How do you guys do it?!!

does this mean that puppylover is actually another buckley alter ego and the man has jsut forgotten to change logins before doing his 'digging up old threads' trick!!!:confused: :confused: :eek: :eek:
I rave harder, faster, longer chemical free till whenever I want the next day. But then again, I am hardcore. Drugs are for pussies. You see the states of people gurning off the tits, can't dance, can't talk just in a state at 4AM, then claim they had an amazing night, they are all *****.
I rave harder, faster, longer chemical free till whenever I want the next day. But then again, I am hardcore. Drugs are for pussies. You see the states of people gurning off the tits, can't dance, can't talk just in a state at 4AM, then claim they had an amazing night, they are all *****.

Been twice last year to Ibiza, lasted midnight till 6.30am every time I went clubbing - never taken any * thing to keep me going :arrow: just lots of water and have a sit down every 30-60mins.

Then a good sleep till early afternoon then time to hit the beach!!! :D

U dont have to be off ur cake to have a wicked time in the clubs, adrenaline will keep u high for hours!!!!!! :twisted:
I rave harder, faster, longer chemical free till whenever I want the next day. But then again, I am hardcore. Drugs are for pussies.

At last we have something in common.

Can you see the new Govt campaign:

Just Say No To Drugs. They're triple Hench, and only for Bellsniffers
This year was the first time i'd been to ibiza and stayed awake for like 2 days on the trot, i seem to be able to go longer as i'm getting older?
I fade around 11-12pm if been out since 8pm, but then get a second wind and happy to go to 6am.

My mate who's a lot younger than me can't cope past 4am and needed his bed lol. Bless.

Find the best way to keep going is not to get too ruined early on (or at all)
I find I can last longer nowadays approaching 30, than I ever could at 18-21.

I think it's a change in mindset. At that age you're very clock-conscious. It's almost a race. How inebriated can you get, how quickly! I'd judge the quality of my nights on how much of a state i was.

Nowadays the music takes precedence. I hardly ever arrive "early". I want to get to the venue about a hour before the start of peak time, when the atmosphere is just starting to fizzle, when there is still space to find a good spot, when the warm-up act (should hopefully be) laying foundations for the main card.

When I was going to all those 18-30 type Med resorts - Kavos, Malia etc - I was behaving like a alcoholic. Drinking my liver into oblivion and sleeping all day and missing the sun.

Current me would despair at the very notion of missing the sun by lazing around in bed half the day, whether nursing a hangover or not. That equals missed opportunity! I'll worry about the comedown upon my return to reality.

You're gonna feel like shite when you get back home, regardless. A sore-head and lack of sleep won't make your holiday blues any worse. I wanna enjoy my hol to the max, and squeeze every last second of it!
I'm out for 3 nights on Friday.

I've been twice before (week long trips) on just alcohol. Looking back I don't know how we did it. Only 1 night off.

After discovering the more underground culture of the clubbing scene recently (wonkyness). I'm hoping this trip will be a lot more fulfilling. Also makes me anxious though...a touch of the unknown.
After discovering the more underground culture of the clubbing scene recently (wonkyness). I'm hoping this trip will be a lot more fulfilling. Also makes me anxious though...a touch of the unknown.

Just stick to the same principles you would at home and you'll be fine. ;)

3 nights this time of year = perfect

What parties - if any - are you planning on hitting?
I'm out for 3 nights on Friday.

I've been twice before (week long trips) on just alcohol. Looking back I don't know how we did it. Only 1 night off.
Just stick to the same principles you would at home and you'll be fine. ;)

3 nights this time of year = perfect

What parties - if any - are you planning on hitting?

Friday night = INSANE
Saturday day = Ants (afters maybe Elrow or Sankeys?)
Sunday day = doing that daft Ocean Mania thing in San An. Maybe Solomun+1 but 10:45am flight Monday means unlikely.

It's a stag do so not straying to far from the norm.

Just need to get out there and find my feet again. Knowing where to go for what etc...
Friday night = INSANE
Saturday day = Ants (afters maybe Elrow or Sankeys?)
Sunday day = doing that daft Ocean Mania thing in San An. Maybe Solomun+1 but 10:45am flight Monday means unlikely.

Looks like a brilliant few days!

PS. if you can handle Solomun+1 mentally & financially I say do it! Especially if you decide against anything post-Ants on the Saturday night.
Looks like a brilliant few days!

PS. if you can handle Solomun+1 mentally & financially I say do it! Especially if you decide against anything post-Ants on the Saturday night.

Appreciate the advice :) I hear he is the man out there right now. I saw Diynamic Closing at Sankeys in 2012. Top night.

Do people hand out wristbands after Ants for the night?

I've bought a couple of those EZ Marquis test kits. Feel like a right noob haha
Ha... better safe than sorry, right. I keep telling myself I need to invest.

Yes, there will be wristbands. Definitely for Reverse/Magna Carta at Sankeys. Not so sure about Space, though I expect so too.
Physical fitness helps lots. I find it easie to recover now than I used to and I'm sure it's down to running and biking now in my 30's more than I ever did earlier.
I've been spending quite abit of time lately reading through the posts and reviews and it seems as if you people dont sleep! :lol:
I wish I had the stamina!
I know Magaluf isnt anywhere near to what Ibiza is like, but when I was there I found myself wanting to go for a good kip about 4ish.
Next year I dont wanna do that (espesicaly since there seems to be so much in Ibiza, that I wanna experience as much of it as poss) , but at the same time I dont wanna sleep all day.

Any tips :?: What does your typical holiday sound like :?:


Suppose it depends how long you are going for and how much you want to cram into the time you have. A typical day / night for us will be bouncing in from a club between say 8 - 9 if we've stayed right to the end, generally straight to bed and then up for about midday and down to the pool until say 6 or 7 to chill, snore, sweat it out, eat / replenish etc. Have dinner after the pool and then a few hours kip, we don't head to a club until about 2am which leaves plenty time for a few drinks in the room while getting ready, head out to a bar before moving to a club. That pattern works for us especially when we have 3 or 4 all nighters in a row, or 13 nights out 14 like we had a couple of year ago although it did catch up eventually on our return :spank:.

Given that the "shopping" ;) is pretty crap these days I wouldn't even consider keeping myself going continuously that way.