How Long...??


New Member
Out of curiosity I looked at when I first joint the forums - Now I knew it was some time ago but it appears I've been here for 10 years this month!!! :eek:

Christ! loads has happened in those 10 years, but really, where does the time go.

So, how long have you all been on here for?
Hitting the same numbers as utagaura ... flown by aye!?

Gone are the days of the members forum - goood times!
Out of curiosity I looked at when I first joint the forums - Now I knew it was some time ago but it appears I've been here for 10 years this month!!! :eek:

Christ! loads has happened in those 10 years, but really, where does the time go.

So, how long have you all been on here for?
i remember when you were plain rob on hq!
Just over 9 years.

Seems the forum has had some cleaning done though - went looking for an early post and can only find stuff going back to 2004.
Jeez almost ten.

I have enjoyed the constant though - a good place to check in and vent/talk jibberish over the years. :lol:
Im a newbie like Ikoda, beat him by a month tho ;) :lol: so 10 months for me and a worrying number of posts - 2,204 to be exact :lol:
if i were you i'd be worrying about my maths

8 + 1 = 9

though you both joined in the same month
jeez, i've got 7 years under my belt.....when i first got involved it seemed like things had been going ages before me, but it was only a few years.

time for a 10 year anniversary party for next summer, buckley hire a villa chief
A big regret of mine is not joining earlier and being at THAT villa party......
think i joined in 2007 so 4years
Barely 5 months :eek: .. seems longer .. ah - that would be on account of the long lurk which preceeded participation :!: