interesting that the same guy created
-es paradis
-cafe del mar
-summum .
crazy - they even wanted him for some remodelling of nyc´s studio54 !!!
translation-programme did this below,
es paradis terrenal = is paradis earthly
cafe del mar = coffee of the sea

Güell maintained a long and fruitful relation with Eivissa,
where arrived in 1975 to be take charge of the construction of the record store
Is Paradís of Sant Antoni, the same locality in which five years later created the one
that probably is its more universal work, the Coffee of the Sea.
It emphasized as the designer of spaces, decorated several record stores in Catalonia before arriving at Eivissa, where besides them cited, designed the interiors of the clubs Summun and Project, of the restaurant s´Illa or of the store of Elena Almanzor of Despicable, among others.
Has also an important work as the sketcher, painter and sculptor
and was responsible for the ceremony of closure of the first edition of the fair ARCH,
in 1984, with the happenings `Adoració of the victòria of the burrocràcia´ and
`23-F lúdic to the Congrés dels Diputats´.
In the island lived during various years in a little house next to the sea in is Penetrated give Moorish.
The hand of the businessman arrived from Pepe Aguirre,
with the one that had worked in several Catalonian record stores,
to create Is Paradís Earthly,
a work that carried him two years.
Aguirre, that knew him since the 68, recalled him yesterday as
"the best artist of the world,
a man of a difficult character,
but a great person and a great artist".
The developer, that also the club entrusted him Summun,
was very affected by the news of its death:
"We have passed average together life".
In turn, Ramón Guiral, owner of the Coffee of the Sea, defined him also as
"a difficult person. A genius, like other geniuses with a point of defiance.
Very tenacious in the defense of its ideas".
Guiral recalled "the complications that had until finished the Coffee of the Sea,
because did not want that changed neither a comma of its project.
It wanted to do a source of colors inside the sea, but Coasts did not leave us.
In the end told me that was the first time that a work had managed
to finish at 75 percent.
Today I repent of those discussions and I am proud of what we did.
Good part of the success of Coffee of the Sea itself the due to him.
It is a work that has transferred borders and is known everywhere".
Before arriving at Eivissa was responsible for the scenography
and the wardrobe of the spectacle `Xauxa´, of The Threesome, in 1972.
In 1987 it went to Germany to create the record store you Give Monument and
they entrusted him the reform of the mythical one Studio 54 of new York,
but an illness maintained him various months in a German hospital.