how have the club layouts changed?


New Member
Just seen a video of amnesia back in 2000, not a million years ago but the club looks completely different to what i have seen it as, so was just wondering how have the club layouts changed since around that time and when? obviously la terreza in space used to be all open air? but what was the large outdoor area in amnesia for example? and where in relation to how the club sits now, also how has the main room and terrace changed, has it been extended over the years or always been that size? thought it would be interesting to get a mental visuual of how the worlds best clubs have physically changed over the years!?:idea:
oo, I love this sort of question, sounds like the sor of thing I ask ;-)

I am going tomorrow :)

I'll get back to you.
Just seen a video of amnesia back in 2000, not a million years ago but the club looks completely different to what i have seen it as, so was just wondering how have the club layouts changed since around that time and when? obviously la terreza in space used to be all open air? but what was the large outdoor area in amnesia for example? and where in relation to how the club sits now, also how has the main room and terrace changed, has it been extended over the years or always been that size? thought it would be interesting to get a mental visuual of how the worlds best clubs have physically changed over the years!?:idea:

well amnesia's layout has actually hardly changed at all really since 2000. the only main change is that the terrace dj booth is now at the far end and not in the middle of the dancefloor as it used to be. the balconies now also go all around the terrace whereas they didn't before. before there used to be a narrow bridge thing that went around the wall (above where the dj booth is now) that connected to the balcony on the exterior side of the terrace.

the dj booth was just a little left of directly in front of the stairs that lead up to the vip. next to the bar in the corner of the terrace (to the right of the DJ booth if facing out), there was a small add-on bar, which is where you used to be able to get coco loco from tirry. it was 1000 pesetas (about 4€) so it was one of the cheapest drinks you could get actually and you usually got a free refill. if you knew tirry or were nice or a bit whacky, you'd get the real coco loco and not the tourist one, you could taste the difference straight away. it was brilliant they had the coco loco on sale every day in amnesia, not just on la troya nights.

in the main room things are just almost identical as to how they have always been, including the way the floor is warped/sloped up the stairs on the right hand side as you come in. the vip is pretty much the same too, except for one major change. there used to be an outside terrace in the vip, it is where the radio studio is now, but previously there was a little bar there and it was a great hang out.

the roof went on amnesia's terrace in 1998 i think. whilst we're on the subject, i've always wondered where the birds that fly around inside amnesia terrace during the day, actually go when it's night. as soon as the party is over, they're back flying around pretty soon.

space has gone through the biggest changes, it deserves it's own book. i'll write one soon.

privilege - see here

pacha - in 10 years, structurally not that many changes really. few stairs here, extra balcony there, usually in pursuit of finding more space to rope off for VIPS. obviously there is now a proper pulpit like dj booth rather than as it was before. well it's the same place but it now faces out into the club rather onto the steps that lead into the main dancefloor. it would be great to see SHM or guetta contend with it as was, when seeing the DJ wasn't the be all and end all of a good night. funky room is the same, as is global (then zenith). main room didn't have the balcony pass above the dj booth, nor the VIP tables that are on top of the main dance floor bar near the toilets (out to the left from the dj booth). also the stairs/area to upper right of dj booth weren't tiered as much.

a minor change i hate is that they have covered over a small window in the corridor that leads from the main room to the funky room. it's significant cos as you walked through and looked out, the angle meant that you saw the top of dalt vila was lit up in all it's majesty as you went pass. like some kind of eclipse.

the more i think about it now, small things come back to me. the main dance floor used to be down a few steps, this is now all one level, i think they only changed as recently as 3-4 years ago. it's strange but things like that make all the difference, as when you were in that tiny space (maybe 10ft x 6ft) you really were 'on the dance floor'....all the main central speakers faced in on you from the corners of that mini floor and it was a focal point of the club. this is the part directly square in front of the main VIP.

also the garden area that houses the pacha offices is now a vip garden/area/smoking terrace and gives vip entrance too.

going back to the dj booth thing, my fav pacha moment is still once when i saw a veteran hazy eyed Uk raver stop on the steps of pacha, spark up, lean over the easy-to-mistake-for-a-bar-dj-booth and ask oakenfold for 2 vodka limons.

dc10 - hardly any changes whatsoever. terrace has a permanent roof now and the bar in the middle of the dancefloor has gone. that's it really. outside space is now part of the club rather than outside space/car park

es paradis - hardly any changes, just a roof!

eden - fairly fundamental changes since the kaos days.

the other day i was talking about mambo and how it had a beach in the area where the main tables are you know it's all rocks there, so they had to build the beach in. see photos of how they did it here
in the first photo, the white poles to support the canopy is where the paseo ends, so everything out from that is the wood decking mambo now make their main table area.

effectively, the tables then went on the walkway, so it was a lot more intimate. but the beach was great, sun loungers there by day to enjoy the strip. cafe del mar used to open during the day of course. when it rained though, the beach would go AWOL and you'd have to start back from photo 1 again.

i'm sure there are lots of things i've forgotten or missed. i'm quite fond of the place if you hadn't guessed.
**** it, here's what's changed at space.

in 2000 you had the terrace and the discoteca. the main entrance was the same, that area (now part of the sunset terrace) was part of the old terrace which was all set out to your right, as now. 100% terracotta and the customary wicker chairs strewn about, blue mesh flapping in the breeze, you knew you were home. the main ground level bar is the same layout and shape. until about 98, the dj booth was actually behind the bar there (as far as you can go without leaving to the foyer area where the toilets are). in 2000 the dj booth was where it is now but as a stand alone raised area and not connecting to the rest of the famous tiered steps that i made my home for so many summers. the steps just to the left of the dj booth lead to a raised area around the back of the terrace (now a VIP area) which jutted out more into the middle of the club. there was a podium in the middle of the floor, interestingly, they've inserted this again this year i noticed.....i don't remember it being there on previous years.

