Girls, girls girlssss

That's rather harsh considering he was only asking.....BUT....If you don't like music and are really ony going for beer and girls I do think you'd be better off going to Magaluf.

actually, having read it back it was a bit harsh, but yeah magaluf wud be ur best bet if ur after easy lays.
u gotta respect that honesty!

if u wanna go to Ibiza & get laid then u will- as long as u have the skills to pay the bills then u'll be all good!

It doesn't matter if u are in Magaluf or ibiza, there will be plenty of dirty slags for u to nail! :lol: :lol:
Hi all, just signed up, looking for some input,

All my mates booked up to go to Ibiza, to be honest i dont really like music, i know this will sound strange with me going to Ibiza the land of the music kings but it just doesnt really do it for me, but girls do, i love them!!!! :lol:

So anyway i plan on spending most of my holiday with the beautfiul ladies... Just wanting to know is it hard to aquire those things over there? any nice ones? or would i be better going to Magaluf with my younger brother and his mates?

Can i have a good time without going to these big clubs for the rave nights they do, and how would you suggest i go about things?

Anyone ever found love in Ibiza? got any good pulling stories?

Ladies feel free to contribute.... Peace x


u gotta respect that honesty!

if u wanna go to Ibiza & get laid then u will- as long as u have the skills to pay the bills then u'll be all good!

It doesn't matter if u are in Magaluf or ibiza, there will be plenty of dirty slags for u to nail! :lol: :lol:

Lovely man!!
I dont get why people think that lasses will have different standards because theyre in ibiza?

If theyre single and horny u could pull them in the club in ur town, so why not in ibiza when theyre even more care free?

Im sure u will have fun wherever u choose :D
I dont get why people think that lasses will have different standards because theyre in ibiza?

If theyre single and horny u could pull them in the club in ur town, so why not in ibiza when theyre even more care free?

Im sure u will have fun wherever u choose :D

:lol::lol::lol: thats the spirit .... :lol::lol::lol:
some thread this :D
Magaluf definately but Ibiza? Nooo :)

You are having a laugh mate-

Ibiza is no different to anywhere else in the world, there WILL be women there up for it.

Not every single person in Ibiza is there to discuss DJ sets or stand around in oversized shades doing the same 2 step dance as the person next to them!

Believe it or not some people do go on holiday to meet members of the opposite sex & enjoy themselves in anyway they feel like

if u take the time to meet some ladies then u will get a result- i am a man talking from experience.
:p :p
Sweet child of piousness!

Don't come to Ibiza to get laid?

couple of questions

- do you not enjoy getting laid yourself?

- have you never seen the west end?

If you answer 'no' to the above two then yes, Ibiza bad place for Horny_perv (ok an even worse name than agentu). It's like the Ibizan Daily Mail in here!

My first tour of duty involved 18-30, and a couple of naughty ladies (not at the same time alas) sourced from the west end. my only regret was that I only pulled a couple in the time there. and i'm a wiser man for it.

something for everyone & don't be so judgemental coz a young lad wants to get his end away!
Be sure to tell us all about it when you get back.

Extra cudos for pictures and trophys!!!!
If you don't like the music don't go to ibiza. I hate it when people who arent into the tunes go there and just hang around the west end. Its ruining everything we love about the island.
Ibiza is for EVERYBODY! When people start thinking that its for their own exclusive use and look down on other people for not being part of the "Club" then they are in danger of turning into a snob.

A holiday is just that. To go away and leave all your troubles behind and have a carefree fun time. This is what Ibiza has provided to generations of people down through the centuries. An oasis of freedom on a beautiful and spiritual island, where you can be what you want to be without being judged.

With reference to the ladies.....treat them as you would expect to be treated yourself. Respect, honesty with who you are, friendly, and fun to be with will always work. When on Holidays you are always entitled to some poetic licence, so don't tell them that you work in an abattoir......make it more exciting, but believable at the same time! Ladies like to be charmed......and dont they deserve it!8)
I really don't undestand why to go to Ibiza if one is not into club music. Ok, you meet people, drink and have sex and whatnot but you can do that everywhere else for much cheaper price. Going to Ibiza just for the reason that you can say that "I went to Ibiza" is kinda a weird for me. If looking for sun and pleasent times, just go to Mallorca or Canary Islands or Sunny Beach. Much cheapear and no loud bang-bang-music all the time everywhere all the time, constantly.

I met couple of guys from England last year in Amnesia and they were there with their hands in their pockets standing still and complaining that the music is way too loud and they are more into rock'n'roll and this trance-music is just so-so-so-bad. Well, I guess that they propably would've had better time in Roskilde or any other rock festival but hey, it's their money. Like who pays 50 euros to go to Cream and then complain that they don't like trance?
I really don't undestand why to go to Ibiza if one is not into club music. Ok, you meet people, drink and have sex and whatnot but you can do that everywhere else for much cheaper price. Going to Ibiza just for the reason that you can say that "I went to Ibiza" is kinda a weird for me. If looking for sun and pleasent times, just go to Mallorca or Canary Islands or Sunny Beach. Much cheapear and no loud bang-bang-music all the time everywhere all the time, constantly.

Wow.... if you think that Ibiza is just about the clubs then you really don't understand Ibiza at all.
. Much cheapear and no loud bang-bang-music all the time everywhere all the time, constantly.

yeah yeah,in portinatx or san miguel,the loud bang-bang music is you know that clubbers are not the majority of tourists in ibiza?
Wow.... if you think that Ibiza is just about the clubs then you really don't understand Ibiza at all.

Well, then again, if there would be no clubs and no club music, I propably wouldn't be going to Ibiza. Like I said, you can get all the other things from everywhere else for much cheaper. I've heard this argument that the clubs etc. isn't the main thing in Ibiza but when you hear that from mostly hardcore clubbers I really must say that most of those people would have never gone to Ibiza if there hadn't been clubs in the first place. But thein again, I'm really weird - I go music festivals and conserts mainly for the music and if I meet other people who share the same passions, it's ok. Not the other way around like it seems to be for most of the people.
Well, then again, if there would be no clubs and no club music, I propably wouldn't be going to Ibiza. Like I said, you can get all the other things from everywhere else for much cheaper. I've heard this argument that the clubs etc. isn't the main thing in Ibiza but when you hear that from mostly hardcore clubbers I really must say that most of those people would have never gone to Ibiza if there hadn't been clubs in the first place. But thein again, I'm really weird - I go music festivals and conserts mainly for the music and if I meet other people who share the same passions, it's ok. Not the other way around like it seems to be for most of the people.

i have to agree with Casper, your view of ibiza unfortunately is very narrow and limited, ive been going to ibiza for 15 years plus, but have never been to the clubs at all and you will find that the majority of visitors to the island are general tourists and not clubbers.:D
i have to agree with Casper, your view of ibiza unfortunately is very narrow and limited, ive been going to ibiza for 15 years plus, but have never been to the clubs at all and you will find that the majority of visitors to the island are general tourists and not clubbers.:D

Well, I guess it all comes down to what you are looking for, isn't it? You clearly seeks something else than me.