Google +


Active Member
Having taken a close look, I really like it.

Another yawnsome digital bandwagon I know but:

a) it's google - open source and therefore much cooler.
b) you can compartmentalise friends into circles which makes sooo much sense, allowing you to section off the bores and ex school clingons, identify a-listers and focus on niche stuff like music and celeb trash (and fit men of course).
c) FB just feels like one big mess of updates/photos/friends/people you don't care about...this has the potential to create organised mess. Much more zen.

Countdown to DELETE facebook button and hopeful mass exile (predicted to begin in earnest around next summer).

Get involved.
Having taken a close look, I really like it.

Another yawnsome digital bandwagon I know but:

a) it's google - open source and therefore much cooler.
b) you can compartmentalise friends into circles which makes sooo much sense, allowing you to section off the bores and ex school clingons, identify a-listers and focus on niche stuff like music and celeb trash (and fit men of course).
c) FB just feels like one big mess of updates/photos/friends/people you don't care about...this has the potential to create organised mess. Much more zen.

Countdown to DELETE facebook button and hopeful mass exile (predicted to begin in earnest around next summer).

Get involved.

I like the option B you speak of - that's what caught my eye on first reading about it.... I do like to compartmentalise my life ....:lol::lol::lol:
Will check it out at some point.

I don't know just how open Google are with some things.
Having taken a close look, I really like it.

Another yawnsome digital bandwagon I know but:

a) it's google - open source and therefore much cooler.
b) you can compartmentalise friends into circles which makes sooo much sense, allowing you to section off the bores and ex school clingons, identify a-listers and focus on niche stuff like music and celeb trash (and fit men of course).
c) FB just feels like one big mess of updates/photos/friends/people you don't care about...this has the potential to create organised mess. Much more zen.

Countdown to DELETE facebook button and hopeful mass exile (predicted to begin in earnest around next summer).

Get involved.

I like the huddle feature. I feel bad unfriending people, and don't check to see if I get unfriended. I just don't care enough I guess?
Will check it out at some point.

I don't know just how open Google are with some things.
I don't trust them one bit. Dreaded opening a gmail account but needed one for work purposes.

Not that Zuckerberg is any better, of course.

Android started as "free" and "open source" but looks like that's set to end as it infringed on patents. Soon manufacturers are going to have to pay and Google is already locking down the software to reign in fragmentation and make it more tablet friendly.
Will check it out at some point.

I don't know just how open Google are with some things.

...and Facebook?!? like Apple - pioneers in ringfencing and controlling.

They might still be a brand - but Google wins on the open source front by far.
I feel bad unfriending people

I don't :D If I have't interacted with you in 6 months then "buh bye!"

All my old school friends except about four who I do speak to occasionally got the bullet a few months ago. Anyone who updates about "hanging the washing out" or similar mundane tasks also gets canned.

The only one I have a conscience about deleting is a woman I work next to who I would like to delete but not sure how to get away with it!

I like the 'Circles' thing. That would alleviate the above problem of not letting work people see what I got up to at the weekend.
Facebook will be introducing "groups" which will work the same as the "circles" bit on Google plus one.
I just love the way Google operates. Gmail is a dream to work on especially the options the documents give you for office

Its compatibility, when you tie into all its services makes it unbeatable.
The amount of data stored about you by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc, is staggering...

I don't really trust Zuckerberg with my data, but I don't have much choice, as alot of my friends only stay in touch via Facebook.

I don't get me started on Apple. I hate the company ethos towards their customers, and towards everything in general... Their products are over-rated, and over-expensive (I'm an iPhone owner, by the way). Sadly, until recently, there has been little alternative.
The amount of data stored about you by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc, is staggering...

I don't really trust Zuckerberg with my data, but I don't have much choice, as alot of my friends only stay in touch via Facebook.

I don't get me started on Apple. I hate the company ethos towards their customers, and towards everything in general... Their products are over-rated, and over-expensive (I'm an iPhone owner, by the way). Sadly, until recently, there has been little alternative.

I only found out yesterday that you cant right click with a mac..... how weird is that :confused:
Facebook will be introducing "groups" which will work the same as the "circles" bit on Google plus one.

It was only a matter of time.

...I'm just over it tbh and I'm convinced people will be moving over in their droves to start afresh.

It's like having a really satisfying poo.