Got a Few Nights of Partying: Survivoral Tips


Hi All,

It is my first time in Ibiza and was wondering if I could tap into your collective expertise.

Basically what would be you top 2 - 5 tips for surviving clubbing Ibiza style. Just to give you an example, I saw elsewhere on the forum that instead of buying water people also get a glass with ice and use that as a top up. What else do people do to survive 10 hours of dancing and being wasted? Also any tips on what to watch out for would be awesome!

All fairly standard stuff - but a few things I always try to do:

- drink LOTS of water through the day. It's so easy to get dehydrated when in the sun all day and dancing all night. Getting properly dehydrated or sunstroke can put you in bed for a long time, not an option in Ibiza.

- eat properly, you need fuel!

- pack yourself an Ibiza survival kit before you go. Berrocca, paracetamol, ibuprofen, multivitamins, Imodium, condoms.

- if you're thirsty in a club, buy a drink. It's better to be skint than ill.

- if you're flagging, man up. You're in Ibiza.
Sound advice mate thanks very much! Read somewhere else dioralyte is good for re-hydration, taking it before and after the club session. Everyting mentioned in the survivors kit will definitelty be there.:D

How about things like any problems with Bouncers,any issues with pre-booked tickets, or any general scams to watch out for?
I've only ever bought tickets in advance through spotlight. Never a problem and usually gets you a decent Q-jump. Never had problems with bouncers, they're no better or worse than anywhere else. Just be half sensible and you'll be fine. If you're taking anything illegal in, stash it well. Rubber bands are useful in my experience - your imagination.

Just all the usual stuff when travelling abroad - watch out for pickpockets, illegal taxis, people wearing ill fitting vests etc
Sound advice mate thanks very much! Read somewhere else dioralyte is good for re-hydration, taking it before and after the club session. Everyting mentioned in the survivors kit will definitelty be there.:D

Essential stuff. I always mix one up before and after clubbing - and also pour some into a small bottle of water during the day if I'm out in the heat for hours. It really makes a difference. Also helps rehydrate if you have too much red bull/fags - high caffeine/nicotine combo = dehydration fast. Staying hydrated means staying on top.... or at least sufficiently vertical anyway !

8 other useful extras if you're really intending on "doing Ibiza properly" :

- Alkaseltzer XS - still does it like no other

- Zantac (no-one wants to faff around with antacids - these stop it before it even happens)

- Dettol antibacterial wipes / pocket wetwipes (for your bum, when you get caught short in the middle of nowhere and wind up hiding behind some bush ... beats trying to find anything resembling a broad leaf in midsummer - it's bad enough when it happens as it is ! :rolleyes:)

- Daktarin spray (or cream) - athlete's foot can set in quick with a roasting club, closed shoes and hours on the dancefloor, especially if you don't wear liner socks (I never do) ... this knocks it back fast. If it festers whilst you're out there can take weeks to shift when you get home plus very unpleasant.

- Zovirax - if you're prone to cold sores when run down, don't get caught without ... days of imbibing = major trigger

- Nivea Lip Repair (not sun block stuff) - a proper 'large one' can easily show through in lips like limestone cliffs after 2 days on the razzle in the heat. Get them kissable again in a couple of hours

- Bananas (meaningful solid energy food when the thought of anything is hard to come to terms with)

.... I could go on ... but above all else if you're really going to 'go for it' take comfortable well-fitting shoes. Your feet take an absolute hammering when you're partying for days at a time.There are quite a few on here will testify you can literally dance the soles of your feet off, and when you're sh!t faced may not even notice until the damage is done :twisted:

PS - I usually take Imodium plus rather than the regular stuff... tends to work fast and act long so you can get on with enjoying your trip ;)
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Tinned potatoes, don't forget the tinned potatoes. Wear cargo trousers with big pockets to accomodate a couple of tins.
Essential stuff. I always mix one up before and after clubbing - and also pour some into a small bottle of water during the day if I'm out in the heat for hours. It really makes a difference. Also helps rehydrate if you have too much red bull/fags - high caffeine/nicotine combo = dehydration fast. Staying hydrated means staying on top.... or at least sufficiently vertical anyway !

8 other useful extras if you're really intending on "doing Ibiza properly" :

- Alkaseltzer XS - still does it like no other

- Zantac (no-one wants to faff around with antacids - these stop it before it even happens)

- Dettol antibacterial wipes / pocket wetwipes (for your bum, when you get caught short in the middle of nowhere and wind up hiding behind some bush ... beats trying to find anything resembling a broad leaf in midsummer - it's bad enough when it happens as it is ! :rolleyes:)

- Daktarin spray (or cream) - athlete's foot can set in quick with a roasting club, closed shoes and hours on the dancefloor, especially if you don't wear liner socks (I never do) ... this knocks it back fast. If it festers whilst you're out there can take weeks to shift when you get home plus very unpleasant.

