
balearic joe

Active Member
Just a quick post. I know this is untimely,and inconvenient to those of you dreaming of HiUsh this summer. But Blame it on mistress may and those slippery Torys.

As I see it, - vote Tory,get hard brexit to the point of no return. Racist, xenophobic nationalism. And general misery for the poor and working classes.

- Vote labour,get a softer brexit. Stay in the E.U. customs union and free movement of people. E.U. nationals living in the UK have nothing to fear,likewise UK national abroad. And general benefits for poor and working classes.

- lib dems. Don't be fooled by these. Tim farron is a Christian nut who thinks homosexuality is a sin,not very libreal or left wing hey. The austerity we have been living with since 2010,they were part of,if they gained enough votes playing the 48% they would jump straight back into bed with the Torys.
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Just a quick post. I know this is untimely,and inconvenient to those of you dreaming of HiUsh this summer. But Blame it on mistress may and those slippery Torys.

As I see it, - vote Tory,get hard brexit to the point of no return. Racist, xenophobic nationalism. And general misery for the poor and working classes.

- Vote labour,get a softer brexit. Stay in the E.U. customs union and free movement of people. E.U. nationals living in the UK have nothing to fear,likewise UK national abroad. And general benefits for poor and working classes.

- lib dems. Don't be fooled by these. Tim farrow is a Christian nut who thinks homosexuality is a sin,not very libreal or left wing hey. The austerity we have been living with since 2010,they were part of,if they gained enough votes playing the 48% they would jump straight back into bed with the Torys.
I like you Joe :)
I just tweeted about this - as someone living in Spain but paying into UK tax system, I'm not sure whether to vote or not

and even if I did want to vote, the options are pretty limited

My extreme misgivings about brexit are offset by my fear of a pacifist in charge of the army/security services
I think you are referring to corbyn. He's not a pacifist,but I understand where you're coming from.

he is a pacifist. he has opposed every single military strike in the middle east (which may or may not have helped avert catastrophe in Syria)

also - he opposes shoot-to-kill. now if a copper sees a terrorist going berserk in the street I'm not too sure what ELSE that copper is supposed to do....!

it all feeds the general view that he is a bit lightweight, even if some individual policies strike a chord
I just tweeted about this - as someone living in Spain but paying into UK tax system, I'm not sure whether to vote or not

and even if I did want to vote, the options are pretty limited

My extreme misgivings about brexit are offset by my fear of a pacifist in charge of the army/security services
agree re Corbyn, he's a tool. But if you have any desire to fight back against the Tory's, what other option is there ?
agree re Corbyn, he's a tool. But if you have any desire to fight back against the Tory's, what other option is there ?

the grim truth is that there isn't one. all anti-tories can do is sit back and wait for brexit and possible scottish independence and the whole catastrophe that is about to unfold - and maybe a new party will emerge from the ashes of Labour?
the grim truth is that there isn't one. all anti-tories can do is sit back and wait for brexit and possible scottish independence and the whole catastrophe that is about to unfold - and maybe a new party will emerge from the ashes of Labour?
grim indeed. not sure I'm too confident that it will all turn out alright though. hard to stay postive
I think people have yet to realise just how much is going to be lost in travel, study, work opportunities. it's the young who really lose out, which is the saddest thing of all. I'm glad I have a UK and spanish passport + DNI card, but god knows what others will do, if employment restrictions come in.
he is a pacifist. he has opposed every single military strike in the middle east (which may or may not have helped avert catastrophe in Syria)

also - he opposes shoot-to-kill. now if a copper sees a terrorist going berserk in the street I'm not too sure what ELSE that copper is supposed to do...

That doesn't make him a pacifist. The west has f***ed up the middle east enough,and I for one feel a lot safer when coppers ain't got guns, they haven't got a great track record have they.

it all feeds the general view that he is a bit lightweight

The right wing media like to play on people's fears.that's why we are,where we are.
I look forward to quoting you on that next time some nutter is walking towards you with a backpack full of explosives

Hopefully I'll still be around to read it. :)

But arming the police to the teeth doesn't solve the problem,of why said person would be walking towards me with a backpack full of explosives. Yes we need to be vigilant,but not paranoid. Just look what happened to jean Charles de menezes.

And take one look across the pond,the place is f***ed!
there's all sorts of debates to be had about why people get brainwashed but that isn't the issue here.

any national leader has massive responsibility and needs to inspire confidence

a split-second decision does not give you time to search your soul - you have to act RIGHT THEN

now if your adversaries can see that you are weak and reluctant to take split-second decisions they will naturally exploit that

Corbyn was asked on the BBC if he would authorise a hypothetical strike on a IS military facility and he started waffling about avoiding civilian casualties. He could not answer because he's hopelessly out of his depth. He's spent his whole life at peace rallies. This is why Labour MPs are tearing their hair out.
there's all sorts of debates to be had about why people get brainwashed but that isn't the issue here

No,your right.

any national leader has massive responsibility and needs to inspire confidence

a split-second decision does not give you time to search your soul - you have to act RIGHT THEN

now if your adversaries can see that you are weak and reluctant to take split-second decisions they will naturally exploit that

Corbyn was asked on the BBC if he would authorise a hypothetical strike on a IS military facility and he started waffling about avoiding civilian casualties. He could not answer because he's hopelessly out of his depth. He's spent his whole life at peace rallies. This is why Labour MPs are tearing their hair out

I think what people forget about corbyn is he is a mainstream politician,in a mainstream political party,he isn't on the far left as the right wing press would like you to believe. So I'm sure he,and the party would listen to the security services about their concerns regarding terrorism.

If he says enything other,than,i'll bomb the shit out of them,the the press jump all over him,and call him weak. The same press praises trump,for dropping the most expensive bomb in the world,on the poorest country in the world. I know who is the biggest threat to the world?
also - he opposes shoot-to-kill. now if a copper sees a terrorist going berserk in the street I'm not too sure what ELSE that copper is supposed to do....!
Seems weird to me that such a relatively trivial thing would seem to counterbalance your option against all the other more important things though.

I look forward to quoting you on that next time some nutter is walking towards you with a backpack full of explosives
Terrorism, by definition, amplifies the horror caused by relatively few deaths, while the really big killers slide under the radar. The number of people killed by terrorists is vanishingly small compared to the number of people killed by heart disease, cancer, sepsis, alcohol, and so on that kill hundreds of thousands each year and will almost certainly be what get you and me. Obsessing about terrorism and not looking at the bigger picture not only plays into the terrorists' and the Government's hands but, worse, it means that resources that would be far better spent on public heath get diverted. A well funded healthcare and education system and a more equitable society that doesn't allow millions to live in effective poverty might not grab the headlines but will save many thousands more lives than would ever be saved by relative trivialities like whether police should be allowed to shoot to kill (and that's without touching on the complexities of that particular topic!).