Hooray! (Reprise)

I'm sure I've done the "you lucky thing, my supplier gave me nothing this year, not even a cheeky line" gag before, though I assumed it was here?!

I think Russ did that gag, referencing your good yourself earlier in this very thread!
so far
a silver and bead hippy type necklace
3 bottles of champagne
1 bottle of Bruichladdich Single Malt
Box of Channel stuff - not too sure what cos I havent opened it
a solid chocolate santa, choc truffles and a net bag of M&S chocolate Money

.... more stuff to get tomorrow!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Any freebies yet folks? Not much for me this year but more than compensated for by other benefits.
Work at the HQ of a big pub company so lots of booze from suppliers :

2 x Scotch

1 x JD

1 x Smirnoff Blue

1 x Smirnoff Black

6 x bottles of wine

2 x champagne

Big case of Carling and C2

Big case of Brothers Strawberry Cider

1 x Mint Baileys

1 x Regular Baileys

(and a bit of chocolate)
ooh.. I remember this thread :lol:

I left work relatively early this year (Dec 19 last day in office) so I have to wait until I go back next month to see my haul :( :lol:
Anyone got any goodies off suppliers etc this year. None for me as a man of leisure, but I've got decent lunches from here until New Year!8)

Still miss the hampers though!
I read this as meaning something else at first!!! ;)

Nothing here as yet.....i don't think anyone is going to be generous this year! :twisted:
Nothing for me yet either :cry:
It's quite early... New Years is the gift-giving date here so, as noted above, stuff probably won't start showing up until I've already left town for Christmas :confused: