fukc BP and fukc that knucklehead BP-chef



Sure, an estimated 5,000 barrels a day of oil Â*-- perhaps much more --
have been spewing into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon sank.

And yes, more than half a million gallons of chemical dispersant
have been dumped into the Gulf of Mexico.

Yet it's important to keep things in perspective,
BP CEO told Britain's Guardian newspaper last week.

The gulf "is a very big ocean," Tony Hayward said.
And "the amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it
is tiny in relation to the total water volume."
The more money the corporates make, the less they have to take responsibility for anything around them and see who they really are.


The more money the corporates make, the less they have to take responsibility for anything around them and see who they really are.


Yes Robder, they are bad, bad men.

Or, are they? These huge companies create jobs, reduce the prices of...ooh, let's say 'petrol' not to mention making it available in the first place...

Will there be scandal and wrong doings with these 'huge companys'?...but of course..and I'll tell you why..

The human mind, body and spirit, are...just that..human. And like everyone, CEO's, senior management and the thousands of people involved in 'huge companies' not only have families to feed and resources to offer the world, they are just like you and me...human, with appetite for growth...but unfortunately for destruction also.

Take for example the oil spill.

While you Robder, and many people like you, are tut tutting these 'huge companies' for causing an unpleasant (but..and here's the thing...not 'world altering') event we are all smoking away, driving our cars, using up fossil fuels etc. causing 'world altering events' like global warning, melting of the ice caps...in short, altering the future for us and our (if applicable) future generation.

Simple tasks like recycling, cycling to work, car sharing I agree won't turn back the clock, but when you apply the effects of not doing these things on a 'huge' scale you are endangering our planet more than our friends (and yes, I think you would agree that next time you stop at a BP garage, which will be soon....) who are trying to clean up a bit of spilt milk.

Bye for now.
And then a Plane takes off and you needn't have bothered.

Seriously, what a load of tripe.

Comparing global warming to an oil spill, get real. Sure both effect the planet but please don't try to compare me using inefficient lightbulbs and filling my kettle up to much, with a company pouring tonnes of oil in to the sea.

Oh and the Catholic church 'create's jobs' too, so I supose that makes the paedophilia ok? Just because a company employs thousands it doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable for monumental **** up's.

Now, back to your desk MrSecutary and tell Mr Chef to go **** himself.

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Ah, ignorance is bliss isn't it Spike.

Think about the reasons these businesses are so huge in the first place...the onus is on us - the individual - whether you like it or not my friend
more+more oil showing up at (us)coasts:



(spiegel/"... brown pelican is mired in heavy oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island
along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010 ...")

**** these felonious b(p)astards
Scientist Awed by Size, Density of Undersea Oil Plume in Gulf

"It's an infusion of oil and gas unlike anything else
that has ever been seen anywhere, certainly in human history,"
said Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia.

"The primary producers -- the base of the food web in the ocean --
is going to be altered.
There's no doubt about that," Joye said.

"We have no idea what dispersants are going to do to microorganisms.
We know they are toxic to many larvae.
It's impossible to know what the impacts are going to be.

A Lawyer is currently trying to convince the UN to recognise the charge of "ecocide". This has been going on a while, pre Deepwater Horizon.


I hope he succeeds. This isn't about simple supply and demand, it's about corporate irresponsibility, cutting corners and taking unwarranted risks.

Re: Deepwater Horizon, in my opinion the US government officials who signed off the permission for BP to use cheaper sub standard designs, despite knowing it contravened the agreed safety standards should be held criminally accountable.
I don't know whether you've seen this in your countries, but BP posted an ad in the papers here in Holland and it says:

SORRY* (and then waffles on)

*But YOU wanted cheap oil. The cheek of it :evil:
