

Active Member
Aren't you folks in the UK,etc very lucky you get free healthcare (we have to pay through the nose,and this is for PUBLIC HOSPITALS not private,and Doctors/Dentists,etc the list goes on) so how many other countries in Europe,etc have to pay to go see your GP or a Hospital?
We are also one of the most intensely taxed nations in Europe!

That said the NHS is very good. (despite the fact that everyone has a moan)
Reason i started this is because i had to visit my Doctor recently and was in there less than 10 minutes and the charge...€55:evil: absolutely shocking.

Sometimes i think you might be as well on the dole here, get about €197 a week and qualify for a medical card which means most of your healthcare is free (you do pay for sme though)
Aren't you folks in the UK,etc very lucky you get free healthcare (we have to pay through the nose,and this is for PUBLIC HOSPITALS not private,and Doctors/Dentists,etc the list goes on) so how many other countries in Europe,etc have to pay to go see your GP or a Hospital?

like **** is our healthcare "FREE"

it might be free to see a doctor, but we still have to pay charges, and be if we are unfortunate enough to afford lifesaving drugs and pay for it ourselves, the "FREE" treatment stops!
like **** is our healthcare "FREE"

it might be free to see a doctor, but we still have to pay charges, and be if we are unfortunate enough to afford lifesaving drugs and pay for it ourselves, the "FREE" treatment stops!

Oh stop complaining you neo con! :lol:

It's Tory voters like you that'll end up privatising the ****er!

(BTW I've just pm'd you)
We are also one of the most intensely taxed nations in Europe!

That said the NHS is very good. (despite the fact that everyone has a moan)

True - where else do you get a free MRSA virus with every visit??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I wont visit anyone in hospital these days without my anti-bacterial gel - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

When I was in the Nuffield in March I made all the nurses spray their hands before they came anywhere near me...:oops::oops::oops::oops:

I am Paranoid to hell about hospitals :?:?:confused:
I agree with the comments about the dole.

Id get more money given to me if I was single, in a council property/kicked out of home and with child.
Echo Mark & Chewies Sentiments. We are very heavily taxed in this country and therefore we should expect a little back!! That aside the NHS is a great institution. When we had a "scare" with Naiya early on before she was born, we saw both sides.........we saw the incompetence in which a locum gave a very definate diagnosis based on a very shadowy ultrasound scan and then the other side once we had been refered and the diagniosis proved unfounded...And then with the birth with the complications etc. They could not do enough and were nothing short of excellent. That said there are lots of horror stories!!

Bottom line is unless you are giving birth or are an ill person under 16, its pretty much get in the queue and if it costs too much to treat you....tough buns!!!

If you can afford bupa I say do it!! when I got my knee done, i saw the specialist and was in surgery 3 days later...on the NHS I would probably still be waiting!!;)
Reason i started this is because i had to visit my Doctor recently and was in there less than 10 minutes and the charge...€55:evil: absolutely shocking.

Johnny you should have said....... chewie has the number of someone who will don a latex glove and shove 4 fingers up yer poo chute for £20!!! ;)
Bottom line is unless you are giving birth or are an ill person under 16, its pretty much get in the queue and if it costs too much to treat you....tough buns!!!

if yr a fat heffer and cant get out of the house, have some free surgery to shift some of that weight off, so you can go out and eat more pies. and to help your confidence, seeing that you have incredibly small breasts, you can have an enlargement on us too...

the sooner we start charging, the sooner people might actually look after themselves and live a bit more of a healthy lifestyle. :rolleyes:
True - where else do you get a free MRSA virus with every visit??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I wont visit anyone in hospital these days without my anti-bacterial gel - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

When I was in the Nuffield in March I made all the nurses spray their hands before they came anywhere near me...:oops::oops::oops::oops:

I am Paranoid to hell about hospitals :?:?:confused:

You have every right to be paranoid. Someone very close to me went in with a minor stroke and caught MRSA, C Diff and TB!!

I will NEVER let anyone close to me stay in hospital AGAIN

Johnny you should have said....... chewie has the number of someone who will don a latex glove and shove 4 fingers up yer poo chute for £20!!! ;)

for non UK residents, that charge increases to £50.

tell a lie, for non-uk residents, that charge is probably waived if you fill in enough forms.
Ok everything as regards healthcare in the UK may not be completely free but for the most part it is, i think it costs over €40 here and that's just if your unfortunate to be brought to A+E, in a private hospital it costs €120 to visit A+E (and even if you have health insurance like VHI your still not covered if your just in for the day.

If you need a prescription from the Doctor after spending €55 for the "privlege" of visiting the Doctor you then have to shell out anything from €10 to €100 for your prescription depending on what it is you have to get..and don't even start me about dental care,is it any wonder ive rarely been to the Dentists in years with the costs involved.:confused:
I agree with the comments about the dole.

Id get more money given to me if I was single, in a council property/kicked out of home and with child.

My neighbours don't work and there is 3 of them sitting in their house! They have the front to knock and ask to borrow stuff and my missus being the nice girl she is lends it to them! I refuse to answer the door and if they ask me they get a big fcukin no! I ain't going to work all day and come home and give these no-hopers stuff I work for! It is bad enough that I am paying for them to sit there all day doing fcuk all! Mind you who is the fool? Them or me for working?

I would give my last penny to someone if they needed it but if 3 adults sit in a house doing fcuk all then I ain't giving them jacksh1t! One of them got a job but didn't bother turning up as he could not smoke whilst he was working!

Anyway the fact is I work, pay my taxes etc and got nothing but yet the Doolittles got all their freebies for sitting indoors doing bugger all!

Johnny unmasked!!