How long til' you go?

31 days..ive hired the boat from day dream boats again for the 1st of October from 10am - 2.30pm , if anyone wants to join free of charge give me a pm, don't fancy doing it solo as wanto to go for a swim and proabrly safer have someone there also 😂
After several post Covid trips that have just ended up being 3/4 day benders that just blurred into non place able memories, I've meticulously planned my October trip to be more.....reasonable and less destructive 😆 And hopefully returning home with less of a dramatic comedown.

6 weeks today!

Ibiza – Closing Weekend – Oct 11th – Oct 14th – 2024


Friday Oct 11th

Flight – Ryanair – Manchester 8.30am – 12.10pm Ibiza

Get Breakfast not just beer!

12.30 – 13.00pm – Taxi to Hotel – Ibiza Sun Apartments (Check in 16.00pm)

Bag Drop & Change

Supermercado for beers & snacks

13.45pm – 17.00pm – Taxi to Platja de ses Salines beach, Sa Trinxa food & drinks

17.00pm - 18.30pm – Taxi to Hotel – Complete Check In

18.30pm – 19.00pm – Taxi to Project Social in Santa Eulalia

19.00pm – 21.00pm – Food & Drink in Project Social

21.00pm – 21.15pm – Taxi to Las Dalias/Akasha

21.15pm – 5am – Las Dalias & Akasha

Saturday Oct 12th

11.00am – 12.30pm – Breakfast/Brunch – Pool

13.00pm – 16.00pm – Ibiza Town Adventures, Dalt Villa, Drinks

17.00pm – 17.30pm – Fuel! Steak & Shake Ibiza -

17.30pm – 11pm – Ushuaia Closing Party

1am – Late! or would we describe as Early… After the Sun is up anyway! – Amnesia Closing Party -

Sunday Oct 13th

17/18.00pm – Wake up?! – Depends how long we last at Amnesia!


20.00pm – 22.00pm – Dinner - Cas Costas Restaurant & Grill

22.00pm – 23.00pm – Taxis to Hotel, Taxi to Ibiza Town

23.00pm – 00.30pm – Ibiza Town – Drinks, Paradise Lost

1am – Pacha Closing Party -

Monday Oct 4th

12pm – Check Out - Ibiza Sun Apartments

12pm – 7pm – Let the Recovery begin

19.00pm – 19.30pm – Taxi to Airport

Flight – Ryanair – Ibiza 21.20pm – 23.00pm Manchester

Eat, Hydrate, leave everything else till evenings!
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we will land in exactly 7 days for 10 days … very excited now … itinerary as follows:

Sunday 8th : Solomun + Dixon at Pacha
Monday 9th : All Day I Dream at Playa Soleil
Tuesday 10th: Movie Night (There’s Something about Mary) at Amante
Weds 11th: Sarah Story at Pikes
Thursday 12th: Sven Vath at Las Dalias / Akasha
Friday 13th: Rumors at Playa Soliel (tbc)
Saturday 14th: tbc / rest night
Sunday 15th: Franky Wah at Chinois
Monday 16th: Circoloco at DC10
Tuesday 17th: rest
Weds 18th: home