General Pleasures

That excited feeling you get when you see your girlfriend
That excited feeling you get when you think 'less than a week until Ibiza!'
Looking at the rain through the office window on a Friday morning, with no meetings today and a conference call having just been cancelled, knowing you'll be heading to Heathrow this afternoon for a free weekend in the sun. *smug smiley*:lol:
I'll have revenge in 7 weeks! You'll be all like "I am doing this" then I will be like *BOOM* "Ibiza for me, how'd you like those peanuts!" :lol:

Someone at work explained the "how do you like those apples" phrase to me the other day, never heard it in my life before - obviously works with peanuts too :D
I had a baked potato and medium rare porterhouse steak washed down with a tommasi ripaso. hmmm still drinking I might make a trip to the hangover club