Hangover Club

I am on day 12 no booze, not because i want to but just don't see the point in drinking unless i'm going out :)

I've only been out four times this year, one of my decks broke in january and my car broke down. That's why I originally gave up alcohol. Have kind of kept with it.
Will keep with no drinking until easter weekend. My tolerance to alcohol, which is really high, especially with going to the gym four times a week, should have collapsed by now. Meaning cheap nights out for awhile. :lol:
It wasn't even necessarily intentional. Just too much going on. :confused:
The wife's exhibit opening last Thursday, followed by a party I had to attend.
The usual Friday and Saturday night shenanigans
Sunday evening football session at the pub stretching into marathon drinking session
Tuesday night dinner with the gang for my birthday
Wednesday dinner party at a friend's, then met up with a visiting friend & his crew at a club
Monthly foreign journalists corps p1ss-up last night.

And more tonight... I think Sat. & Sun. might have to be quiet ones. Brain turning to mush.

I think i suffered a minor hangover just reading that :lol: thats a busy schedule :eek:

It seems March is a busy month for a lot of people. oddly enough its been a quiet one for me, i think i have endured one hangover this month, normally its about 6-8 a month lol :lol:
I am on day 12 no booze, not because i want to but just don't see the point in drinking unless i'm going out :)

I am the same dont really drink at home, maybe on the weekend a bottle of wine with dinner but I save the rest for when I am either out with mates or out with work etc
Have you noticed a difference in how you feel?
I must say I do enjoy waking up weekends with no hangover, since we moved out and have chores and DIY :twisted: my weekends are precious to me

I am totally the same, cannot beat waking up on sunday at a reasonable time and not feeling like death :twisted:

I have a fear im getting old and boring before my time tho :eek::lol: but i dont care, the hangovers i suffer ruin either a saturday or sunday so its once a months for me now
i am totally the same, cannot beat waking up on sunday at a reasonable time and not feeling like death :twisted:

I have a fear im getting old and boring before my time tho 8o:lol: But i dont care, the hangovers i suffer ruin either a saturday or sunday so its once a months for me now

:d vicky 'party animal' mepham 8)
It seems March is a busy month for a lot of people. oddly enough its been a quiet one for me, i think i have endured one hangover this month, normally its about 6-8 a month lol :lol:
It's been an absolutely crazy month for me. Something going on every day, practically (although until this past week, not always involving booze). First half of April looks similarly packed. I need a vacation :lol:
I go through phases of going out getting trashed every weekend then have a bit of a lull and stay in for a few weeks, although Ibiza in 9 weeks is helping with the staying in more :)
I go through phases of going out getting trashed every weekend then have a bit of a lull and stay in for a few weeks, although Ibiza in 9 weeks is helping with the staying in more :)

Thats what im saying, id rather spunk money up the wall in a place its justifiable - IBIZA - than it the same places around here :rolleyes:
I am totally the same, cannot beat waking up on sunday at a reasonable time and not feeling like death :twisted:

I have a fear im getting old and boring before my time tho :eek::lol: but i dont care, the hangovers i suffer ruin either a saturday or sunday so its once a months for me now

I do friday nights now with the work crew - not so bad then and makes the weekend feel longer 8)
Thats what im saying, id rather spunk money up the wall in a place its justifiable - IBIZA - than it the same places around here :rolleyes:

Exactly !! Nothing worse than getting on your hols and having to watch your pennies, although i get paid the day after i get there which is dangerous hehe :)
I get paid two days before I leave.
July (which includes my birthday) up until Ibiza will be trying to spend as little money as is humanly possible.
Have you noticed a difference in how you feel?
I must say I do enjoy waking up weekends with no hangover, since we moved out and have chores and DIY :twisted: my weekends are precious to me

I feel absolutely bloody marvellous - my skin is glowing, my hair is shining, I have so much energy - unfortunately I also love alcohol too much for this ever to be a permanent state of affairs and cannot wait for that first pint at approximately 2pm on 10th April :spank:

However it is really noticeable the difference not drinking makes and it's definitely done me good and I think I'll definitely drink a lot less going forward (if nothing else because I'll be such a lightweight now :oops::lol:)
I do friday nights now with the work crew - not so bad then and makes the weekend feel longer 8)

Yup thats what we do aswell, well my old work rabble....die on saturday then you still have sunday to enjoy :D shame friday nights are just that little bit more rubbish esp when the gf and me are man hunting :twisted:
I feel absolutely bloody marvellous - my skin is glowing, my hair is shining, I have so much energy - unfortunately I also love alcohol too much for this ever to be a permanent state of affairs and cannot wait for that first pint at approximately 2pm on 10th April :spank:

However it is really noticeable the difference not drinking makes and it's definitely done me good and I think I'll definitely drink a lot less going forward (if nothing else because I'll be such a lightweight now :oops::lol:)

Does not compute.........

With a small amount of training, I reckon you could still do a solid week in Ibiza if the daytime laws were reversed for the summer:lol::lol::lol:
(if nothing else because I'll be such a lightweight now :oops::lol:)

I had a 6 week off booze stint at the end of the last year and the first night of drinking (works xmas do) was a bad bad one and the hangover, well the worst one i have had since my 21st - and im nearly 24 :twisted:

so it really didnt bode well for me :rolleyes::eek::lol:
Does not compute.........

With a small amount of training, I reckon you could still do a solid week in Ibiza if the daytime laws were reversed for the summer:lol::lol::lol:

Well I did go out with a bang and a 17+ hour Berghain/Panorama sesh before I started this 10 weeks of abstaining so I reckon this old gal has still got it :lol:;)
I noticed I felt better once I stopped the going out every weekend task a few years ago - I just eat way too much rubbish the next day which then makes you feel sluggish for a few days.

Hangovers last me a day now if I get a bad one - have to completely write the day off.
I have wine, beer, or cognac everyday, but I don't get on it until the weekend. My tolerance is pretty high so takes a bit to get me to the hangover stage:eek::oops: I used to go out weds. thru Sat. Now I only go out on the weekend and don't get smashed every time. I guess I'm getting old. :lol: