

Active Member
The sun is shining brightly in London and its only 9:50 am 8)

Isnt it remarkable how a bit of nice weather perks you up unbelievably - I could almost dance round the office!
It's all relative, isn't it?

I'm just happy that the temps are finally staying above freezing this week! :lol:
Im with you Emma :D

Puts you in such a great mood, i love it...just a shame were stuck in offices not being able to properly enjoy it...

Fingers crossed its like this for the weekend :D
We've been getting some good summers the last few years. However it's been during April May and June, then it goes to sh1t when the schools break up :x
I love the sunshine it makes everything that little bit better (although if it stays like this i can imagine the haters moaning its too hot haha) i am sat my a MASSIVE window sun pouring in and we have got some banging tunes on the office ipod! and just bought some lush summer clothes roll on friday for some nice beer garden action!
I feel cooped up now I am back at my desk, its torture looking out the window at the sun :spank:

Did just buy some summer clothes though, that cheered me up :D
Holiday clothes shoppibng for me this Saturday WOOHOOO, not bought one new thing in ages. Why do the general public think it is ok to start baring flesh just because the sun comes out, nothing worse than fatties revealing way too much YUCK