go pro/selfie sticks

im Much more bothered by super excited whistle guy. I go to hear music, not loud sss chirping whistle guy every two minutes. Thats kind of shit kills a vibe far more then someone taking a video.
You know what bothers me? Sweaty drunk ass with his shirt off bouncing around jumping into people like hes the only one on the dance floor. Or even more? Guy dancing around a packed dance floor with a ciggrette blowing it in your face or even ashing on you. Diesrespectful people can be doing anything. You can politely capture a video without bothering anybody. Ive left a club/festival many more times thinking about those f***ers then somebody filming. Sure those same people can be annoying by filming, i guess. Doesnt mean you cant film and not being annoying. The action itself isnt really directly affecting you and can be done quickly and politely.

No offence mate and I know you hate all the "back in the day" chat but back in the day, you'd have blokes smoking all sorts of stuff, blowing it in your face and dancing around. But you know what? Without a shadow of a doubt, the parties were much better in the days before phones and definitely before balloons with golf clubs with cameras attached to them.

I refer to my earlier point, people who are cabbaged do not want some chump shoving a stick in their boat race just so they can show their pals a video of some poor geezer enjoying himself.

It's each to their own but if I tried to go in with a Callaway Big Bertha driver in my shorts they'd stop me, I fully expect you to be stopped going in with your pathetic contraption.
im Much more bothered by super excited whistle guy. I go to hear music, not loud sss chirping whistle guy every two minutes. Thats kind of shit kills a vibe far more then someone taking a video.
Please take a look at this, one of the first parties I ever attended, yes guys had whistles but definitely no cameras and especially no sticks. Honestly was better back in the day, it really was!

Please take a look at this, one of the first parties I ever attended, yes guys had whistles but definitely no cameras and especially no sticks. Honestly was better back in the day, it really was!

Another argument for how parties were better without cameras/videos by posting a video. Great

Nostalgia is a great feeling. I went to my first party in 96. And while I think they may have seemed better back in the day, im not sure that they were necessarily. Yeah it was all new and fresh to me. But of course the world has evolved, what makes you think club culture wont be affected by that?

But so much is better about the scene today. Production, sound, availability of global talent, options, etc. Have the introduction of go pros and i phones really ruined clubbing for you all? A lot of things were better "Back in the day" that's the way the mind works as it grows old.

If you want to experience an old raw scene where people don't have go pros why not travel to a third world country and party in a warehouse? You do have that option, you know? those scenes are out there outside of western europe and the US. I doubt any of you are truly looking for that, and I assure you there are scenes around the world decades behind Ibiza where you can go get your raw clubbing fix. How bad do you really want that?

With all the great new evolutions in club culture and festivals, if all you jaded old guys have to whine about are people with go pros and a 9' proxy stick I think you are making out ok. Sure it was great back in the day, so was cereal and cartoons.

My point being, there are many more disrespectful things clubbers do all night to ruin your vibe then grab a video clip. And your idea of the perfect vibe isn't the only one. I prefer to be outside of a cluster f*** at a VIP table these days, I spent to many years down shoulder to shoulder in the cluster f***.

Am I ruining your party if want to grab a video from my table up on a balcony? If so, lighten the f*** up and retire.

/end thread
Yeah, but selfie sticks and go pro's are pretty shit things to take to a nightclub.

Ticket - check
Money - check
Phone - check
Narcotics - check
Selfie stick - just no.

I think you'll find that filming isn't permitted in the clubs, these just can't police it these days because of smartphones. If people start going with their pockets full of pointless filming equipment, I think they'll start refusing entry. Let's hope so anyway.
Another argument for how parties were better without cameras/videos by posting a video. Great

Nostalgia is a great feeling. I went to my first party in 96. And while I think they may have seemed better back in the day, im not sure that they were necessarily. Yeah it was all new and fresh to me. But of course the world has evolved, what makes you think club culture wont be affected by that?

But so much is better about the scene today. Production, sound, availability of global talent, options, etc. Have the introduction of go pros and i phones really ruined clubbing for you all? A lot of things were better "Back in the day" that's the way the mind works as it grows old.

If you want to experience an old raw scene where people don't have go pros why not travel to a third world country and party in a warehouse? You do have that option, you know? those scenes are out there outside of western europe and the US. I doubt any of you are truly looking for that, and I assure you there are scenes around the world decades behind Ibiza where you can go get your raw clubbing fix. How bad do you really want that?

With all the great new evolutions in club culture and festivals, if all you jaded old guys have to whine about are people with go pros and a 9' proxy stick I think you are making out ok. Sure it was great back in the day, so was cereal and cartoons.

My point being, there are many more disrespectful things clubbers do all night to ruin your vibe then grab a video clip. And your idea of the perfect vibe isn't the only one. I prefer to be outside of a cluster f*** at a VIP table these days, I spent to many years down shoulder to shoulder in the cluster f***.

Am I ruining your party if want to grab a video from my table up on a balcony? If so, lighten the f*** up and retire.

/end thread

They might not have completely ruined it but even the professional photographers piss me off at times. I'll say it again, when I'm off my chops, i'd rather a picture or a video did not emerge of me on website which could hinder me in the future. Slim chance I know but it's a chance I'd rather not take so that some buffoon can show his pals how hard he partied from the VIP section with all those "jaded clubbers" below as you put it.....
trying to stay on topic, clubs like Space and Amnesia and Privilege frown upon taking photos/video. Just a few years ago they would force you to check your camera if they found it on you upon walking in and/or just using it in the club.

