Highlights of your Summer so far....

So is he back for Xmas?

*Fingers Crossed*

He was originally meant to leave on the 28th, but its now the 26th...

He said the earlier he goes the most chance he is back for Xmas because they are only allowed to keep them 'out of area' for a certain number of days. Whats frustrating is after they have finished in Afghan they send them all to Cyrprus for 2 days :evil: its apparently meant to be the best thing to do before throwing them all back into normal civ life, cant quite see it myself - most would just wana come back home to their families as soon as :spank:
*Fingers Crossed*

He was originally meant to leave on the 28th, but its now the 26th...

He said the earlier he goes the most chance he is back for Xmas because they are only allowed to keep them 'out of area' for a certain number of days. Whats frustrating is after they have finished in Afghan they send them all to Cyrprus for 2 days :evil: its apparently meant to be the best thing to do before throwing them all back into normal civ life, cant quite see it myself - most would just wana come back home to their families as soon as :spank:

Get a flight to Cyprus :p
To be fair, i have it perfect with him atm, take last week for example....didnt see him for 10 days so just made it more excitement for when i did see him :D after that bastard M25 :evil:

My GF see's her BF everyday :eek: (obviously diff when you live together but they are fresh into this relationship) - personally, atm, i couldnt do that :spank: i need my own space and time esp of a week day.
To be fair, i have it perfect with him atm, take last week for example....didnt see him for 10 days so just made it more excitement for when i did see him :D after that bastard M25 :evil:

My GF see's her BF everyday :eek: (obviously diff when you live together but they are fresh into this relationship) - personally, atm, i couldnt do that :spank: i need my own space and time esp of a week day.

You definitely do need your own space - as horrible as it sounds I loved my boyfriend being away the whole weekend (just gone) he rarely goes out except to the gym etc so I never get any real alone time at the flat by myself as its usually me out so it was great to proper chill out and make the most of it!
Well, married sister kept her own. Told him good and proper she wasn't becoming Mrs xxxxxx !!

Unfortunately she hasn't yet learned the other female prerogative - what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine ;) !!
Vic have you tried writing your name with his surname yet? ;):lol:

I went out with a girl a few years back who did that, normal you may think!

Not when she did it before she had even met me, and had just been told about me:rolleyes:

Strange thing she couldn't see why I was freaked out, when I found out about it:eek:

Or is this normal for girls to do this?
I went out with a girl a few years back who did that, normal you may think!

Not when she did it before she had even met me, and had just been told about me:rolleyes:

Strange thing she couldn't see why I was freaked out, when I found out about it:eek:

Or is this normal for girls to do this?

Cant say Ive ever done it - apart from when I was a teenager and crushes seemed the ONLY important thing!! :lol:

My other halfs name is Wratten - his mum nearly called him Roland....:lol:
I went out with a girl a few years back who did that, normal you may think!

Not when she did it before she had even met me, and had just been told about me:rolleyes:

Strange thing she couldn't see why I was freaked out, when I found out about it:eek:

Or is this normal for girls to do this?

And you still went out with this stalker?!