How long til' you go?

yes,i have booked my ferry yesterday:)
Now i have to work really hard to save a lot of money,this year will be special,two years without seeing the island is too hard!:mad:
i will kill my bank account:cool:
August 20th-September long to wait :spank:

Wow and I thought my trip was long. That's amazing. I really like on these long trips you become part of the life there. Last year, I had randoms recognising me and some same faces showing up at the major club events. It was a good feeling
1st trip to the island this year, 14-28 May
Ibiza is such a small island that we can met by chance :lol:
Can't wait ..43 days to sunny Holidays...especially this year as , fed up with some lazy unskilled colleagues at office...want to see how will they deal without me at office :D ..never seen a bunch of meaning wankers in my life (at least if they were friendly :rolleyes:...)...but a reason to ask for a raise before ibz aug 2016 :p when telling to my manager the whole truth (i keep calm fo r 7 months & shut my mouth for now)..not obvious to work when some keep on resting at coffee spot :eek:
I might not be going now :( Missus has pencilled in 3 family holidays and a load of other stuff I've got pay for before I can even pay off the already booked holiday which she doesn't even know about (oops). Got until June to pay it off and I'm unlikely to generate enough sales in time. At this rate I'll be booking a last minute trip.

Well after seeing the Circoloco opening lineup it would be rude not to. Managed to sort a short trip out. 39 days to go. GET IN.