Greatest vocal track of all time.

I've tried to add these to a Spotify playlist - which I've made collaborative. If anyone wants anything added/changed (finding the right mixes was difficult and impossible for many).

Access it here Ibiza vocal choons
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10. underworld - two months off - as the world's second biggest Underworld fan (there's a guy in Canada I found out is even more stalker-y) I usually grab anything they release (not the recent release though!) and this was the standout from their noughties output. It NEEDS to be heard live. YOU BRING LIGHT IN! YOU BRING LIGHT IN! as karl prances around the stage looking like an overanimated chimp. An anthemic, titanic call to rave arms.

Glade last year , had fully lost myself in their set by the time they played it. Hands in air without a care :):):cry::):)
4. hercules & love affair - blind - frankie knuckles vocal
10. underworld - two months off

Good choices. Remember hearing TMO while mashed in Fabric - probably the only tune I could ID that night.

There's an awesome dance mix of The Futureheads doing Hounds Of Love (although I don't care for the original Futureheads version), probably one of the best indie remixes I can think of.