go pro/selfie sticks

Holy ****! Coming to this thread late. Selfie sticks are a thing? :eek: When I first read the thread title, I assumed they were some piece of camera technology, smaller than a phone, rather than a pole to stick your cam on. :spank: :lol: Can they do a crane shot?
I saw this out in full force for Ants yesturday and for Insane @ Pacha on Friday. I don't know the rule around it...i think these girls I split a cab with had theirs taken away at Ushuia but then i don't know how some others got it in.

My phone screwed up 2 days into my trip now so I'm relying on cheap disposables! I'm a bit jealous with those selfie sticks. It's really good to record videos for key moments i.e. hearing Tensnake drop La-da-di at Insane, or hearing Solitary Daze at Ushauia
I really can't work out why anyone in mid-2015 would be seen dead with a selfie-stick, or even taking a selfie! I mean come ON! AND recording a DJ. Richie was so right pushing that bird off the stage last year... Party Don't FILM!
Anyone know the Berghains policy on go pro cameras and selfie sticks? Friend of mine said people with them were given priority getting in.
^^ :lol:.

I'm going to Chiemsee Summer next month and just seen this on their website -

"Also not permitted are the so-called Selfie sticks. Whoever adheres to it, can take pictures easily."
I find it hard to smile for a picture on a w**ker wand, feels fake and to make it worse the mrs bought one this weekend :spank:

However a friend had one at Glastonbury, and it was good for finding people in large crowds when lost "whack the wand up will you" better than carrying a 20 ft flag with "Hello-is it me you're looking for" on it....
I for one take videos while I am clubbing. When it’s building up to something I will get my phone out every so often just to try and capture the atmosphere for when I am home depressed and want to watch something to show one of my many good memoires away. I would say in an 8 hour night I record 5-6 minutes though. And I don’t see a problem with this.

And this is what everyone is getting at, by bringing a selfie stick your gearing yourself up to record a LOT of the night, not just snippets to remind you of what the night was and that is what ruins a party.

Sorry but I hate this. If it's building up to something then you should be standing there FEELING the music not filming it. When I last went to Pacha, there was like three guys doing this all the time and it drove me nuts. Not to mention, it was a bit creepy since I'll be in their video...

The migrants departing are on the whole those who have the means to fund their trip. Those in most need are likely unable to pay their way out. I have every sympathy with those who are fleeing persecution on account of their religion or race. However, I'd dearly like to know why the regional GCC countries with enough oil money to buy up half of Europe and who ship in workers from the Indian subcontinent by the thousand are not taking in their brothers in their hour of need. Common religion and very similar cultures on the doorstep.

It's not as if they don't have enough projects to supply work to them all. No, instead they are headed for the "promised land" in their hundreds of thousands putting their children through all that risk along the way. Along with heaven knows how many future terrorists exploiting the situation to position themselves in the heart of enemy territory. Does no-one remember Kuwait and the human shields ? I've no doubt that there are people amongst those leaving who really do need rescuing. However, there's going to be a great many others who are taking advantage of what's feeding back as a once in a lifetime opportunity for a quick ticket in to the West.
no selfie sticks here - but what exactly have these annoying selfie-sluts lost in carola´s dj-booth ???
