The year ahead? I'm hoping for more of the same. Definitely skiing this season, prob in March, Ibiza in June again hopefully and then I'd like to go on safari later in the year. My only resolution is to drink a little less - I'm just very sociable and it's had no negative effect on me to date, but I gather these things will catch up eventually!

The economic situation makes me worry for others' year ahead. I'm lucky that pretty insulated from it, but I can see that for those not so fortunate, things are bad and are going to get a whole lot worse. Protesting is likely to become much more prevalent, but I think it's going to be ineffective against the mighty self-interest of those in power.

How's it been for you? And where's next year leading?
If anyone had told me on Jan 1st 2010 that I would become a Dad, that there would be Lib Dems in the cabinet, that I would succesfully complete a road trip to Ibiza without a/crashing or b/getting arrested, that spurs would be in the champions league k/o round, that I would be living in N16 and that I would still be managing not to get sacked from this job, I would have had them sectioned
Began new job.
Spent a lot of time in the Gym
Went to Brazil. (Loved it!)
Stopped going to the gym
Spent spare time smoking ciggies and eating crisps in bed.
Had a 5-6 relationship that was "Meh"
Didn't go to Ibiza with flatmates. (Should have)
Forgot to call girl for a week, ended relationship.
Spent more spare time smoking ciggies and eating crisps in bed.
Got fat.
Started going to the Gym again
Brought a ticket and booked accomodaiton for Carnival in Brazil.

Would love to go to Ibiza next year but I am feeling my age a little. All those people 10-15 years younger than me! I need a smoking jacket and a captains hat.
If anyone had told me on Jan 1st 2010 that I would become a Dad, that there would be Lib Dems in the cabinet, that I would succesfully complete a road trip to Ibiza without a/crashing or b/getting arrested, that spurs would be in the champions league k/o round, that I would be living in N16 and that I would still be managing not to get sacked from this job, I would have had them sectioned


I've nothing much to report. Notable events, becoming an Uncle for a second time in February, flying out to USA in May to see my new neice, but managing to miss Dundee United winning the Scottish Cup in the process (missed the last time we won it in 94 as I chose to go to a Scout/Guide camp cause I fancied this chick in my year who was going - Doh! Didn't even get anywhere with her). Visiting four countries I hadn't been to before over 7 days in November was cool.

My plan for next year is to make more of an effort to go out clubbing, I think I need to go back to Ibiza and reclaim my mojo.

Olly, if March isn't suitable, how about a Barca / Ibiza September double header. Sufficient time to plan it in?
sounds good, but I'll have to get back to you Felipe

my head's too fragile today to think beyond how I can get to the fridge
In a nutshell.


Had great trip skiing in the French alps.
Had a great trip to WMC in Miami for best friends stag.
Became an uncle again, and god father 8)
Best man at best friends wedding.
My daughter, wife,myself, and my family and friends stayed healthy.
My beautiful amazing daughter is turning into a wonderful loving little girl
Great family holiday to ibiza even though was ill for 6 days out of the 7.
Great sociable summer.
One company did particularly well.
A new business oportunity has arisen, so that will give me new focus for 2011.


One company hasnt done so well this year.
Didnt manage to make either the openings or closings (for the first time in AGES.)
Didnt get pregnant (my burd obviously)
Had some dramas on the home front (sorted now)
Didnt make South Africa for the WC.

Overall a decent year, the positives far outway the negatives. Am hoping for more of the same for 2011.
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Oh, left out of mine - after years of meaning to get them sorted I spent the equivalent of the deposit on a 4 bed house on getting brand new teeth. All of 'em.

This is now me -----> :D

They are wicked, but at 36 years of age, I'm scared to admit to my mum, that I spent that much money on vanity:lol:
The year started off as the last one had finished which was being very stressed, over worked and under paid. After work boozing in soho was contributing to weight gain.
Went to Egypt all inclusive which was nice to get away but shark is quite a weird place. In may I finally cracked and resigned from work with no real plan other than that I didn't want to do it any more and it was affecting my health.
Went from there to a weeks holiday relaxing with my folks which was really nice.
Got back then managed to break my ankle couple days later.8 weeks and most of a decent summer on the couch with a cast. Managed to lose some weight tho and got me off boozing.
Was walking in time to get to Ibiza for a week with best mates in September which was brilliant.
I entered the world of freelance/ self employed which was so much better than how I had been working, so far it's much less work and more money.
Went to Berlin which will def become a regular thing.
Other things of note have been living at my parents house which isn't ideal at 28 but with the job change and ankle has been necessary. Also the slow transition of going back from being a couple to best friends (or somewhere in between) with my (ex)girlfriend has been abit strange and frustrating but so is life.
Have started doing training sessions with a mate and am feeling confident bout losing weight.
Seemed to have picked up a pointless Internet addiction whilst I have more time on my hands.
This probably reads really incoherently but just typed as I remembered things
It's beat the pants of the one before...

Still in a five :eek: year relationship with three lovely daughters (pet rats).

