Girls, girls girlssss

I have to admit however by saying that without the clubs, music scene and youth culture on the island, Ibiza would just be like any other mediterranean/spanish resort:oops:
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totally disagree. like for like san an = lloret or santa eulalia = puerto soller but nothing equals ibiza as a whole. it has a very special style and atmosphere which owes nothing to house music or its followers
surely then you dont just need to go to Ibiza for your music

The town I live in has no real clubs that would play house or trance etc. Ok, you go in and you might hear one house or trance song during the whole evening but it's mostly Brithey-kinda pop and other pop-trash. One option is to drive 250 km one direction to go to the nations capital for clubbing and that's what I do like once per mont. But then again, you have a quite a big risk that you end up to a party that plays more of less bad music and you cannot just pack up and move to another club because there propably aren't any.
And if you want to relax and have fun one week listening to the music YOU LIKE, Ibiza is the best bet where to go.

Ok, there is the one possibility that I stay inside and play music by myself alone with my cat and that's hardly any fun, is it?
totally disagree. like for like san an = lloret or santa eulalia = puerto soller but nothing equals ibiza as a whole. it has a very special style and atmosphere which owes nothing to house music or its followers

I am not a house music follower nor to i go to the clubs, but even I find it hard to believe that Ibiza owes nothing to these categories of people or this scene. Im not talking about specific resorts but the island as a whole:D:?:
the special atmosphere of the island existed way before anyone thought about disco music and i find it totally different to anywhere else in the med. it's the main reason i live here when i could go elsewhere
the special atmosphere of the island existed way before anyone thought about disco music and i find it totally different to anywhere else in the med. it's the main reason i live here when i could go elsewhere

100% agree.

exactly, the romans/pheonicians, bla bla bla.......ibiza has always had that thing that you can't quite put your finger on but ensares thousands each year. more than the sum of the parts and all that.

coming here completely changed my whole outlook on what i wanted from life and i never once got that visiting other parts of spain/france/greece in similar circumstances.
Grego how can you agree that the "special atmosphere of the island existed way before anyone thought of disco music"......your not old enough for Stephen, thats a different matter:oops:
I am not a house music follower nor to i go to the clubs, but even I find it hard to believe that Ibiza owes nothing to these categories of people or this scene. Im not talking about specific resorts but the island as a whole:D:?:

Would have to agree with the point that the clubs have contributed to the Ibiza vibe.

They are the gateway, or Ellis Island, to a number of young tourists that arrive in the Island as novices each year.

Many, due to chemical influences, may not tune into the Island straight away, but a lot will catch on to the special vibe, and go in search of it when they are ready.

Much in the same way the Hippies stumbled across Ibiza on the way to Goa, many of the clubbers will stumble into the Ibiza vibe on the way to Tiesto at Privilege or Carl Cox at Space.

I know many of the young local Islanders are very proud of the image that Pacha and Space projects to the world and lends a dash of style to the Island.

The one thing that the clubs can be responsible for, is for introducing a more affluent and stylish dimension to the Island.

The clubs are the temples of Music on the Island. Music is such a vital element of our lives, without it we would be soulless. Ibiza was named after a god associated with music and music will always, always be associated with Ibiza. Wheather is kicking hard house or some guy playing the bongo drums, Ibiza will welcome it.
Very similar to my thoughts, the music scene (and all aspects on the periphery), are one of the many facets of ibiza that make it what it is ......for me anyway. The problem is for me is that ive only been visiting the island since around 1994 so i have no understanding of what it was like at a time without the music/clubbing culture.

I often wonder what it as like in the 50's, 60's or 70's:?:......i think ive digressd enough from the original topic though:oops: