how much do u owe?.................

I know there is worse cases, I wasnt saying there was, I was just saying my bit on it and how easy it is to get sucked in.

i know!

like i said, needs and wants. - anyway, nothing like being outed to family when it comes to debt. i was brickin telling mys sis, who helped me out - i think my mum does know, but not the full extent...

whats the biggest sum you ever saw someone owe?
i know!

like i said, needs and wants. - anyway, nothing like being outed to family when it comes to debt. i was brickin telling mys sis, who helped me out - i think my mum does know, but not the full extent...

whats the biggest sum you ever saw someone owe?

I cant quite remember but most people are in the thousands.....memory a bit like a sieve lately and it was about 3 years ago now I worked there, do see some interesting stories though :lol:
Around Two years ago I owed around 17k and have managed to now get it down to 1k which is just a overdraft. The rest was a loan and credit card, which are now no more. The 1k I have will be paid off in the next 4 weeks.

I am still considering Ibiza but only if I get enough the following month (September) to cover the holiday & spends, so that I can have the holiday and return with being in the clear.

There's no way on earth I would add to my debt now that i'm so close to being in the clear. NEVER AGAIN!!!
I maxed my credit card in ibiza back in 2001 and only just paid it off in November last year. I am now debt free and will NEVER use a credit card again. Once I paid off the said debt almost everyday of the week some offer or another would land on my doormat.

Sifting through all that pap I did get a momentary lapse and think" pc for my design stuff etc etc " then I quickly drew upon the naff experience that being in debt is..I soon lobbed it in the bin.

Bollox to debt...your better off clearing it ...getting in front and then enjoying you hols properly without the worry of coming back to ripoffsville;)

what are u gonna do to celebrate?

im thinking Vegas :lol:

haha :lol: very good :)

in a way am kinda glad now that iv been in debt (now its more or less sorted) Think it will help me enourmously in the future as now I believe I know how to treat my money! There's more to life than £££ but lets be honest it makes us happy doesn't it!!
what are u gonna do to celebrate?

im thinking Vegas :lol:


everyone here sounds rather responsible I must say. I spent six years living in Manc - up to a few years ago - on less than 20 grand - ran up a fair wedge but at the time I was anticipating this point when I would be earning more. Now I earn a decent whack it comes down, then I go buy a house, spent a fair bit on that. At the same time I have a fair few hols. I'm not comfortable with having debts, but it stays static/slowly goes down, the mortgage gets paid with ease & I never have a problem paying any bills.

BUT, reading your view points has certainly got me thinking - most of my mates are in the same boat, so maybe i have lost a sense of whats good and proper, being surrounded by similar folk.

chewie fair funking play for getting such a huge figure under control, you should offer classes.
chewie fair funking play for getting such a huge figure under control, you should offer classes.

thanks! helps by having a sister who is the complete opposite of me who saves saves and saves! - and a big dollop of not getting male pride in the way of seeking help (unlike my mate who thought he could deal with his £20k, which if you are on an average salary shouldnt be a prob, but considering he was earning less than £12k a year - makes it next to impossible for him to do anything but an IVA - declaring himself bankrupt would mean him losing his job!

and thats why i aint been back to ibiza for the last 4 years nor out clubbing in the last 2! too draining on mind and pocket, esp as im still plotting my escape from here.

now theres an idea... getting rich by charging debt ridden people for my services.
You poor bastage

Where do I begin?

The best advice and one all the others seem to be missing:

You dont have enough income! Make your forture...get an umbrella in your drink...

Be somebody.

We need world leaders as former or presesnt clubbers....

We need money moguls as former or present clubbers....

Of course, the world needs ditch diggers too.

I dont have enough money...whine, whine, whine....

See your future, Danny...Be your future....

You poor bastage

Where do I begin?

The best advice and one all the others seem to be missing:

You dont have enough income! Make your forture...get an umbrella in your drink...

Be somebody.

We need world leaders as former or present clubbers....

Of course, the world needs ditch diggers too.

I dont have enough money...whine, whine, whine....

See your future, Danny...Be your future....


Now, dont you feel better? Always a kind word from me.

I was I'm not...have any bootstraps to pull yourself up from?

Tips for making enough dough to have fun:

Go to work in a war zone and get rich quick....
Lower your expectations if you dropped out of high school to smoke weed...
Consider Prostitution...
Start a trend like the pet rock...Americans will buy anthing...
Burn something that creates value...
Design a rocket that wins a million dollar reward from some space agency....
Stop wearing clothing, it cost a lot and who needs it anyway...
design a better mint that is easier to suckle, pehaps one shaped like a nipple...
Learn to teleport in and out of banks at night...
Remove a letter from the alphabet and hold it hostage(you cant imagine how much people will pay to get their X back)...
But never,
deal drugs...
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Where do I begin?

The best advice and one all the others seem to be missing:

You dont have enough income! Make your forture...get an umbrella in your drink...

Be somebody.

We need world leaders as former or presesnt clubbers....

We need money moguls as former or present clubbers....

Of course, the world needs ditch diggers too.

I dont have enough money...whine, whine, whine....

See your future, Danny...Be your future....


its this need to be someone and to have some kind of status that lands people in heavy debt in the first place.

living within your means works a whole lot better (sure you may not have a short term good time, but you'll have a less of a headache) ;)
haha :lol: very good :)

in a way am kinda glad now that iv been in debt (now its more or less sorted) Think it will help me enourmously in the future as now I believe I know how to treat my money! There's more to life than £££ but lets be honest it makes us happy doesn't it!!

Same here. I actually enjoy living on my wages because now I am learning how to budget and I am actually looking forward to being able to save, as sad as it sounds!

everyone here sounds rather responsible I must say. I spent six years living in Manc - up to a few years ago - on less than 20 grand - ran up a fair wedge but at the time I was anticipating this point when I would be earning more. Now I earn a decent whack it comes down, then I go buy a house, spent a fair bit on that. At the same time I have a fair few hols. I'm not comfortable with having debts, but it stays static/slowly goes down, the mortgage gets paid with ease & I never have a problem paying any bills.

BUT, reading your view points has certainly got me thinking - most of my mates are in the same boat, so maybe i have lost a sense of whats good and proper, being surrounded by similar folk.

chewie fair funking play for getting such a huge figure under control, you should offer classes.

This is exactly what I was guna write when I was reading this thread but you've said it all for me, it really does read that everyone one here is really sensible and giving sound advice and it's certainly made me think I should be more careful, I earn a really good wage but with a mortgage and a few other manageable debts to consider I'm in no position to start saving anything for a few years, as you say, it depends on who your friends are as mine are in a similar situation to me and really we shouldn't have gone to ibiza this year and could have paid a grand off debts but decided on the hol instead...maybe I'll be more sensible next year, although I've got a hol in Oct booked and I'm def going snowboarding this season too. It's all about managing it though, I NEVER pay interest on my credit cards, I get interest only ones, run them up, pay them off and then get a new interest only one. Its hard to cut out on things your used to having in order to pay backs debts so well done Chewie!
Around Two years ago I owed around 17k and have managed to now get it down to 1k which is just a overdraft. The rest was a loan and credit card, which are now no more. The 1k I have will be paid off in the next 4 weeks.

I am still considering Ibiza but only if I get enough the following month (September) to cover the holiday & spends, so that I can have the holiday and return with being in the clear.

There's no way on earth I would add to my debt now that i'm so close to being in the clear. NEVER AGAIN!!!

good man down to just over a grand in debt which will be cleared very shortly and ill never be in debt again after it ... loans and credit cards were my downfall in my 20's :confused:
good at the time but thanks to my missus no more worries 8)
I've always been rubbish with money. At one point a few years back I owed £25k and that was a pretty horrendous time. Got that all paid off and now have the one credit card and an overdraft.

If I never borrowed money I'd never get to do anything. I'll be maxed out on the card by the time I get back from Ibiza and it's the same every year really. I then pay it off over the next few months.

I personally would go for it. You sound sensible enough to pay it back and you may as well enjoy yourself while you can. 8)
Shouldn't really be pushing credit cards, but if you are looking into getting one to finance Ibiza (or transfer an existing debt), then the Abbey are not only doing a 0% interest one, but there is also no costs for a balance transfer. I will be switching to this very soon. And no I don't work for them before you ask!

Some of my recent trip to Ibiza was paid for by credit & my overdraft, but I feel like I am in control and will be able to pay it back quite soon. I have savings but it's all going on my wedding. Next year I'll be able to save for Ibiza rather then using other means. :)