- Zovirax - if you're prone to cold sores when run down, don't get caught without ... days of imbibing = major trigger

- Nivea Lip Repair (not sun block stuff) - a proper 'large one' can easily show through in lips like limestone cliffs after 2 days on the razzle in the heat. Get them kissable again in a couple of hours

- Bananas (meaningful solid energy food when the thought of anything is hard to come to terms with)

.... I could go on ... but above all else if you're really going to 'go for it' take comfortable well-fitting shoes. Your feet take an absolute hammering when you're partying for days at a time.There are quite a few on here will testify you can literally dance the soles of your feet off, and when you're sh!t faced may not even notice until the damage is done :twisted:

PS - I usually take Imodium plus rather than the regular stuff... tends to work fast and act long so you can get on with enjoying your trip ;)

You have just destroyed half of my carry on luggage allowance :lol:
8 other useful extras if you're really intending on "doing Ibiza properly" :

- Alkaseltzer XS - still does it like no other

- Zantac (no-one wants to faff around with antacids - these stop it before it even happens)

- Dettol antibacterial wipes / pocket wetwipes (for your bum, when you get caught short in the middle of nowhere and wind up hiding behind some bush ... beats trying to find anything resembling a broad leaf in midsummer - it's bad enough when it happens as it is ! :rolleyes:)

- Daktarin spray (or cream) - athlete's foot can set in quick with a roasting club, closed shoes and hours on the dancefloor, especially if you don't wear liner socks (I never do) ... this knocks it back fast. If it festers whilst you're out there can take weeks to shift when you get home plus very unpleasant.

- Zovirax - if you're prone to cold sores when run down, don't get caught without ... days of imbibing = major trigger

- Nivea Lip Repair (not sun block stuff) - a proper 'large one' can easily show through in lips like limestone cliffs after 2 days on the razzle in the heat. Get them kissable again in a couple of hours

- Bananas (meaningful solid energy food when the thought of anything is hard to come to terms with)

.... I could go on ... but above all else if you're really going to 'go for it' take comfortable well-fitting shoes. Your feet take an absolute hammering when you're partying for days at a time.There are quite a few on here will testify you can literally dance the soles of your feet off, and when you're sh!t faced may not even notice until the damage is done :twisted:

PS - I usually take Imodium plus rather than the regular stuff... tends to work fast and act long so you can get on with enjoying your trip ;)

Awesome advice right there, exactly what i was looking for, thanks very much!

In terms of club nights, has anyone done DC10 Mon pm and then moved on to Cocoon later? Is this worth doing and is there a last entry into Cocoon (thinking probably not)? I am definitely planning DC1O but dont want to miss out on an Amensia experience!
Awesome advice right there, exactly what i was looking for, thanks very much!

In terms of club nights, has anyone done DC10 Mon pm and then moved on to Cocoon later? Is this worth doing and is there a last entry into Cocoon (thinking probably not)? I am definitely planning DC1O but dont want to miss out on an Amensia experience!
Depends which night I suppose, last year late in september DC10 was really good & full, but Cocoon felt quite empty without atmosphere.
If you're taking anything illegal in, stash it well. Rubber bands are useful in my experience - your imagination.

I've never really thought about this before. When I'm in Ibiza, i pretty much just carry my supplies in a baggie, just loose in my pocket. Just never been searched in Ibiza so I guess I've never contemplated even needing to smuggle them into a club and hiding them "about my person". (different story in UK, obviously).

I don't even bother hiding them when I get back to my hotel. I just leave them on the dresser all day. Not had a maid steal anything to date.

Now I think about it, I should probably be a little more subtle in future :eek:
In theory, Ibiza can be worse than the UK for searching. I believe bouncers/cops have the right to look down your underwear, but in reality it's a chilled place and such experiences seem confined to the unlucky few. I would still exercise caution at all time - in fact, just stick to the beer. ;)
Hydration, hydration, hydration! I spent a full Saturday in A&E last week due to my fiance over-doing it out there. This was 3 days after he returned home......
All of the above.. especially the tinned potato's. Seriously though one thing that always works for me is get in that beautiful sea ( preferably not wired ). So many minerals in there to get yourself hydrated and back on track. 20 mins and you will feel on top of the island again.. enjoy!!!!!!
I've never really thought about this before. When I'm in Ibiza, i pretty much just carry my supplies in a baggie, just loose in my pocket. Just never been searched in Ibiza so I guess I've never contemplated even needing to smuggle them into a club and hiding them "about my person". (different story in UK, obviously).

I've never been searched that vigorously in Ibiza, but I have well enough that they would've found a baggie in my pocket. I've just made a habit of being careful wherever I am. A Baggie strapped to the old fella is very unlikely to be discovered. A girl's hairband is equally effective. Usually if we're in a group with girls present then the stash will be in someone's bra, if not then they'll be well hidden on my person.

Even if you only get searched now and then, it's worth a couple of minutes of effort to make sure the night goes smoothly.