fukc BP and fukc that knucklehead BP-chef

Chill out - losing your sense of humour isn't going to clean up the oil spill.

Neither is policing how serious people are taking it.

Personally I'd rather channel my BP angst through sick jokes than outbursts like the above.

Sorry Robder, although you have consistently been one of my favorite posters on this board (love the rats), I beg to differ on this matter -
granted, I made that post a bit drunk (5am NY time) , hence maybe acting a bit of a punk but I was coming home from having drinks with a friend from that region (Mobile, AL) and things are quite dire indeed....
Flippant statements about cleaning up with napkins are just not funny...
neither is the anti-British attitude espoused by my (shudder) countrymen, etc.

Gimme some good BP jokes and I'll be all over it - haven't heard anything funny enough to balance this off yet.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your post, it's absolute turd.

There is alot more oil left than that, we just can't get to it yet.

The estimates are based on what we are capable of getting to right now, future technology will be capable of getting to the harder to reach stuff. Though we do need to move on to other sources of energy as we are causing irreversible (for the short term anyway, thousands of years) damage.

We need to stop raping the planet.

Absolute turd? Hmm... not really. Already it costs more to obtain a lot of our oil suppplies than their actual monetary value. Again, as I said, its mans unrelenting demand however that forces governments onward (particulary the USA) to provide that demand with a supply - and peak oil is long gone. Eventually though, it will come to a point where its just no longer feasible to pursue whats left out there - technology doesnt come into it (what? Maybe we should rip up Antarctica eh?). And yes indeed, we must invest as much as possible in alternative forms of energy now.
Just shows how little anyone knows!
Got a pension fund?
Most pension funds are stacked full of BP Stock!
since weeks stuff like this is coming up:



... weather it´s true or not - if companies like GOLDMAN SACHS and HALIBURTON
are involved then trouble, cheating, fraud etc is never far away !
good for BP -
now football-wm detracting the masses respectively the average "joe sixpack" simpletons
for the next weeks from the oil-desaster (at least in europe).

The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant
weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse.

Tony Hayward cashed in about a third of his holding in the company
one month before a well on the Deepwater Horizon rig burst,
causing an environmental disaster.

Mr Hayward, whose pay package is £4 million a year,
then paid off the mortgage on his family's mansion in Kent,
which is estimated to be valued at more than £1.2 million.

There is no suggestion that he acted improperly or had prior knowledge
that the company was to face the biggest setback in its history. :lol: :lol:

His decision, however, means he avoided losing more than £423,000
when BP's share price plunged after the oil spill began six weeks ago.

Since he disposed of 223,288 shares on March 17,
the company's share price has fallen by 30 per cent.
About £40 billion has been wiped off its total value.

The fall has caused pain not just for BP shareholders,
but also for millions of company pension funds and small investors
who have money held in tracker funds ...
Fouling up more than just the environment

The now almost two-month long and ongoing BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
is turning out to be much more than merely an environmental disaster.

It is messing up diplomatic relationships between Britain and the United States,
pitting the interests of ordinary American citizens and businesses against those
of pensioners in the UK, and causing jitters in British financial markets.

In the meantime, experts are warning that it may become Christmas
before the gushing oil well is capped.
Amid what is seen as increasing anti-British rhetoric among certain American
politicians and media, US President Barack Obama this week will give an address
to the American nation on the situation after a two-day trip to the Gulf region.
American States along the Gulf of Mexico are making increasing demands
for financial compensation from BP Plc as the massive oil spill continues
to spread along their shorelines - slamming the tourism and fishing industries ...
To date, the spill
- has closed as much as 37% of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing,
- cut offshore drilling in the nation by half,
- polluted at least 225 kilometres of shoreline from Louisiana to Florida,
- and cost BP more than $1.43bn.
As the war of words in the US intensified, British business leaders leapt to BP's defence.
Having already had its credit rating slashed from AA-plus to AA by Fitch on 3 June,
the cost of insuring BP against a potential debt default reached a level
at one point on Thursday which was as if it had junk status.
As the war of words in the US intensified, British business leaders leapt to BP's defence.
Having already had its credit rating slashed from AA-plus to AA by Fitch on 3 June,
the cost of insuring BP against a potential debt default reached a level at one point
on Thursday which was as if it had junk status.
On the American side of the equation, it has now also emerged
that US government regulators missed one-third of their required inspections
of the Deepwater Horizon in the months leading up to the disaster.
The Times also reported over the weekend that a high-level British offer of help
to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was rebuffed by America
shortly after the accident.
icebaer nailed it.....

Not one post about BP on this board since World Cup (and a boring World Cup at that... although I kind of like N. Korea, for non-political reasons- those kids are trying hard!)

I dunno, I am against BP, and Obama/US companies (same thing) but, this isn't really Britain's fault alone, in any way... in the US media, BP= Britain:

our President is NOT helping:

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unbelievable ... another pr-desaster for BP:
.. oil still spilling - and TINY " the world´s most hated azzhole" TONI
relaxing on a ****ing yacht.
someone should put that fugly rotten little bastard on an electric chair
PANAMA CITY BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Tar balls are washing ashore on the white sand of Florida's Panama City Beach. It's the farthest east that oil from the Gulf of Mexico has been reported. Forecasters say the Panhandle could experience more effects from the spill this weekend due to onshore winds. Passes to the Gulf are being closed at night to prevent oil from getting into inland waters with rising tides.

LONDON (AP) — The BP executive who angered Gulf residents by saying he wanted his "life back" is spending the day at a yacht race in England. Greenpeace says by taking part in the glitzy event, Tony Hayward is "rubbing salt into the wounds" of those whose livelihoods have been wrecked by the oil spill.
Gulf oil spill:
Boat captain, despondent over spill, commits suicide
June 23, 2010 | 11:51 am

William Allen Kruse, 55, a charter boat captain recently hired by BP
as a vessel of opportunity out of Gulf Shores, Ala.,
died Wednesday morning before 7:30 a.m. of a gunshot to the head,
likely self-inflicted, authorities said.

