General Annoyances - The Sequel (Family and Friends Edition)

Your housemate setting her alarm 30 mins before you (to get in the shower) and then snoozing it every 5 minutes until a minute before you are about to get in the shower and then jumping in so you have to wait grrrrrrrrrr! to be fair my mum and sister used to do this too
If Phil was posting on this thread it would go on for days!!:lol::lol::lol: I however, seem to have a bloke that's not really that annoying...

the only one that winds me up is that he hangs the washing out wrong....( but I suspect that's just my OCD kicking in when it comes to hanging things out ... :oops::oops:)

Oh and his lack of excitement for things such as planning events or holidays actually does REALLY antagonise me. He refuses to get excited in any way, shape or form until we are at said event or he is at the villa/hote, l whereas I am excited for months when arranging something or buying holiday stuff, booking flights/villa/car hire.

If Phil was posting on this thread it would go on for days!!:lol::lol::lol: I however, seem to have a bloke that's not really that annoying...

the only one that winds me up is that he hangs the washing out wrong....( but I suspect that's just my OCD kicking in when it comes to hanging things out ... :oops::oops:)

Oh and his lack of excitement for things such as planning events or holidays actually does REALLY antagonise me. He refuses to get excited in any way, shape or form until we are at said event or he is at the villa/hote, l whereas I am excited for months when arranging something or buying holiday stuff, booking flights/villa/car hire.


OMG my ex was like this I have soooo much fun planning and organising and he literally would get happy til we were there. I dont miss that in the slightest (but then he probably doesnt miss me sending him 39 emails a day in the run up asking whether we should get coach or park at airport and shall we take bath towels as well as beach towels just in case and will we be taking cds or just an ipod dock etc etc etc)
OMG my ex was like this I have soooo much fun planning and organising and he literally would get happy til we were there. I dont miss that in the slightest (but then he probably doesnt miss me sending him 39 emails a day in the run up asking whether we should get coach or park at airport and shall we take bath towels as well as beach towels just in case and will we be taking cds or just an ipod dock etc etc etc)

I know - the fun is in the planning, how many bikini's does he think I should take this year - what about shoes - how many do you think blah blah blah.... Now I just do everything myself and tell him when he's going - so much easier 8)

They sooo dont understand the importance of these choices!!!:spank:
I know - the fun is in the planning, how many bikini's does he think I should take this year - what about shoes - how many do you think blah blah blah.... Now I just do everything myself and tell him when he's going - so much easier 8)

They sooo dont understand the importance of these choices!!!:spank:

I plan things out and put it on the shelf until it is time to go. I get excited when I book for Ibiza but it is the only place. I try to not get too excited because I find it too distracting.
Your housemate setting her alarm 30 mins before you (to get in the shower) and then snoozing it every 5 minutes until a minute before you are about to get in the shower and then jumping in so you have to wait grrrrrrrrrr! to be fair my mum and sister used to do this too

Time to adjust the clock for them and give them an extra half hour of sleep. Then they can enjoy your shower time;)
the only one that winds me up is that he hangs the washing out wrong....( but I suspect that's just my OCD kicking in when it comes to hanging things out ... :oops::oops:)

I find that they generally dont hang wet washing up properly at all...but then i suppose thats the idea, so they dont have to ever do it again coz they know wel end up saying 'oh just leave it il do it' :lol:

Pegs must go underneath the arm not where peg marks can mark and show when dry :spank:
I find that they generally dont hang wet washing up properly at all...but then i suppose thats the idea, so they dont have to ever do it again coz they know wel end up saying 'oh just leave it il do it' :lol:

Pegs must go underneath the arm not where peg marks can mark and show when dry :spank:

its clearly a personal preference thingy then - I would actually sack you if you did that to my washing... :lol::lol::lol:

  • all garments must be hung inside out to dry therefore no nasty peg marks showing on outside of garment
  • trousers must be hung by the legs (folded over from bottom by 2")
  • Shirts by the 2 side seams and from the bottom
  • t shirts - from the bottom and folded over by 2" so you dont knock them out of shape
its clearly a personal preference thingy then - I would actually sack you if you did that to my washing... :lol::lol::lol:

  • all garments must be hung inside out to dry therefore no nasty peg marks showing on outside of garment
  • trousers must be hung by the legs (folded over from bottom by 2")
  • Shirts by the 2 side seams and from the bottom
  • t shirts - from the bottom and folded over by 2" so you dont knock them out of shape

You run a tight ship :lol:
its clearly a personal preference thingy then - I would actually sack you if you did that to my washing... :lol::lol::lol:

  • all garments must be hung inside out to dry therefore no nasty peg marks showing on outside of garment
  • trousers must be hung by the legs (folded over from bottom by 2")
  • Shirts by the 2 side seams and from the bottom
  • t shirts - from the bottom and folded over by 2" so you dont knock them out of shape

:eek: and i thought i was anal ;) :lol:
This is a really boring statement but dont you find your hair gets used to a certain one so if you mix it up a bit it makes it look better??? :lol:

I try and stick to the same shampoo's normally....but i hear what your saying because i find when staying at a friends house and use their shampoo etc, and it obv being diff to mine, my hair always look sooo much nicer to normal :D

How that works is beyond me :lol: