Hangover Club ....

Surefire hangover prevention :

Drink a pint of water and have an AlkaSeltzer XS before going to bed after a night out (you might as well ...). Always wake up feeling right as rain.

I would puke if I drank Alkaseltzer after drinking I just do water if I'm in a state to remember.
Not especially hungover, per se... but I would like to go back to sleep!

My friend and I consumed something like 15 pints last night :!:
Not especially hungover, per se... but I would like to go back to sleep!

My friend and I consumed something like 15 pints last night :!:

Each? Wow. I consumed four, and about four shots of vodka. I don't feel crap, just the slight grogginess... that could also be lack of sleep, however.
I feel ropey this morning. Had some booze last night (wine/vodka/sambucca) and didn't get to bed till after 00:30. Not that hardcore, really... I guess I'm getting old.
Each? Wow. I consumed four, and about four shots of vodka. I don't feel crap, just the slight grogginess... that could also be lack of sleep, however.
No, total, of course. I would not be in the office if I drank 15 myself last night. :lol:
It's at times like this I could do with a bed in the office. :lol:

It's comforting to know others are feeling crappy too.

At least I can go home at 4. 8)
Starting to feel uncharacteristically fragile this morning - family birthday on Sat 8) & best part of a bottle of bully on top of a number of home-made frozen mango daquiris 8)8) Sunday b4 midnight may have contributed to reckless booking out to Ibiza at 5.35am tomorrow.

Took until 6am this morning to get everything booked and no refunds on most so I'm blooming well going this time. Everything's starting to fill up a bit now ?!!
Daquiris are scary things. I had a couple of amazing strawberry ones in Palma. 8) One in particular tasted like sorbet rather than anything boozy.
Not strictly a hangover, but definitely caused by booze. I drank quite a lot Thursday, Friday and Saturday and it played havoc with last night's sleep. Couldn't sleep at first and then kept waking up and having nightmares.

Consequently, knackered today, but as I've got both today's disciplinaries out of the way, I may just coast through the afternoon.
late check in for yesturday. Flight from the states was awfull. nearly passed out 3 times had the cold sweats et al . was one of those ones where u feel sick so cant eat but by not eating your making it worse. add that to being on a plane and its a corker. Good old english fish fingers n baked beans sorted me out tho
I had pre birthday drinks yesterday and feeling it today. Sat in the sunshine yesterday evening and had about 8 pints of Peroni. I feel slightly more human now than I did at 6am
late check in for yesturday. Flight from the states was awfull. nearly passed out 3 times had the cold sweats et al . was one of those ones where u feel sick so cant eat but by not eating your making it worse. add that to being on a plane and its a corker. Good old english fish fingers n baked beans sorted me out tho
Judging from some of your posts, looks like you had quite a good time in the States :lol:
i know . i need a safe guard on my laptop when i havnt slept n been on the source cos i just make drunken ramblings!