Films involving/about ibiza

I'm really holding out for White Lines' second season, but I don't know... They might not make it. Pina could also do more with any one of the cast from Money Heist and make any number of spinoffs. That wasn't Ibiza though.
Just watched the film/doc : off the record by Laurent Garnier ! I highly recommended , loved it . From the early 80’s to now , the history of house and techno music !
It doesn’t premiere til Friday?
I don’t really know , I watched on the belgium tv tonight for free , it surprised me when a friend told me this afternoon that the movie will be release on a normal tv channel tbh , was more looking to go watching it in a small no commercial cinema , I think that it was the 1st plan of Laurent but as the cinema are closed ...
well the movie is in French although Laurent talk 80% of the time in English , so I guess it get release in his "original version " first for French speaking country ( France , Belgium , Switzerland and so on ) and then in English for the world ( well it’s normally the way for most movie so I guess it’s the case )
Watching 'High: confessions of an Ibiza Drugs mule' on BBC iplayer, about the Irish girl who got caught smuggling from Peru in 2013.

She's telling her own story and its been interesting so far about how a holiday turned into wanting to stay and then desperately needing money to keep that lifestyle going...still absolutely stupid decision making of course tho!
Watching 'High: confessions of an Ibiza Drugs mule' on BBC iplayer, about the Irish girl who got caught smuggling from Peru in 2013.

She's telling her own story and its been interesting so far about how a holiday turned into wanting to stay and then desperately needing money to keep that lifestyle going...still absolutely stupid decision making of course tho!
Just about to start this
Watching 'High: confessions of an Ibiza Drugs mule' on BBC iplayer, about the Irish girl who got caught smuggling from Peru in 2013.

She's telling her own story and its been interesting so far about how a holiday turned into wanting to stay and then desperately needing money to keep that lifestyle going...still absolutely stupid decision making of course tho!

watched first episode last night but that’s all i could take for a mon. Getting the lass full of acid then sending her on a plane the next morning wtf:confused:
Off her tits?

watched first episode last night but that’s all i could take for a mon. Getting the lass full of acid then sending her on a plane the next morning wtf:confused:

Some very dodgy people about. She is very gullable though, she says she never even left Ireland before going to Ibiza, upbringing was very traditional something about Nuns coming to the school etc. Can see why people like that will be easy prey on the island. The confidence of 'Mateo' that everything would be ok then fools her after the drugs wear off.

Love the place of course but you've still got to have your wits about you.
The other shocking thing was she agreed to do it for £5k! Even at 2013 prices that would have paid for what 2/3months rent in San An? Even for the small amount she originally thought she was popping to Barcelona for that is stupid.
I’m only two episodes in but it’ll be hard to beat this line :

“This was officially the worst comedown ever. All alone in South America just a week past my 20th birthday. One thing was certain, I wasn’t doing acid again.”

Personally I would have maybe left that acid bit for the final line in the last episode as she walks off into the distance.