Grooverider gets banged up

People are quick to dismiss Dubai and the UAE,etc as being in the dark ages,blah,blah over these type of things, and maybe to an extent they are... but think for one minute how people there percieve western "culture' to be, im talking every other weekend the length and breath of Ireland and the UK where there is mass binge drinking, rampant drug abuse,gangland shootings, fighting, and the streets are full of beautiful historical buildings dating back hundreds of years ...

Although i have every sympathy with the man,4 years is madness for a bit of weed and some porn DVD's/Mags people have to understand that the UAE is still an Islamic country and despite some of their laws being fcuked up if you visit or live there you need to abide by these rules,ive been several times and made sure i didn't even bring any tablets that contained codeine in as that is on the list of banned substances there, mad i know but that's the way it is, still an amazing city though regardless of what anyone says who hasn't been there... he can count himself fortunate it wasn't Saudi, now that really is a fcuked up place, he would've been sentenced to death.:eek:

I'm not even going to bother answering the likes of Grego either, who has the collective wit of a child.

their country their laws. has nothing to do with being ****ed up. he may as well have had a kilo of chaz shoved up his arse for good measure.

at least their teenage generation aint hanging about park benches drinking cider and smoking crack.;)

Dont mean to be pedantic mate, but Grego would not have the "collective" wit of one child, it would have to be a group of children...unless the child in question was which case your metaphor/similie could work. ;)
Deano makes another thought provoking,highly intelligent post, bravo old chap, you've done it again.

I had nothing thought provoking to say in this thread but I saw another one of your twat like responses and thought I would comment on it.....give me one thing jonny I'm consistant, I've even been known to reply to you in a normal manner when I believe your post has been intelligent and not a chance to rub someone up the wrong way....!
I had nothing thought provoking to say in this thread but I saw another one of your twat like responses and thought I would comment on it.....give me one thing jonny I'm consistant, I've even been known to reply to you in a normal manner when I believe your post has been intelligent and not a chance to rub someone up the wrong way....!

Really, looks to me like you try and be a smarmy **** by constanly 'trying' to rip the piss out of me, pity there's ignore function on this forum i say.
To be fair to Johnny he didn't actually say anything in this thread to antagonise you lot. Grego had a dig at him first and he retaliated, then the rest of you bunch of witches jump in and make your comment. Honestly it's like looking at a pack of b1tchy schoolgirls!

Jonny to your detriment you keep on replying to them which only adds more fuel to the fire.

It's getting pretty pathetic how 80% of the posts are turning into slanging matches, especially when it concerns a bunch of men in their 30's!!! (Yes Grego I know you are still a spring chicken!). If the gang mentality didn't get my goat so much I'd actually find it funny...
To be fair to Johnny he didn't actually say anything in this thread to antagonise you lot. Grego had a dig at him first and he retaliated, then the rest of you bunch of witches jump in and make your comment. Honestly it's like looking at a pack of b1tchy schoolgirls!

Jonny to your detriment you keep on replying to them which only adds more fuel to the fire.

It's getting pretty pathetic how 80% of the posts are turning into slanging matches, especially when it concerns a bunch of men in their 30's!!! (Yes Grego I know you are still a spring chicken!). If the gang mentality didn't get my goat so much I'd actually find it funny...

It's pathetic, the usual suspects, 'grown men' who choose to behave in this manner, i cant imagione what they are like in real life or is this just an 'Internet persona' they have,whatever i find it very sad.

Maybe your right Becki i shouldn't reply to them hence me saying pity there wasn't an ignore function.

Anyway ive really betetr things to be worryiong about that certain indivuduals on here who think they are clever and smart by trying to rip the pi*s out of me, i also ask myself the question would they actually do it to my face...mmmmmm maybe not.
Maybe your right Becki i shouldn't reply to them hence me saying pity there wasn't an ignore function.

there is an ignore function.

its poo, cos you can still see who's posted, but not the content... so you unignore to see wtf the fuss is all about :lol:
Really, looks to me like you try and be a smarmy **** by constanly 'trying' to rip the piss out of me, pity there's ignore function on this forum i say.

hardly jonny, in all seriousness like I have said before I'll reply to a 'normal' post and I'll take interest and reply normally, but if I think that your off the mark or having a jonnyism then I'll comment on becki said you don't help your situation if someone has a go at your opinion, you reply and go for the jugular straight away and thats why people 'take the piss' as you put it.

you've got to accept that this is an open forum and people will give there opinion on anything including your own opinion on a subject matter.

and as for your comment about would people say the same things to your face I can assure you I would if you made a stupid comment, remark or felt that you were ranting about crap!
To be fair to Johnny he didn't actually say anything in this thread to antagonise you lot. Grego had a dig at him first and he retaliated, then the rest of you bunch of witches jump in and make your comment. Honestly it's like looking at a pack of b1tchy schoolgirls!

Jonny to your detriment you keep on replying to them which only adds more fuel to the fire.

It's getting pretty pathetic how 80% of the posts are turning into slanging matches, especially when it concerns a bunch of men in their 30's!!! (Yes Grego I know you are still a spring chicken!). If the gang mentality didn't get my goat so much I'd actually find it funny...

i was taking the piss about dubai, it was you who brought up jonny! :idea:

so :p miss-i-always-cause-trouble-but-never-get-the-blame! :lol:

Im beginning to think I know who Johnny really is.................this reverence of all things celtic is just a smokescreen methinks!!!
To be fair to Johnny he didn't actually say anything in this thread to antagonise you lot. Grego had a dig at him first and he retaliated, then the rest of you bunch of witches jump in and make your comment. Honestly it's like looking at a pack of b1tchy schoolgirls!

Jonny to your detriment you keep on replying to them which only adds more fuel to the fire.

It's getting pretty pathetic how 80% of the posts are turning into slanging matches, especially when it concerns a bunch of men in their 30's!!! (Yes Grego I know you are still a spring chicken!). If the gang mentality didn't get my goat so much I'd actually find it funny...

Applaudes Bec and her Maturity..... is like a kindergarden on here some times.

Dont mean to be pedantic mate, but Grego would not have the "collective" wit of one child, it would have to be a group of children...unless the child in question was which case your metaphor/similie could work.

It is something of a grey area, admittedly. Siamese twins perhaps?

Anyway back on topic, absolute madness. One hopes the jail is not a stinking cesspit?