Ushuaia might allow it being a bit different feel (daytime/early evening/outdoors).

My advice - forget the gopro for anywhere club oriented as odds are low the club will be okay with its use and last thing you want to do is leave it at the door and/or have to go back to your room to drop it off. The clubs tend to get so busy it would be hard to use a selfie stick as well as you couldn't extend it without hitting other people.

So i'd say skip bringing them to the club more for pratical reasons.
I can't believe this has reached page 4 :lol:.
i don't really have an issue with a few photos / videos being taking on a camera phone from time to time.
People walking around with selfie sticks is just ridiculous though.
The most off-putting thing is people staggering about taking photos/videos on their iPhone, with the light on so it keeps blinding you.

Two girls at Tribal Seesions were doing this last night whilst chewing their faces off. I'm guessing that the resulting footage probably won't be of the best quality...
I kinda gage what is right and what is wrong in life from the opinions of people and it seems the majority of people think cameras and wan ker wands are a nuisance so it seems they are wrong and not good for clubs . You can't keep coming back with messages on why you think you are in the right in your opinion , cos obviously in your opinion you are . But the majority says you are wrong which probably means you are wrong and you really haven't got a clue .your fighting a losing battle ,so lakid please give it up you have lost the debate , period !

it seems the majority of people think cameras and wan ker wands are a nuisance But the majority says you are wrong which probably means you are wrong and you really haven't got a clue .your fighting a losing battle ,so lakid please give it up you have lost the debate , period !
Could you tell me in which forum all these guys in the above picture post in, id really like to debate a bunch of people that agree with me.

I kinda gage what is right and what is wrong in life from the opinions of people

good luck with that!;)

Could you tell me in which forum all these guys in the above picture post in, id really like to debate a bunch of people that agree with me.

good luck with that!;)

Try the Paris Hilton or Justin Bieber forums. Also, they aren't as douchey as you since they are not using a selfie stick.
Try the Paris Hilton or Justin Bieber forums. Also, they aren't as douchey as you since they are not using a selfie stick.
if you would like I can upload my videos from Detroit's movement festival over the weekend. you can see all of the douches with sticks ruining the vibe of the party at one of the most respected techno festivals in the world. I probably even have some shots of dubfire and art department filming the crowd themselves if you would like to see those you can also see how clearly the videos are getting in the way of everybody having a good time
if you would like I can upload my videos from Detroit's movement festival over the weekend. you can see all of the douches with sticks ruining the vibe of the party at one of the most respected techno festivals in the world. I probably even have some shots of dubfire and art department filming the crowd themselves if you would like to see those you can also see how clearly the videos are getting in the way of everybody having a good time

I've seen a ton of vids from Movement and have yet to see a selfie stick....so yes please upload away.
I've seen a ton of vids from Movement and have yet to see a selfie stick....so yes please upload away.

Geezus, I don't want to go on and on with you, but do you really think I would spend 3 days at movement, not spot any sticks/go pros, and then come on here and claim they were all over to win a point with some strangers on a forum I will never meet?

They were even selling them at the festival, and while I will give you that they would be more common at a festival than a club because people are more likely to carry a backpack (that is the reason I brought one) You need to get over the Paris Hilton line, it wasn't funny the first 10 times it was written. Your sacred techno scene is not above go/pros and poxy sticks.

I was there 30+ hours, and I respectfully grabbed 3 videos of about 2 minutes in total, backed up against a side wall where nobody was behind me, and then carried on dancing.

I admit, the 1 inch thick black sticks are difficult to point out (another reason I find it hard to bother you so much) and most of them are up in the bleachers where they can get the best view of the crowd and Canada in the background. However, I count at least 6 sticks risen within this 20 second video in just a small part of an enormous venue, but I promise you there were bunches throughout the festival.

And as you can clearly see a few seconds into this video everybody is secretly hating me for recording, nobody is having any fun as a result

And for all of you that couldnt make it to Detroit, courtesy of the go pro 4, Here is some more Dubfire & Robert Deitz.

And since most of the arguments here stretched beyond the poxy stick and claimed even recording ruins a vibe (Only if Paris Hilton is spinning at Ushuia of course), I figured this one will make you cringe.

Notice the crew to the bottom right smoking cigarettes and discussing their 7th grade science project! Oblivious to the fact that there is a party happening. That kind of shit bothers me!

/end thread

No matter what you say, selfie sticks are still right at the bottom of the list of things I want to see at a nightclub. They're down there next to vomit. I can accept that occasionally it's going to happen, but the world would be a better place without it.
This thread reminds me of an episode of Friends when Joey gets a manbag.

"So... do you sell these selfie sticks???"

They're a really shitty thing to take to a club - where generally speaking there is already limited space. If you think they're a necessity for you to have a good time, then you're entitled to that opinion, but you're gonna be in the minority.

Just f***in' enjoy the party for gawd's sake. You are never gonna to replicate that same experience watching back on a tiny screen, with poor quality filming on a shaky hand-held device!!! And you make everybody hate you. Why anybody who isn't at the venue in a professional capacity would want one is beyond me.

The only reason you should be at a party is to let go, dance and embrace some escapism. Not attempt to film the next Blair Watch Project!

And if you seek the opinion of others on a forum which has a particularly strong contingent of clubbers then expect the majority to voice their disgruntlement!