Friday the 13th Weekend Plans

Well - how was it ?
Quite frankly, one of the best weekends in the history of man 8)

Carl Craig, Leftfield, Jamie Jones all rocked in on Friday. Turned out the secret location for the 3 parties was a single venue - an old disused factory. They switched stages for the first two parts, then opened up the roof for Jones & Lee Voss. Great party....

But the Midsummer Night's Dream party on Saturday was, without a doubt, one of the best events I have ever been to anywhere, anytime :!: The setting was the grounds of an 18th century estate about 20km outside of town. Yello, Orbital, the DJs - amazing. Everyone dressed up as fairies, elves, etc... some amazing costumes. People really went all-out. Different venues out in the woods all over the territory. Unadvisedly cheap glasses of prosecco. Unbelievably friendly atmosphere. Tons of interesting random conversations. People helping each other out with transportation. Morning after-party in one of the buildings.... jeez, I could go on, and I have, but it was really that good.

Still recovering. Bailed out of work an hour early today as I just couldn't sit there anymore. Tried/failed to take a nap. Sipping a bloody mary now in the hope of recovering.
^^ Wicked ! That Midsummer Night's Dream thing sounds brilliant.

Had a great weekend - London was absolutely jumping 8). Forgive me for going on a bit but really felt these parties deserved a bit more write-up than a 1-liner.

Friday ...

Began with another incredible night at World Unknown in Brixton after meeting up with Minimarc and his gf Helen outside for a few much needed drinks ! I haven't made it for a couple of months and quite a shock to see how popular it's getting :eek:.

Despite this, and Andy Blake coming out several times personally to help keep the queue of members and non-members calm (everyone was very well behaved - always a really nice crowd and members weren't pushing for priority entrance which says everything .. each person treated equally here 8)8)8)), managed to get in at something pushing 2am if memory serves after a long wait.

Straight upstairs and hardly left the dancefloor all night till last tune of the night close at 6.15am :p

William Orbit – Water from a vine leaf (Underwater Mix Part 1)

... except to pee and nip back to the car with Minimarc so they could get their stuff a bit after 4am.

My post on the vests thread kind of says it all ... ;)

... other stuff played you hardly ever hear anywhere else included these little bombs :

Aides Hidding – Hollywood Seven

La Tour – Blue

Tullio de Piscopo – Stop Bajon

Fuzzy Logic – Obsession (The Quantum Loop Mix)

along with some real energy techno tracks I couldn't ‘spot' ... was far too busy “having it” to ask Andy or Joe the IDs. Was feeling very rough before going out on Friday with an incoming ‘manflu' and felt on top of the world by the time I got home late Saturday morning after a night in the ‘Sauna'... for some inexplicable reason, I always do :confused:.

Saturday ...

Decided to go for it and do Saturday as well – some friends were in town I haven't seen in ages and promised to meet up later. Started off with a mission to London Pleasure Gardens to catch up with the Art of Dark crew at their 1st birthday, which I think is the 2nd party they've opened up to free ticket sales since starting the night.

Hadn't planned to go for sure, had no ticket and knew it was going well when I couldn't raise any of them on the mobile or any other way :lol:. Missed the afternoon marquee but arrived a bit after 10pm - after somehow managing to find a parking spot opposite. The door people were impossible and pushing back anyone without a ticket, saying unless I could raise the promoters on the phone and they came out I wasn't getting in :(. It's a long way to go not to succeed and the AoD crew were (rightly) all too busy in the thick of it to take blo*dy calls from the door !

Eventually persuaded security I was on GL (hadn't asked to be), was escorted to the desk to verify expecting to be “removed” :oops: and blown away to spot my name actually on there anyway. Seriously nice of them – was a bit stunned tbh :confused: but 8). When I got through the barriers, people were just finishing moving in to the night-time venue – the giant “Fererro Rocher” which had their logo projected on it in lights.


The security guys from LPG looked actually genuinely gutted people were staying on and were making remarks like “it's nowhere near at capacity” and “if you can really be bothered” etc. Quite bizarre. :confused:

When I got inside I was totally blown away :p. The setup was incredible, the sound system 10/10, great visuals, a really warm and happy vibe on the floor and their boys Ian Kemz and Charlie Dave Kent were spinning infectious groovy tech-house gems.



The message in lights above the bar pretty much said it all ..


Went over to the DJ area, which was set well behind crowd control barriers, and met up with Colin Chiddle, one of the founders. Was immediately handed a beer. Jack Michaels & Dan Perrin came down to say hi and hauled me up onto the platform to check out the setup and the view. It was absolutely amazing. I cannot believe they've come as far as they have in a year. Honestly some of the nicest, most clued-in and genuine people in the industry. All about the music and vibe - never about making profits.

Jack Michaels and Colin Chiddle having a ball ...


Stayed as long as I possibly could and went back out into the crowd to check the atmosphere (great ! :twisted:) – the vibe was as good as you'll get anywhere and the venue ridiculously cool – loads of people but plenty of space to dance - really wished I could have stayed to close :x. I understand they got “interfered with” by the authorities at 4am over sound issues, which caused problems with Hector's set - but other than that it's clear it was an amazing event.

However, I had to go meet my friends who would never get into LPG now :( – was sold out and the door just wouldn't have it or grant me a re-entry. So off to Angel to collect them and on to Jaded Warehouse Party at The Sidings (new warehouse space). Queued till 2am to get in on GL :x. Gaah. 3 arches, proper toilets, Bars were great, so were visuals and a really good effort all in all :p.

Only problem was access into/out of main Arch to get to loos / smoking area was in the middle of the arch (thoroughfare) and was very crowded in front and behind of this. So nowhere comfortable to stay. Arch 2 was ace (Baby Ford & Matador LIVE hosted by Rejam 8)8)8)) and space to dance so was in there a lot, but Marc Romboy was doing the business in Arch 1 too :p.


Smoking terrace :)


When Adam Beyer came on the place was on fire :D but by now you couldn't even get your arm above your head and we left before 4.30am. Moved on to Fabric intending to catch Superfreq peak time but knocked back at 5.03am (last entry is 5) :evil: so wound up at Cable. Suffice to say Adam Beyer did a 6 hour after-hours set in there on Sunday morning:twisted::p:twisted:. My mates couldn't last the course unfortunately :evil: and I decided to pull out to see them back to their pad in Camden :rolleyes: – again walking out on an amazing party. Did wonder whether I would have been better off on my own :confused: !

Chest was now 100% intolerant of any cold or wind after queueing in the freezing British Summer outside The Sidings earlier so went home to start the long wind-down. All in all, a fantastic effort from London. Restored my faith enormously after some recent very meh experiences ! 8).
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bloody hell mate! didnt realise you went to all those parties as well! friday was pretty much enough for us! stayed in saturday n cooked a cottage pie = rock n roll
@kimayi (and everone else interested) re innervisions at we love - yes they were really good again! the innervisions showcase at the opening was a tad better in my very humble opinion, but it was still really really good!