Last year (2009) was so necessary but SH!T. Had the most awful time at work and drew some interesting conclusions about this meaningless thing we use to validate our lives with known as a 'career'. It was an interesting journey and I'm now reeeally happy in my job working with close and inspiring trash bag friends in a small digital agency.

I love working in digital during these times. As mundane as social media is, digital is giving a voice and power back to the people in so many ways. It's nice to be a small part of that.

...however in my 'real' existence I'm still buried in my shamanic studies. Not entirely conventional but hey, I was fascinated with hammer horror and Aleister Crowley throughout school. :lol:

Am also loving these times of chaos. I've been harping on about the severity of the recession since 2008 when 'credit crunch' was the buzz term. Everyone told me I was mad then and lo, two years later, we're in exactly the place many leading economists predicted as 'unlikely'. :rolleyes:

The real sh1t is about to hit the fan - especially when the public spending cuts hit...and meanwhile the 'lost' generation are finally finding their voice after so many years of mundanity - 2011 is definitely going to be interesting.

Musically am looking backwards as much as forwards, still stuck in 1992/3 and buying up loads of old vinyl.

This arrived on my desk this morning in fact... 8)

Not going out as much as I used to and legal/illegal drug use is on the wane* with my sense of fun remaining intact. Am also helping with the set up for the Loft every few months which is a huge honour given my music history geek tendencies.

((all the while, beneath the surface is a growing feeling that London isn't the centre of the universe...I've been stationery for over five years and my inner nomad is wanting to travel again.))

* In fact that bit is a complete lie as I've just polished off a rocket fuelled espresso and written my life story instead of planning my day which was the original intention. :oops:
Hmm... I guess it's been a relatively good year. It's gone by so fast it's hard to tell!

- Started off the year on a tropical island (Barbados)

- Got over to London a good few times, including
a) going to Wembley to watch the Blues secure the double and attending the subsequent parade 8)
b) attending the Notting Hill Carnival for the first time. What a blast!

- Spent 16 days in South Africa for the World Cup. Trip of a lifetime :!: Words can't even describe it. Also got to see the USA put together a laudable run in the Cup. 8)

- Survived the hottest summer ever in the history of mankind

- Saw a good run of concerts - Seal, Gogol Bordello, Muse (at Wembley!), Iggy Pop, U2, Depeche Mode, Peter Bjorn & John, and in the "finally!" category: Morissey, Chris Isask, Billy Idol, Cranberries

- Had another amazing trip to Ibiza

Met interesting people, did interesting things.
Work's been fine... nothing new there.
Partied every weekend as usual.
Got further integrated into a few "scenes" out here so invites to events a plenty.

Really nothing to complain about, I guess! I wouldn't rank it up there with the best years ever but definitely above average. Whatever the case, I count myself very very fortunate.
as a whole, it was a bit of a crap year in truth - dealing with evil people in your personal life is really, really exhausting

I aged years and my nervous system was reduced to shreds at times

the only thing that kept me sane was friends making me laugh and the occasional tune which momentarily made everything feel ok

which is why you kinda live for the weekends and holidays - and general escapism

Am not going to predict anything for 2011, but trying to find some lasting fulfillment amidst the debris will be my main aim
My year has been very good, finally flew the nest and moved in with my lovely boyfriend, hoping good things to come for next year 8)
Loving the blatant honesty in these posts :lol: - so to follow in these footsteps:

My year:

Second daughter Liv arrived 5th Jan which was a fantastic start to the year.

Found it very tough going at times being a Dad to two very young kids. Lots of mental adjustments to be made. Felt quite overwhelmed at times, sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a "help" way. My "control freak" traits took a major battering. The best thing to happen to me, but in ways also the hardest. But on a even keel now and my girls make my day, every day.


Got into my running a lot more seriously - pronounced sense of mortality (see above) - and a desire to be able to beat my girls future boyfriends to a pulp when I'm in my 50s :lol:

Two trips to Ibiza, one with the two girls - which was, to be honest, a disaster. :eek:

One with the missus for 48 hrs - which was perfect, if short. :lol:

Business proving surprisingly robust despite the state of things.

Feel like i want to be around for longer and live longer. Sounds daft but i know what i mean :lol:


Music venue / Bar I co owned went "Pop" - lessons learned - don't be a silent partner.

Feel like everything is getting generally shi tter - politics, sport, media, music, entertainment, people's attitudes. Or am i more critical??

Feel myself becoming more cynical, less patient.

Next Year:

Want to move towards a big life change which I have been mulling for a while. Got plans baby!
Oh, left out of mine - after years of meaning to get them sorted I spent the equivalent of the deposit on a 4 bed house on getting brand new teeth. All of 'em.

This is now me -----> :D

They are wicked, but at 36 years of age, I'm scared to admit to my mum, that I spent that much money on vanity:lol:

:lol: it must be an age thing, been considering thsi myself.
Lots of mental adjustments to be made. Felt quite overwhelmed at times, sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a "help" way. My "control freak" traits took a major battering. The best thing to happen to me, but in ways also the hardest.

Sounds brilliant - am slightly jealous I'll probably never experience this. Never say never though eh?