Hangover Club

Jam Man

Active Member
This is a pre-emptive shout.

"Bon Voyage" sillyness tonight that I managed to escape at a reasonable (1am) hour.

Mrs Jam still in the thick of it.

Tomorrow could be a challenge!

Thanks, mate. A good Saturday night indeed. :)
I can tell now that tomorrow will not be an easy start to the work week. Been at the pub downing pints for the past 6 hours :lol:
Totally forgot about the Bananna thing :rolleyes: i was near on death saturday lunchtime, drove home from my mates about mid day and was throwing the car about like a bumper car - when that happens i know im still pissed :lol: then Boom from out of no where a hangover hit, back to bed i went to try and sleep it off, wasting a beautfiul day :cry:
Totally forgot about the Bananna thing :rolleyes: i was near on death saturday lunchtime, drove home from my mates about mid day and was throwing the car about like a bumper car - when that happens i know im still pissed :lol:

Not clever that. I've done it before, not realising I was still drunk until the hangover kicked in far later on in the day.

Live and learn and consider what you're drinking if you have to drive the next day. If you get in an accident and are tested by the police, you'll be treated as a drunk driver all the same.
Live and learn and consider what you're drinking if you have to drive the next day. If you get in an accident and are tested by the police, you'll be treated as a drunk driver all the same.
Zero tolerance here, so in the summer police set up Sunday afternoon checkpoints on the roads leading into town to catch people returning from their dachas with a trace of vodka left in their systems from the night before :confused:
Not clever that. I've done it before, not realising I was still drunk until the hangover kicked in far later on in the day.

Live and learn and consider what you're drinking if you have to drive the next day. If you get in an accident and are tested by the police, you'll be treated as a drunk driver all the same.

I was just having this conversation the other day with my work mate....

When i used to work 7 days a week, id go out friday and have to be in work for 12, wasnt until i got driving and was in an exciteable mood at work that i realised i was possibly still drunk, then come 4 o clock id come over all sick and faint and when your running up and down stairs with plates n drinks, this isnt good.

I would of maybe had my last drink no later than maybe 3 o clock in the morning, is that not long enough ?!
Zero tolerance here, so in the summer police set up Sunday afternoon checkpoints on the roads leading into town to catch people returning from their dachas with a trace of vodka left in their systems from the night before :confused:

I think they do that round here around the time of the Xmas party season. I'm not a drink drive nazi, as in someone who says don't drink at all and drive. I'll happily have a glass of wine or beer (usually with something to eat) and drive - but you don't want to get caught out over the limit. My old man got done for it - embarrassing and it severely limits your freedom.
I was just having this conversation the other day with my work mate....

When i used to work 7 days a week, id go out friday and have to be in work for 12, wasnt until i got driving and was in an exciteable mood at work that i realised i was possibly still drunk, then come 4 o clock id come over all sick and faint and when your running up and down stairs with plates n drinks, this isnt good.

I would of maybe had my last drink no later than maybe 3 o clock in the morning, is that not long enough ?!

Your body gets rid of roughly one unit of booze an hour, so you can calculate when you'll be 'safe' to drive using that as a guide (providing you know what you've had to drink!). If your body is storing 3 - 4 units of alcohol, you could possibly be over the limit.
As it stands at the moment within the UK, drinking one pint of 4% beer puts you over the limit
It'll then take ~ 2 hours to leave your system, as someone else mentioned.
So 5 pints, and you need to wait about 10 hours to recover. And the police will come down hard on you for drinking. (And coincidently, for being under the influence of narcotics too)

Johnny: If you don't know what you had to drink, you shouldn't be near your car the next day ;)
As it stands at the moment within the UK, drinking one pint of 4% beer puts you over the limit

I doubt one 4% pint (2 - 2.5 units) would put you over the limit, but it depends on body size. Not to be too pedantic, but depending on how fast you've drunk it, some of the booze may already have left your system by the time you get to the end too. ;)

Say it takes you an hour to drink, 1 unit should have left your system by the time you get to the end, although I've read it takes 15 minute for any dose of alcohol to peak in your system.

I do remember seeing a graph somewhere with how likely a certain number of units would be to put you over the limit. Some would test +ve at 3, most by 4 IIRC.

Interesting topic.
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Well going by what i think i drink of a night i shouldnt be driving at all the next day :rolleyes::oops::eek:

I used to be bad....

1 whole bottle of wine before im even out the door.
1 bottle between 2 of us with a jager bomb.

Then after that it depends on where i ended up and how much drinks were :lol: id say id end up doing 5 disaranoo and cokes and maybe 4 or 5 jager bombs :rolleyes::eek: if im not on that then im on large glasses of white wine :rolleyes:
Longest I've been unable to drive was three days.

Drank 56 units in one night, or mixed spirits and beer. Surprised I didn't need my stomach pumped...