General Annoyances - The Sequel (Family and Friends Edition)

I could fill up this page re: the missus.
Not advisable though as she's been known to lurk in the past :lol:
Boyfriends - Leaving towels all over the place and never putting them back in the bathroom cupboard, never witnessed him doing this in the space of a year :spank:

1. drawers of "wires" for electrical equipment long discarded, obsolete nokia chargers, old phone handsets

2. piles of clothes (dirty) left on chairs in spare room for days festering

3. competitive recycling - who can have the smallest black bin bag on a monday morning

4. lightbulb audits, a certain spotlighter has been known to walk around house with clipboard making notes of missing bulbs


1. drawers of "wires" for electrical equipment long discarded, obsolete nokia chargers, old phone handsets

2. piles of clothes (dirty) left on chairs in spare room for days festering

3. competitive recycling - who can have the smallest black bin bag on a monday morning

4. lightbulb audits, a certain spotlighter has been known to walk around house with clipboard making notes of missing bulbs


Agree with this one, they lay about all week until the weekend
Family who plans things at the last minute and expect you to change your plans. I think not, I just say enjoy yourself. See you next time.
Agree with this one, they lay about all week until the weekend

:evil: This used to mega annoy me :evil:

We had a wash basket in the bathroom which i ended up moving into the bedroom because he never used to use it, even then once it moved, he would put his clothes on the floor NEXT to the washing bin :spank: Really ?!!!!

1. Impulse purchases, hotel hoards, resulting in a bin liners full of body lotion, and worn once pairs of shoes (that they 'forgot' they owned).
2. Shoving everything into the nearest draw. or hanging as much as they can 'Buckeroo' style on the only available hook.
3. Having 57 different varieties of Chili Sauce in various cupboards.
4. Never sweeping up after creating carnage in the kitchen. Fossilised pizza anyone?

Family who plans things at the last minute and expect you to change your plans. I think not, I just say enjoy yourself. See you next time.

Mum who wants to call around just as I have got up from a night shift or just before a late shift and thinks that I wasnt to talk babbling crap with her.