"He had been quite despondent about the oil crisis," said Stan Vinson,
coroner for Baldwin County, which includes Gulf Shores.

Vinson said Kruse was in good health, did not suffer from any mental illness
and was not taking psychotropic medications.

But he said it's not surprising the oil spill had weighed heavily on his mind,
as it has on many local fishermen no longer able to support themselves
with deep-sea sport fishing trips for marlin and the like, Vinson said.

"All the waters are closed.
There's no charter business anymore.
You go out on some of the beaches now, with the oil,
you can't even get in the water," Vinson said.
"It's really crippled the tourism and fishing industry here." ...
Interesting article in Rolling Stone about US Gov't response, or lack thereof to this disaster. According to the article, there are larger, deeper BP wells 150 miles away, off the coast of La. which the Government has not had any contact with since the Deepwater Horizon incident.
Anti-BP/British sentiment within the media over here is sickening, our president is actively encouraging this, crucifying BP (who in fairness should be held accountable- to a degree) and pointedly ignoring the lack of oversight/regulations on the federal government's part... the fact that the well was owned/operated by several other companies is almost never mentioned.

Long Read, so here is the link:


Is Facebook trying to silence the BP Boycott?

June 29, 2010 by Joe Newman

A few hours ago,

It's unclear why Facebook took the boycott page down.
The page's creator Lee Perkins, who goes by the moniker “Bayou Lee,”
immediately created a new page, calling it Boycott bp/Arco.

Bayou Lee wrote:
I can't believe they shut us down with no explanation.
I could not even say goodbye to my friends.
We must have been doing something right.

Bayou Lee's page was the largest of many Facebook campaigns aimed against BP
for its role in causing the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

The question many people were asking Monday night was
whether this was a deliberate effort by Facebook to silence BP's biggest critic.

Could Public Citizen, which has been calling for people to boycott BP
by taking the Beyond BP pledge, find itself in a similar situation with its Facebook page,
1,000,000 Strong to Boycott BP?
It will be interesting to see if Facebook responds and gives a reason for taking down
Bayou Lee's page, especially if his page was targeted for using the trademarked
name “BP.”
those BP-idiots fail everywhere - even @ ibiza:

Contaminated Wells

The trial of those thought to be responsible for the fuel leak from the BP petrol station
in Santa Gertrudis began last week.

Although the events date back to 2002, there are still several wells in the area
still contaminated, with the water not fit for human consumption.
As far as the defendants are concerned, there had never been a problem
before September, when they found that the tank, which should have contained
2,000 litres of 98 octane fuel, was completely empty.
According to one of the people on trial, the tanks were supposed to be made
from stainless steel, but in fact, were made from fibreglass, which can easily break
if not installed correctly.
However, they said the tank was promptly fixed and the station continued to function.

According to one of the local residents whose well was affected “the company
offered to supply us with free water if we did not lodge official complaints
against them, although they denied liability”.

Another of the people involved used to sell water as a business,
but had to close as the water was not drinkable.
Another of the locals affected claimed he had been looking to commence
growing ecological products, but had to shelve the project
because of a lack of suitable water.

The administrator of Hidrotechnik, owner of the petrol station, the manager,
the company representative and the person responsible for the building project
could all face jail sentences, although such severe charges against the latter
were dropped during the first week of the trial.
The manager of the shop claimed just 2,000 litres leaked from the damaged tank,
although the Balearic Government has collected around 30,000 litres,
claiming there were around 12,000 more still to be gathered.
She continued that the alarm which warns of leaks went off just once,
and they did not turn it off, as they had been accused of doing by one
of the neighbours who went to the petrol station to complain
that his water tasted of fuel.

The trial will conclude this week.
those BP-idiots fail everywhere - even @ ibiza:

Contaminated Wells

The trial of those thought to be responsible for the fuel leak from the BP petrol station
in Santa Gertrudis began last week.

Although the events date back to 2002, there are still several wells in the area
still contaminated, with the water not fit for human consumption.
As far as the defendants are concerned, there had never been a problem
before September, when they found that the tank, which should have contained
2,000 litres of 98 octane fuel, was completely empty.
According to one of the people on trial, the tanks were supposed to be made
from stainless steel, but in fact, were made from fibreglass, which can easily break
if not installed correctly.
However, they said the tank was promptly fixed and the station continued to function.

According to one of the local residents whose well was affected “the company
offered to supply us with free water if we did not lodge official complaints
against them, although they denied liability”.

Another of the people involved used to sell water as a business,
but had to close as the water was not drinkable.
Another of the locals affected claimed he had been looking to commence
growing ecological products, but had to shelve the project
because of a lack of suitable water.

The administrator of Hidrotechnik, owner of the petrol station, the manager,
the company representative and the person responsible for the building project
could all face jail sentences, although such severe charges against the latter
were dropped during the first week of the trial.
The manager of the shop claimed just 2,000 litres leaked from the damaged tank,
although the Balearic Government has collected around 30,000 litres,
claiming there were around 12,000 more still to be gathered.
She continued that the alarm which warns of leaks went off just once,
and they did not turn it off, as they had been accused of doing by one
of the neighbours who went to the petrol station to complain
that his water tasted of fuel.

The trial will conclude this week.

where's the yawn icon?

you have a society addicted to oil use & public companies with an obligation to deliver as efficient a service as poss & increase profits in charge of getting it.

always going to be conflict in the priorities, always going to accidents. demonising someone for taking a day off or whatever you read in the tabloids is somewhat missing the point.