Hangover Club

I go on the piss every holiday in Ibiza. I try not to sober up the whole holiday. This cuts out driving but I avoid the hangover. The trip home is always dire, so I take a few days off before I have to goto work. I would wait until the next day and drive home until one day the police were doing random alcohol test and I failed 8 hours after I stopped drinking plus had a kip:eek::oops:
True story.

Approx 11/ 12 years ago, met my sister for a drink on xmas eve, she told me an aweful story about a guy who had been mown down by a drunk driver the night before. The poor guy was returning home with his wifey, car mounted pavement, guy had no chance, driver scarpered. Later went for last minute shopping and a policeman stopped me and asked if I would take part in an identity parade, I was the right height etc. I agreed and went to the station, it was for the drink drive fatality, eventually lined up and the suspect came out to check on the line up. I felt sick as it was a guy I went to school with. He objected to everyone in the lineup so it couldn't go ahead. He eventually got three years, this was appealed and he got five years. Have never understood why it is ok to murder/ butcher people with a car and get a few years, other methods carry a much heavier tarrif.
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i get nothing out of booze whatsoever anymore except a headache, a depreciated bank balance, a shrunken liver, hours of pain on the karzy the day after and loads of embarassing 'wish I hadn't said that' reflections. I drink it because it's what you do to be sociable or/and in the absence of far more enjoyable illegal alternatives. A couple of glasses of wine is ok, pints in pubs I am massively over. But then I'm 36 and seen it all before. if you're 16 and sneaking cider off to the park, you probably think you're really hard.
Yeah, alcohol's definitely a crap buzz once you know about other stuff. Just makes me feel tired after a while and bouncers less likely to let me into places. I have alcohol-only friends who don't understand why I 'need' drugs to go clubbing, but MDMA/uppers are just far more suited to the enviroment.
I think they should legalize everything regulate and tax it just like alcohol. I belong to a political group that is trying to change American law, it is a up hill battle. :spank:
I think they should legalize everything regulate and tax it just like alcohol. I belong to a political group that is trying to change American law, it is a up hill battle. :spank:

Common sense and politics just do not go together:!:

If you haven't read it, "High Society" - Ben Elton, is a funny (fictional) yet poignant read on the subject:D:D

Slight digression from hangovers!!
I belong to a political group that is trying to change American law, it is a up hill battle. :spank:

The trouble is there's a treaty between countries meaning most drugs can't be legal in any country that has signed up.

The only thing lawmakers can do is reduce punishments or turn a blind eye/make it low priority.
The bonus to legalizing it, in my eyes is that regulation will make them safer. E.g. I'll buy a pill that'll contain escatcy, not Paracetamol, or buy Coke which actually has cocaine in it, rather than washing power / rat poison, and a large amount of tax can be made off it.

Negative would be putting in the hands of so many more people.
The trouble is there's a treaty between countries meaning most drugs can't be legal in any country that has signed up.

The only thing lawmakers can do is reduce punishments or turn a blind eye/make it low priority.

Yes if you take away the penalty's away for use and possession, than it would be a step in the right direction. Treaties were made to be broken.:lol:
Yes if you take away the penalty's away for use and possession, than it would be a step in the right direction. Treaties were made to be broken.:lol:

The idea of something being legal to possess but not legal to supply is a weird one. For harm reduction, a focus on supply, quality control, dosage advice, etc is important.
Open for business :cry:

Monday was the only night over the past week that I haven't been out drinking. Out drinking with mates last night until 3am.

Finally taking its toll... hard to string together 2 coherent thoughts today... and that pain in my kidney area can't be good :!:
Open for business :cry:

Monday was the only night over the past week that I haven't been out drinking. Out drinking with mates last night until 3am.

Finally taking its toll... hard to string together 2 coherent thoughts today... and that pain in my kidney area can't be good :!:


I couldn't do a multi-day workday session of that magnitude since I was in my 20's:eek:

I couldn't do a multi-day workday session of that magnitude since I was in my 20's:eek:
It wasn't even necessarily intentional. Just too much going on. :confused:
The wife's exhibit opening last Thursday, followed by a party I had to attend.
The usual Friday and Saturday night shenanigans
Sunday evening football session at the pub stretching into marathon drinking session
Tuesday night dinner with the gang for my birthday
Wednesday dinner party at a friend's, then met up with a visiting friend & his crew at a club
Monthly foreign journalists corps p1ss-up last night.

And more tonight... I think Sat. & Sun. might have to be quiet ones. Brain turning to mush.
It wasn't even necessarily intentional. Just too much going on. :confused:
The wife's exhibit opening last Thursday, followed by a party I had to attend.
The usual Friday and Saturday night shenanigans
Sunday evening football session at the pub stretching into marathon drinking session
Tuesday night dinner with the gang for my birthday
Wednesday dinner party at a friend's, then met up with a visiting friend & his crew at a club
Monthly foreign journalists corps p1ss-up last night.

And more tonight... I think Sat. & Sun. might have to be quiet ones. Brain turning to mush.

And to think, I've been sober for 83 days now, apparently. ;)
Day 54 without alcohol.... I've forgotten what a hangover feels like :twisted:

Have you noticed a difference in how you feel?
I must say I do enjoy waking up weekends with no hangover, since we moved out and have chores and DIY :twisted: my weekends are precious to me
That's every day since the 1st of Jan, which is when I stopped drinking.
This is also the longest I've been without alcohol since I was 14. (Yes, I started young...)