fukc BP and fukc that knucklehead BP-chef

Yes, F*ck BP, but F*ck all those companies:

I'm curious as to what British people think, as BP is apparently a huge holder of pensions/etc. - and some 'pundits' are using this as Obama disrespecting the British, yet again (roll eyes)

New Orleans is my favorite city, I've been to the region each year since Katrina to assist them in rebuilding, I am dreading my annual trip to N.O/Mobile...

devil's advocate though, where does that leave us???? no more cheap flights to Ibiza/anywhere, to start.

I don't own a car, ride my bike everywhere possible (or take public transport) but I am guilty of several 'long-haul' flights a year, even my taxi use takes more fuel than owning a '69 Z28...

radium batteries have destroyed regions of south america through strip mining, so electric cars are nowhere...

are we completely f*cked???

* also, it is not just BP, also 'Transocean' and 'Haliburton' (remember them from the last 2 wars) that are responsible for this, at least BP stepped up to the plate.

- ugh seeing those pictures again, though- and knowing the slick has already hit florida, possibly will be up entire coast to CONEY F*CKING ISLAND by Summer's end- brrr...
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thought for the day....

did you know when you walk on the beach and get those really annoying blobs of oil on the bottom of your feet, the best way to get rid of them is with olive oil on a napkin! cleans it off straight away!

this and more fantastic tips can be found out when getting into deep conversations with random people on beaches around the globe.
and a big F*CK you too, mr. vodka - have a look at post # 14...
this is not a laughing matter.
Did I say it was a laughing matter?

I put it on here as it does in fact work. I dont know how or why but as a useful tip i thought it was worth mentioning
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Did I say it was a laughing matter?

I put it on her as it does in fact work. I dont know how or why but as a useful tip i thought it was worth mentioning

right, great tip.. that napkin and olive oil will really help the BP/Transocean/Haliburton spill - how may napkins to clean a pelican???
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this is not a laughing matter.

Chill out - losing your sense of humour isn't going to clean up the oil spill.

Neither is policing how serious people are taking it.

Personally I'd rather channel my BP angst through sick jokes than outbursts like the above.
Chill out - losing your sense of humour isn't going to clean up the oil spill.

Neither is policing how serious people are taking it.

Personally I'd rather channel my BP angst through sick jokes than outbursts like the above.

well said!

but for the record....it does work and I am sure anybody who has been on Talamanca beach over the past few years (especially after that boat sank) will appreciate that it can be a pain getting oil all over your feet. If you don't want to use olive oil to clean it off then its your call. end of!
right, great tip.. that napkin and olive oil will really help the BP/Transocean/Haliburton spill - how may napkins to clean a pelican???

You'd probably be better off hosing it down first, napkins aren't cheap these days. Nor is olive oil for that matter.
Ah well, give it 50years and there wont be any oil left on planet Earth to spill anyway.

But hasnt it always been mans preogative to rape and pillage the planet? De-forestation, ozone depletion, air pollution, river pollution, a trillion tonnes of garbage created every year, over fishing, chernobyl, global warming due to emissions....blah, blah, blah. The oil thing is just another kick in the balls for our world. The Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 poured 250,000 barrels into the sea. They reckon the effect of that will take 30 years for the area around Alaska to recover. But its all very easy to sit back with a smug grin and a pointing finger when something like this happens, but its because of mans unrelenting demand for oil that these things occur. The end is certainly coming though. This Doc seems to hit the nail on the head: http://www.oilcrashmovie.com/film.html

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0776794/

Anyone interested in seeing that Doc btw should be able to find it in all the usual download places :)
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AP journalist dives into Gulf, can see only oil

I jump off the boat into the thickest, reddest patch of oil I've ever seen.
I open my eyes and realize my mask is already smeared.
By Rich Matthews / The Associated Press

Blobs of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill are seen from an underwater vantage
Monday some 40 miles out into the Gulf of Mexico.

Photographer Rich Matthews takes a closer look at oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill
in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, La.

I jump off the boat into the thickest,
reddest patch of oil I've ever seen.
I open my eyes and realize my mask is already smeared.
I can't see anything five seconds into the dive.

Dropping beneath the surface with an oxygen tank some 40 miles out
into the Gulf of Mexico, the only thing I see is oil.
To the left, right, up and down — it sits on top of the water in giant pools
and hangs suspended 15 feet below in softball-size blobs.
Nothing is alive under the slick,
although I see a dead jellyfish and a handful of small bait fish.

I'm alone because other divers wouldn't get in the water without Hazmat suits.
With my mask oiled over and the water already dark, I don't dive deep.

It's quiet and scary, with extremely low visibility.
I spend just 10 minutes taking pictures, taking video.
I want people to see the spill in a new way.

I also want to get out of the water.

I make my way to the back of the boat unaware of how covered I am.
I probably look a little like one of those poor pelicans we've been seeing for days.

The oil is thick and sticky, almost like cake batter.
It does not wipe off. You have to scrape it off, in layers, until you get close to the skin.
Then you pour on some Dawn dish-washing soap and scrub.

I think to myself:
No fish, no bird, no turtle would be able to clean this off.
If any animal were to end up in this same puddle,
there is almost no way it could escape.

The cleaning process goes on for half an hour before the captain will let me back
in the boat. I'm clean, so I stand up.

But the bottoms of my feet still have oil, and I fall back in the water.
The process starts again.

Another 30 minutes of cleaning, and I'm ready to step into the boat.

(Matthews is certified with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
He has been diving for about 10 years and has about 50 dives to depths of 120 feet.)
Ah well, give it 50years and there wont be any oil left on planet Earth to spill anyway.

But hasnt it always been mans preogative to rape and pillage the planet? De-forestation, ozone depletion, air pollution, river pollution, a trillion tonnes of garbage created every year, over fishing, chernobyl, global warming due to emissions....blah, blah, blah. The oil thing is just another kick in the balls for our world. The Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 poured 250,000 barrels into the sea. They reckon the effect of that will take 30 years for the area around Alaska to recover. But its all very easy to sit back with a smug grin and a pointing finger when something like this happens, but its because of mans unrelenting demand for oil that these things occur. The end is certainly coming though. This Doc seems to hit the nail on the head: http://www.oilcrashmovie.com/film.html

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0776794/

Anyone interested in seeing that Doc btw should be able to find it in all the usual download places :)

Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your post, it's absolute turd.

There is alot more oil left than that, we just can't get to it yet.

The estimates are based on what we are capable of getting to right now, future technology will be capable of getting to the harder to reach stuff. Though we do need to move on to other sources of energy as we are causing irreversible (for the short term anyway, thousands of years) damage.

We need to stop raping the planet.