
You have every right to be paranoid. Someone very close to me went in with a minor stroke and caught MRSA, C Diff and TB!!

I will NEVER let anyone close to me stay in hospital AGAIN


That's why I'm afraid - my mates mother went in for kidney dialysis, ended up having to have some minor op and came out with MRSA and then it turned into something flesh eating - and then she died through complications..
That's why I'm afraid - my mates mother went in for kidney dialysis, ended up having to have some minor op and came out with MRSA and then it turned into something flesh eating - and then she died through complications..

thing is, the more we obsess about having clean hozzies, the more disappointed we will end up.

you cant just dunk the globe in a big vat of dettol and hope to get rid of every microbe.

MRSA and the like will still be around once were all gone.
I despair what you might actually be like in real life jinnit, your the most inmature person ive ever come across with your crap, this is a serious enough thread and yet again your thread spoiling,go and fcuk off you clown.
I despair what you might actually be like in real life jinnit, your the most inmature person ive ever come across with your crap, this is a serious enough thread and yet again your thread spoiling,go and fcuk off you clown.

sorry johnny, my mistake, shane mcgowan is infinitely better looking and talented than you!!

feck off yourself u fecking cleft!!!
My neighbours don't work and there is 3 of them sitting in their house! They have the front to knock and ask to borrow stuff and my missus being the nice girl she is lends it to them! I refuse to answer the door and if they ask me they get a big fcukin no! I ain't going to work all day and come home and give these no-hopers stuff I work for! It is bad enough that I am paying for them to sit there all day doing fcuk all! Mind you who is the fool? Them or me for working?

I would give my last penny to someone if they needed it but if 3 adults sit in a house doing fcuk all then I ain't giving them jacksh1t! One of them got a job but didn't bother turning up as he could not smoke whilst he was working!

Anyway the fact is I work, pay my taxes etc and got nothing but yet the Doolittles got all their freebies for sitting indoors doing bugger all!

This is what annoys me - and dont get my dad started on sister has lost her job and he is urging her to go and get the dole just for the fact he has worked and paid taxes all his life - he said she is entitled to it.

My point being there are people happy to take it yet we come to work everyday for the rest of our lives like you say working our as**s off for what?!
thing is, the more we obsess about having clean hozzies, the more disappointed we will end up.

you cant just dunk the globe in a big vat of dettol and hope to get rid of every microbe.

MRSA and the like will still be around once were all gone.

I agree and I have no probs with kids eating worms and getting mucky as **** - like we all used to do - but I dont expect to go into hospital and possibly be given a free gift of a longer stay due to catching MRSA and the like due to their ****e cleaning systems.....

How come you dont hear of other european countries hospitals with the same unclean standards as ours????

Cyprus for instance, a carbunkle on the arse end of europe, my Dad's been in hospital for the past week - the treatment and standard of hospital hygiene is second to none.... compared to this country - and its still free !!!
I agree and I have no probs with kids eating worms and getting mucky as **** - like we all used to do - but I dont expect to go into hospital and possibly be given a free gift of a longer stay due to catching MRSA and the like due to their ****e cleaning systems.....

How come you dont hear of other european countries hospitals with the same unclean standards as ours????

Cyprus for instance, a carbunkle on the arse end of europe, my Dad's been in hospital for the past week - the treatment and standard of hospital hygiene is second to none.... compared to this country - and its still free !!!

Referring to your previous posts, Im actually scared of having or needing to go to hospital just because of things going wrong/catching things etc etc :cry:
Uk people - here's a tip to get your money's worth out of the NHS

Get Diabetes

and i don't mean the big girls blouse version where you take a pill and its ok

full blown Bad Diabetes - Not-Going-Away-Diabetes

you get

Injection Pens
Needle cutters
Get-me-out-of-a-coma kits
Testing kits
testing strips
at least 1 hospital once over a year

i can personally guarantee that i've blown at least 3 people on here's taxes

My neighbours don't work and there is 3 of them sitting in their house! They have the front to knock and ask to borrow stuff and my missus being the nice girl she is lends it to them! I refuse to answer the door and if they ask me they get a big fcukin no! I ain't going to work all day and come home and give these no-hopers stuff I work for! It is bad enough that I am paying for them to sit there all day doing fcuk all! Mind you who is the fool? Them or me for working?

I would give my last penny to someone if they needed it but if 3 adults sit in a house doing fcuk all then I ain't giving them jacksh1t! One of them got a job but didn't bother turning up as he could not smoke whilst he was working!

