Just out of interest, how many of you have had your hotel room robbed while on holiday in Ibiza? Its happened to us twice in the 20 years I have been going, and both times have seems like inside jobs, no sign of forced entry, and stuff taken from a locked safe.
When I read hotel reviews on Trip Advisor it appears to be something that happens quite a lot, especially in the lower budget hotels in San An and PDB. How can it be so common, and who do you think does these inside job robberies? The cleaners? Security?
I'm not going to name hotels, but you can probably guess some of them!
Also, nothing seems to happen when these robberies occur, its almost as if hotel staff, police etc just think oh well they will claim on insurance and dont care!
Ibiza has always been quite high for petty crime, but safe in most other apects, do you think hotel robberies are on the increase?