Facebook FAILS

My theatre friend somehow added himself to the group for my business. He just doesn't get what I do and so, he hasn't yet but I can just see him gaying the **** out of it.
I'm waiting for one promotional slip from him then BOOYA! block.

One ****ing nard wanted to get involved, so I said yeah. Turns out he's a all talk no action type guy so I just, stopped getting him involved. I had a "If I dont speak to you frequently in real life your gone" phaze so deleted him. I never seen such a pathetic **** try to get on my face book so many times and I couldn't figure out how to block him. It was pathetic. He wanted to be involved in EVERY gig I did. Even the birthdays and ****. "Why can't we do them together? Why can't I come?" what the **** man?

Even now. I want to say something about someone from work on facebook to people I socialise with and all tho he's not on my list I can't because I know he probably visits my profile everyday to get a deeper insight into my life outside work because he's pissed off that I don't hang out with him where as, other friends from work I do, because, they're friends. He's not, he's just a ****.

I've had to privitise it all. I don't have my myspace page on my business cards because, theres just too much ****. Even on the internet you have to keep every aspect of your life finely catagorised and seperated because people are so ****ing whingey about everything that if they see one aspect of your life that they didn't know about they crack the ****ing sads because they feel they have a right to know EVERYTHING.

By the way. The ****ing idiot from work said 'LOL' to me in speech today. ... Avoid those ****s. Destroy them when possible.
not enough swearing inside -
you can do so much better normally :lol:
the worst thing of all is your MUM trying to add you as a friend 8O If you accept, she's gets to see your dirty linen (all those bug-eyed pictures from nights out... *shudder*), If you refuse, she asks why... so I just ignored it and told her I never go on..

This is worse... my Dad added me so in the end I changed my name so he wouldn't find me now here is the bad bit... my daughter added me and some of her school friends have also sent a request 8O
This is worse... my Dad added me so in the end I changed my name so he wouldn't find me now here is the bad bit... my daughter added me and some of her school friends have also sent a request 8O

Ummmm here's an idea. .. Why don't you just not upload pictures of yourself you don't want people to see?
no it doesn't. I spose you can't always avoid it. For example, i did a gig for my friends friend and she uploaded pictures to his profile that I was in which, I didn't even know were taken and well, I look like a meth addict. But no one knows its me so its ok. :D
the world´s most annoying tools/fools have a myspace-account ...
You all crack me up! The way I solved my problem was by deleting the annoying long lost friend. I was amused when I found him, but clearly some people don't change even after 20 years...I remembered then what a douchebag he was/is and went ahead & deleted him.
I just wonder how we'd all be if Facebook would have ben around 20 years ago? 8O
Facebook FAILS ?
... best example of a failure is the ibizaspotlight-failbook-site:
the only info you can find there (under "discusssion") is a ...


... which actually says how much ibizaspolight sucks .
author of that "warning" is that weirdo-hannah :lol:
There's a family rift which will never heal...

Jesus karma will take care of that Chris! I'm mortified for her. 8O