Anyway the fact is I work, pay my taxes etc and got nothing but yet the Doolittles got all their freebies for sitting indoors doing bugger all!

I feel your pain, i know people like that too,spongers who hardly ever worked a day in their lives,yet expect handouts all the time, they should have their benefits cut after a period of time,then they would soon be working.
This is what annoys me - and dont get my dad started on sister has lost her job and he is urging her to go and get the dole just for the fact he has worked and paid taxes all his life - he said she is entitled to it.

My point being there are people happy to take it yet we come to work everyday for the rest of our lives like you say working our as**s off for what?!

she wont get **** tho.

esp if shes got any money stashed away.

its like if u live with someone. not married, just living with someone. that person is deemed to be supporting u.
she wont get **** tho.

esp if shes got any money stashed away.

its like if u live with someone. not married, just living with someone. that person is deemed to be supporting u.

If you get made redundant you get money because it happened to me, and they encourage you to look for a job while signing on.

But yes other circumstances.

My friend left her job to go travelling - ok her choice but now she cant find a job and has no money. She cant get any help at all.
If you get made redundant you get money because it happened to me, and they encourage you to look for a job while signing on.

But yes other circumstances.

My friend left her job to go travelling - ok her choice but now she cant find a job and has no money. She cant get any help at all.

i got made redundant once, and got told i get diddly squat cos i had £1200 in redunancy (which saw me through the month 'tween jobs)
i got made redundant once, and got told i get diddly squat cos i had £1200 in redunancy (which saw me through the month 'tween jobs)

Yeah its different if you have money I guess. I didnt get any because I wasnt there long enough. My sister also lost her job because the company went into liquidation, she is entitled to her wages but it wont be a lot.
I agree and I have no probs with kids eating worms and getting mucky as **** - like we all used to do - but I dont expect to go into hospital and possibly be given a free gift of a longer stay due to catching MRSA and the like due to their ****e cleaning systems.....

How come you dont hear of other european countries hospitals with the same unclean standards as ours????

Cyprus for instance, a carbunkle on the arse end of europe, my Dad's been in hospital for the past week - the treatment and standard of hospital hygiene is second to none.... compared to this country - and its still free !!!

cant really compare free health care in a country with a population of 10 to one with 58m (not including the ones we've "lost", who are probably working as cleaners in the NHS)

also, has cyprus got its own " media frenzy tabloids?"
Yeah its different if you have money I guess. I didnt get any because I wasnt there long enough. My sister also lost her job because the company went into liquidation, she is entitled to her wages but it wont be a lot.

i might have had money, but under the law, its something i was entitled to because i worked there for over five years. but ive still lost my job. just cos i got a payment from the ex employer (PAID BY THEM, not the state), should my situation be any diff from someone who's worked 1 yr and got no redundancy? dont u think the fact ive been pumping in taxes for those five years and visited the docs probably about twice for minor ailments, that i should at least be entitled to some assistance.

again, for a system thats supposed to be "Fair" it aint. no wonder people sit on their arses watching Jeremy Kyle.
i might have had money, but under the law, its something i was entitled to because i worked there for over five years. but ive still lost my job. just cos i got a payment from the ex employer (PAID BY THEM, not the state), should my situation be any diff from someone who's worked 1 yr and got no redundancy? dont u think the fact ive been pumping in taxes for those five years and visited the docs probably about twice for minor ailments, that i should at least be entitled to some assistance.

again, for a system thats supposed to be "Fair" it aint. no wonder people sit on their arses watching Jeremy Kyle.

No I totally agree with you. People who work should be entitled to more.
I mean the whole housing thing is a joke as well, if you got no job and your kicked out of home you get a pad or cheap rent.

What do we get?!?!?!
No I totally agree with you. People who work should be entitled to more.
I mean the whole housing thing is a joke as well, if you got no job and your kicked out of home you get a pad or cheap rent.

What do we get?!?!?!

i disagree. i think people who work should be entitled to something.

if yr single, unmarried with no dependents, you get jack
i disagree. i think people who work should be entitled to something.

if yr single, unmarried with no dependents, you get jack

But if your single, say you been kicked out of home you get something. Because it happened to my friend. She now has her own council flat. Ok its not the best but her sister who has 2 kids has an even better pad and is living it up in an expensive area. Well ok not expensive but you get my drift.

Nothing we could afford without hard slog.