you can see the basic layout here

i won't dwell on the terrace. for me it's the best clubbing memories i've got, nothing will top it, nothing has come close since, but it wasn't for design nor really even the music. it was just the atmosphere during that time and in that place.

the discoteca has changed quite a bit. the dj booth used to be a small booth towards the front left of the room (where the entrance to the far toilets is and what became the light control booth, this was eventually demolished as well in 2009). the area that is now the stage/dj booth was just steps where people danced. they first put the booth up there in 2001 and it was a real makeshift affair, i remember they had these tiered wooden benches (like you get in US school gyms) right on the side of the middle of the main dancefloor). the rest of the room was almost identical, except there was no bar in the far right corner, it was all just seating. there used to be a pool table in the discoteca, it was on the right hand side immediately as you walked into the room from the main toilets foyer. can't remember the last time i saw it there, maybe 2006?

i remember 'going upstairs' in space in 2001, what is now the red box was just a mini-chillout area, with kind of like picnic style seats (like fixed/bolted down) and it was all open into the discoteca, there was no wall there. i really can't remember when the premier etage area first started getting used. definitely by like 2004 it was in use and the red box had been created.

the sunset terrace was just car park until it was built for summer 2005, which is when the terrace was renovated and a roof put on and a little piece of magic died. no idea about el salon being added but it again was a totally new addition/build, that was just garden space before it.

for years, the talk about putting a lid on the terrace was because of sound complaints (altho music never started or played outside of midday-midnight hours), which was proven to be bullsh!t when they built the sunset terrace at the same time as roofing the terrace. i mean, it was essentially a replica, just not as good of course. with hindsight, its clear to see that it was the development of nocturnal activities at space that demanded such a key room of the club staying open longer and later and it's understandable i suppose. jsut such a shame that one of the truly great clubbing arenas (we're talking paradise garage, hacienda type iconic here) had to suffer that fate. for anyone who experienced the old space terrace, but i reckon particularly during its glory days......carl cox latin techno for 6 hours on a sunday afternoon anyone??.....from about 97/98 till 02/03, it ranks as good as it gets clubbing wise. as i said before interestingly enough, the music was important, but there was something much more powerful happening. the whole coming together atmosphere thing. amazing. 8)
Wowzers, Grego - awesome post, thanks !

It's easy to forget things as changes evolve and you get used to the 'new', but reading stuff like this really brings it back. It's so true about the gradual change in norms for DJs to 'face the room' rather than be 'tucked away'.. sound monkey to superstar in a few years !! Neither is really appropriate.

The 'sound' has definitely taken a back seat to the spectacle with so many DJs .. big up to all of them who are still keeping it real.
Great info Grego - Going again this year, but I have only been to clubs when the roof was on!

Wont stop we from going to the closing this September though :)
Good stuff, Grego.

Re: the Sunset Terrace. Was that really a car park before 2005? I remember there being an area out there as early as 2001. No music, just the bar and some chill-out space. It was where you went to get food during a marathon session (I remember one particularly ill-advised chocolate croissant in 2002 :lol:)
...... jsut such a shame that one of the truly great clubbing arenas (we're talking paradise garage, hacienda type iconic here) had to suffer that fate. for anyone who experienced the old space terrace, but i reckon particularly during its glory days......carl cox latin techno for 6 hours on a sunday afternoon anyone??.....from about 97/98 till 02/03, it ranks as good as it gets clubbing wise. as i said before interestingly enough, the music was important, but there was something much more powerful happening. the whole coming together atmosphere thing. amazing. 8)

Reading this has made me feel very nostalgic. Thanks Grego to bring back such good memories. 8)
Good stuff, Grego.

Re: the Sunset Terrace. Was that really a car park before 2005? I remember there being an area out there as early as 2001. No music, just the bar and some chill-out space. It was where you went to get food during a marathon session (I remember one particularly ill-advised chocolate croissant in 2002 :lol:)

ok not car park but just dead/outside space. the terrace ended where the first bar is as you immediately enter through the main door. all that space was seats and stuff and far enough away from the centre of the terrace to act as a mini-chill out, but it defo didn't expand all the way back and into the whole area of the sunset
Grego,in 1998,Amnesia already has the roof...the first time i went in 1994,Amnesia wasn't open-air...
Grego,in 1998,Amnesia already has the roof...the first time i went in 1994,Amnesia wasn't open-air...

Sorry wrong. The terrace didn't have a roof on it till at least 97, maybe 98. I have photos from 96 with no roof on terrace and by 99 it was defo with roof.

The roof on the main room amnesia went on in 90/91 I presume
8) Good thread, and great posts from ressie expert El Grego 8)

I used to love dancing in front of the speaker housing of the old terrace of space on the right directly in front of the DJ booth. If i remember correctly it was a small structure with blue grill gates on it. It fooked up my ears for days like but you got a good vantage of the terrace just when it went off, esp of the raised area around the edge.

Those were the days 8)
That was one hell of a post Greg, brilliant. The new Sunset Terrace is still one of my favourite clubbing spaces on the island however I cannot understand why it is not used to it's full potential? (except We Love)
Even Coxy isn't doing an early thing there this year. Last year monza did a bit on the Thurs for come together but it was dead.
Are there any other nights / eves when it is busy in there before 12 ?