Greece debt farce - the end of the Euro?

Bloodbath for the bulls, biggest drop since the Japanese tsunami. :(

What a freakin mess this is.
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It's quite evident that a huge economical crash is coming no matter what we do. I suppose we have to blame the politicians who cannot make realistic politics and face the fact that money doesn't grow in trees.
Yes Spain and Italy both teetering on the edge of the abyss.

No rescue package is going to safe Spain or Italy.

IMO The Euro is on life support awaiting somebody to pull the plug.

Interestingly here in Ireland the Government is starting to mention the punt (our old currency) again.

Looks like the game is afoot............

If Spain tanks there will be major trouble for the euro and the euro zone. This could lead to a depression
The current financial mess goes far beyond the euro.

It is hard to see how the current financial system will still exist a few years from now.
Ban on shorting the banks and financial stocks.

Seems a short sighted solution to a big problem? Can the short sellers really undermine the financial stability of a bank if the books are in order?
Ban on shorting the banks and financial stocks.

Seems a short sighted solution to a big problem? Can the short sellers really undermine the financial stability of a bank if the books are in order?

The banks were shorting themselves, this maybe a good thing
most stressful two weeks of my life.

Expect it to get worse.

Todays meeting between Sarcozy and Merkel will be a defining moment for the future of the Euro.

Dont think the markets will ever have faith in the euro again if nothing radical comes out of it.

P.S Euro Bonds are not radical
The public at large will take it on the chin no matter what the governments do. The banks behaving badly will continue.
So where would you be leaving and where would you be looking to settle ?

I wont be leaving rather looking to make a stand. Democracy is at stake here.

The Death Star is under construction and its time to take it out.
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