Active Member
Getting in on the old thread resurrection act there, pups?
can you tell how bored I am...
Getting in on the old thread resurrection act there, pups?
I rave harder, faster, longer chemical free till whenever I want the next day. But then again, I am hardcore. Drugs are for pussies. You see the states of people gurning off the tits, can't dance, can't talk just in a state at 4AM, then claim they had an amazing night, they are all *****.
I rave harder, faster, longer chemical free till whenever I want the next day. But then again, I am hardcore. Drugs are for pussies.
At last we have something in common.
Can you see the new Govt campaign:
Just Say No To Drugs. They're triple Hench, and only for Bellsniffers
After discovering the more underground culture of the clubbing scene recently (wonkyness). I'm hoping this trip will be a lot more fulfilling. Also makes me anxious though...a touch of the unknown.
Just stick to the same principles you would at home and you'll be fine.
3 nights this time of year = perfect
What parties - if any - are you planning on hitting?
Friday night = INSANE
Saturday day = Ants (afters maybe Elrow or Sankeys?)
Sunday day = doing that daft Ocean Mania thing in San An. Maybe Solomun+1 but 10:45am flight Monday means unlikely.
Looks like a brilliant few days!
PS. if you can handle Solomun+1 mentally & financially I say do it! Especially if you decide against anything post-Ants on the Saturday night.
Physical fitness helps lots. I find it easie to recover now than I used to and I'm sure it's down to running and biking now in my 30's more than I ever did earlier.
I've been spending quite abit of time lately reading through the posts and reviews and it seems as if you people dont sleep!
I wish I had the stamina!
I know Magaluf isnt anywhere near to what Ibiza is like, but when I was there I found myself wanting to go for a good kip about 4ish.
Next year I dont wanna do that (espesicaly since there seems to be so much in Ibiza, that I wanna experience as much of it as poss) , but at the same time I dont wanna sleep all day.
Any tips What does your typical holiday sound like