With a bit of luck
I'm a part qualified accountant so ideally I'd like to get a half decent job out there, for six or 12 months. The plan is to work abroad first for a period of time then travel through the Americas for a year afterwards. So the country needs to be somewhere near there and English speaking. Canada might be a good bet.
Utuguara: where's nice in Canada to live.... that's not toooo cold?!
If you want non-cold... you should go to Vancouver (or even Victoria, on Vancouver island...but it's a much smaller city).
Toronto and Montreal still get pretty cold in the winter, but are better for for traveling to places you want to go to,like New York. If you go further east of Toronto/ Montreal and get to the Maritimes, it is very pretty , but not many jobs.
However, west coast offers something completely different.... and traveling from Vancouver through British Columbia to Alberta has some pretty amazing scenery. Lots to do in summer and winter.
And, in the summer, in the southern part of British Columbia, temperatures regularly hit the 40s. So it can be very hot. I was there a couple of weeks ago and was mountain biking in 43 degrees.
And, although I always complain, about the centre, where I'm from as unfortunately it gets a bad rap as a conservative red-neck sort of place.. I don't actually know anyone like that, it does get cold (can get down to minus 40), but can get hotter than places like Vancouver in the summer.
And, I'm near the mountains, (Alberta) which is good if you like that sort of stuff!
So I'm not in the centre-centre like Saskatchewan or Manitoba (thank god!!)
, I still have easy access to mountains and all that healthy outdoorsy stuff....but it is severely lacking in any decent ngihtlife.
Even though Vancouver is a decent sized city, it has a more laidback feel than Toronto / Montreal..and it all depends on personal preference. I'd say Montreal and Toronto have a more cosmopolitan feel, but it's still Canada, so not (IMO) 100% cosmopolitan.
For a while, and still right now, where I live, Alberta still has better job opportunities than other parts of Canada, and often they pay better too ... and there is no provincial tax, so things are generally cheaper.
BUT, I wouldn't recomment moving here, although surprisingly, I've met people who've moved here for a short amount of time and say everyone is very friendly bla bla bla... but I think those people are more content with not going out as much as I do.
Have you been to Australia? I've lived there and been a fe times, and if I was going to pick anywhere to live, I'd pick Sydney. I just love it! I've lived there and been back quite a few times to visit.....and NO minus 40 in the winter!
Also, I echo what Morbyd said about Canada/ Australia in that they are big for side trips...and far away from many places.. but, there are still enough opportunities for so many weekend trips in those areas within the country.
When I lived in Japan for eg, I would go on long weekends to Korea, Hong Kong etc as well as many travels in Japan just because it was so accessible and not too far away.