How do you guys do it?!!

Buckley said:
naddyz said:
(and don't even get me started on that repetitive house music stuff)

Indeed. I have wondered what Ibiza is like before, but I can't see it ever replacing by annual beano to Bognor!

see you on the pier with a cornet next year then?
Its all in the preparation for months before I find......

make sure you have enough telephone numbers on hitting the island. ;)
Buckley said:
naddyz said:
Buckley said:
naddyz said:
see you on the pier with a cornet next year then?

Will it be organic?

organic and entirely made of soya and tofu

But surely it will break up when the boats moored to it bob about?

the boats are made of decomposible seaweed segments, powered by solar panels and sailed by gentle people, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I think we better stop here now buckley, before someone at work asks me why I'm giggling so much..
naddyz said:
the boats are made of decomposible seaweed segments, powered by solar panels and sailed by gentle people, so it shouldn't be a problem.

When my inventions grant from Govt comes through you're 2nd in command! :lol:
Buckley said:
naddyz said:
the boats are made of decomposible seaweed segments, powered by solar panels and sailed by gentle people, so it shouldn't be a problem.

When my inventions grant from Govt comes through you're 2nd in command! :lol:

finally I'll be able to launch on the world my banana powered spoon
Buckley said:
naddyz said:
the boats are made of decomposible seaweed segments, powered by solar panels and sailed by gentle people, so it shouldn't be a problem.

When my inventions grant from Govt comes through you're 2nd in command! :lol:

i'm still waiting for Ducksafe! :lol: :lol:
Scoobie said:
Buckley said:
naddyz said:
the boats are made of decomposible seaweed segments, powered by solar panels and sailed by gentle people, so it shouldn't be a problem.

When my inventions grant from Govt comes through you're 2nd in command! :lol:

i'm still waiting for Ducksafe! :lol: :lol:

Been on the market for ages Scoobs. You can place an order with me here and now if you like!
I think I'll just have a day in bed now and again to recover! Plus I can fall asleep on the beach :D
Well thanks for all your replys.. And the giggles :lol:
Forget the after parties, have a session when home a quick snoozle....then go to the beach and snoozle some more.

Works for me, and i can do this day after day!
All the kids are talking about it :)
Buckley said:
Has this been released yet Naddyz? I've been saving a store of Fyffes especially!

had a real slip up (geddit :lol: ) and forgot to patent my idea - it's now being sold by walmart in the US :cry:
I've been spending quite abit of time lately reading through the posts and reviews and it seems as if you people dont sleep! :lol:
I wish I had the stamina!
I know Magaluf isnt anywhere near to what Ibiza is like, but when I was there I found myself wanting to go for a good kip about 4ish.
Next year I dont wanna do that (espesicaly since there seems to be so much in Ibiza, that I wanna experience as much of it as poss) , but at the same time I dont wanna sleep all day.

Any tips :?: What does your typical holiday sound like :?:


I wonder if KatieJane managed to get past 4am........ do you think she was converted to the dark side or did she look on in horror at the gurning faces post 4am and chose never to darken Spotlight's doors again???